Chris Laviano to transfer

Pretty classy statement. Playing for RU the past few years was not necessarily an enviable position. Shoot it's had to be tough-7 O Coordinators in 7 years-that a LOT of adjusting-each time.
Like Savage may not had the best O-Line(s) to maximize his abilities. When you have the prior (I'm no expert) but that seems to require the most mobile QB possible. Shoot even Rettig "R Savior" didn't really even get a shot.

Laviano's graduating so he's had success based on that alone.
He's also had success and beaten out many QBs. There's no reason he can't build upon his success in another program-and who knows-maybe like Savage he flourishes elsewhere though he's forever a scarlet Knight!
Good Luck, Chris!
This should firm up the commitment from QB Lewis.
He has a real opportunity to see playing time with RU in the Fall.
His competition is now Gio and Oden.
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Good luck Chris! I always like him and believed he would break out and become a top QB. He never backed down and gave a great effort.
Good luck to Chris. Thanks for being a Scarlet Knight, you'll always be part of the family.
Well ,at least he took the high road,lots of praise for Ash and the strength coaches..and even Flood. He had a one liner for Merhenger,which is nice way to go,instead of bashing him. Once Laviano got benched they didnt have a good relationship,and Laviano took a full time seat on the bench..
Good look Chris wherever you go..
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I never questioned his effort. By all accounts, he gave 100%.

Yeah some of his personality nuances deserve some scrutiny, but his current attitude seems to be exactly where it needs to be at this time in his life.

His low productivity can be explained by the perfect storm of poor fit, poor timing, and lack of support that surrounded his tenure here.

Good on you, Chris, for taking the high road and continuing to work hard through the adversity.

That mindset will serve you well, on and off the field.

Best of luck!
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Good Luck Chris! In life we are dealt with many tribulations. You either beat them or they beat you! I believe you are a warrior and will do just fine in life. Thanks for the extreme effort!
That's one hell of a letter. Been a little hard on Chris, no doubt, but gotta give him MAJOR KUDOS for sitting down and putting his thoughts out there as such. [thumb2]
That's one hell of a letter. Been a little hard on Chris, no doubt, but gotta give him MAJOR KUDOS for sitting down and putting his thoughts out there as such. [thumb2]
From what I read, it was not a letter. It was Chris, speaking off the cuff and from the heart. Nowhere to hide, no time to edit. Makes it way more impressive.
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From what I read, it was not a letter. It was Chris, speaking off the cuff and from the heart. Nowhere to hide, no time to edit. Makes it way more impressive.

Oh okay thought I saw "letter" somewhere but spot-on if so!
From what I read, it was not a letter. It was Chris, speaking off the cuff and from the heart. Nowhere to hide, no time to edit. Makes it way more impressive.
That is quite and impressive "speech" from a 22 year old man who got benched. Admitted he was pissed initially, stayed on board, accepted his new role and was a team player.
He sounds like the type who didn't get a lot of bouquets and accolades as a player but can end up a really good coach with a long career