Basketball Dylan Harper's heroics gives Rutgers 66-63 victory against Seton Hall

The broadcast is quite literally complimenting the refs for swallowing the whistle in SHUs favor while complaining when travels are called in favor of RU.
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Our offense works best with Derkack getting the pass at the foul line. He's the only one that can pivot face the basket & either hit opposite or kick out. To me that should be a position Martini should OWN.
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are these announcers outwardly rooting for SHU or is it just me?
Ya I tried to sync our radio crew but they were ahead of TV. This is so bad. They have said good things about Harper and Bailey but how can you not? Terrible overall
Ref clown show. Where is the Penn state fan lion something to tell us how many final fours this crew has done?
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