Football! Practice 7- Goodale Lectures and Observations

Knight Shift

May 19, 2011
Jersey Shore

"You don't get a lot of respect in this program, do you?" Ash asked his team Thursday morning during a pre-practice speech laced with colorful language.

Ash then relinquished the platform to Rutgers wrestling coach Scott Goodale, a former offensive coordinator coach at Jackson Memorial High School.

-- Quarterback Hayden Rettig, who operated the second-team offense during Saturday's scrimmage, monopolized all the reps seen by the media during a 9-on-9 inside run drill where the quarterback hands off from the shotgun. Rettig also got reps with the starters during Tuesday's practice.

-- In a drill designed to have quarterbacks throw fade routes to the back corner of the end zone, the catch of the day went to sophomore wide receiver Dontae Owens, who juggled the ball at first but kept his concentration. John Tsimis made his every practice one-handed catch over the middle.

-- Desmon Peoples, who led the team in rushing in 2014 but missed all of last season due to a concussion, continues to be absent from practice.
Hopefully things are progressing well. It sounds like that is the case.
I'm curios if CA thinks the talent level is better, worse or where he thought it would be.

I was thinking exactly the same thing the other day but came to the conclusion that we aren't going to get a real answer if he is asked simply because I doubt he would say it was worse than he thought only because he wouldn't want to possibly hurt his relationship with his new team so, I expect, we would get a positive answer to any question he was asked on the matter. But I would really like to know how he and the rest of the staff feels about the talent level that is here.
Probably something like how did this team not get 8-9 wins last year :)
Goodale never lost a game at Rutgers. He was 3-0 in State finals. Jackson won back to back SJ Group 4 titles in 2000 and 2001 and a CJ Group 4 title in 2005. He was an outstanding offensive coordinator.
I remember the narrative here when the new S&C coach was hired.

More than a few posters were pointing out how soft our current players were. They predicted that the new program would quickly weed out a bunch of guys who weren't up to dealing with real discipline.

How is it turning out? It is easy to infer from the reports that the vast majority of our players are having no issues whatsoever adapting to the "new" work ethic, and the growth of the team is in fact ahead of what the new head coach was expecting.

I thought then that we had a bunch of good hard-working guys on the team, and developments so far just confirm that belief. The "dead wood" was weeded out well before the new coach arrived.

I don't know what kind of team we will have next year, but I believe our players are going to give their absolute best effort to making it a success.

I think the methods of the new staff will be part of that, but IMO lots of these guys were high character guys before the new coaches arrived.