Just looked at change in the total number of applicants? ? really a very broad and crude metric because so many factors enter into the picture - like how the University may have changed course offerings or added/eliminated majors ... or simply how expensive the application is - or - how much extra work a prospective student has to do to complete the application - some schools accept the 'common app' and to add that school to the list of places that you apply to - just requires you to put an 'x' in a box and pay the fee .
Note the decrease in number of applicants that Boston College experienced when they increased the effort required to submit an application -
"Applications reached an all-time high in 2012, when about 34,000 students applied. The next year, after the University introduced a supplementary essay to the Common Application, applications dropped 28 percent, to just under 24,500."
So between 2012 and 2013 BC saw a 28% decline in total applicants - out of context, this could seem shocking - but upon examination, it is not earthshattering
BC reduced the number of applications that they had to process - but probably did not reduce the number of highly interested prospects
... however their "selectiveness " statistic took a hit ....
- - which is a bit of a so-what because the simplistic 'selectiveness' figure ( percent of applicants accepted) is also a terribly crude and often pointless metric.