Corey Sanders - Recent BB Highlights


Hall of Famer
Gold Member
Jul 31, 2011
This is Not quite the high level of talent you would see at your local LA Fitness but, it Looks like an organized league with the matching uniforms.

I know he was trying to catch on with a G League team. As expected, he looks really quick and handles well.

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Looks like he has been in the weight room. Best of luck to him, whether here or in a foreign league.
I think Corey will still get a shot one of these days. He’s too explosive not to.
Corey looks awesome and quick and his handle has gotten tighter. This is probably his big chance to catch the eye of some NBA scout because I am pretty sure he can handle the rigors and speed of the NBA. Corey can also play defense which is a plus. Wishing him good luck because making somebody’s roster always takes a little luck.
I agree GRFIG. Going left was not the thing holding him back. Consistent shooting, finding teammates, and work ethic all needed mass improvements too