Bob Newman: You can't ask a fan base to donate and attend if it's clear the leader is ambivalent.
#Rutgers fans deserve and should demand better. It is time for Bob Barchi to lead. To lead more than a med school merger. To lead more than the development of a strategic plan and a physical master plan. It's time for Bob Barchi to say, Rutgers is in the Big Ten
with its rightful peers and to be
an equal player with them in all areas.
I have been saying for a long time and couldn't agree more. The charter of the BIG 10 says members will strive for excellence in both Academics and athletics. We can do both, and Rutgers must show leadership, make donors partners in their plans and Help with some financing so they don't feel like they have more commitment than Rutgers does. We simply can not just sit back and just take the BIG payments without having a commitment.
It's time for Barchi to step up.