Chris Ash Game Week Press Conference - Morgan State

When asked about pass interference calls, Coach says "that doesn't bother me"? Really?
When asked about pass interference calls, Coach says "that doesn't bother me"? Really?
You are taking that comment out of context and missing Ash's point. Nobody, including Ash, is happy that we got some pass interference calls. But Ash recognizes, as do most experienced fans, that the aggressive style of pass coverage we play is going to mean we get pass interference calls sometimes.
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Our DBs blanketing receivers but not looking back to make a play on the ball is what leads to PI calls on us.
Our DBs blanketing receivers but not looking back to make a play on the ball is what leads to PI calls on us.
Unlike the Schiano days, where it seemed our DBs were taught to never turn and look for the ball, Ash stated that our DBs are coached to turn at some point in certain cases. What's unclear is the circumstances in which they should do so and I doubt Ash will get into that sort of detail in press conference.

I've seen plenty of DBs turn and still get called for interference when playing tight man coverage. Ash coached OSU's defense (and secondary) to a championship so I'm guessing he has some insight into a winning technique to use.
Morgan St is confident
We are going to destroy Morgan State. I rarely make such statements about games, but this one is an easy call.

The only question is how we look doing it. If, after the first couple series, we struggle at all on either side of the ball, well, that would be a bad sign.
Most boring coach in America! Tighter than a drum. My wife was at the Lady Knights clinic the first year he was hired. She asked him, "Congrats, this must be your dream job?" Mr. personality comes back with, "I've had a lot of dream jobs." We R in huge trouble with this guy. Depressing
If the run game isn't working, hit a couple more passes and the game results will be totally different.
Most boring coach in America! Tighter than a drum. My wife was at the Lady Knights clinic the first year he was hired. She asked him, "Congrats, this must be your dream job?" Mr. personality comes back with, "I've had a lot of dream jobs." We R in huge trouble with this guy. Depressing
I don't think this is his dream job. One day it may be, when top players want to come and Rutgers is consistently in the top 25.