Fundraiser"name tag dinner".

For several years, starting in the middle of the Shea Error, iirc, there were tailgates and people wore name tags and it worked reasonably well, i.e., no brawls or lynchings. I also think they worked because it was a pretty small group of fanatics, since, back then, we didn't have that many fans - I used to only have 2 tix back then (have 14 now) and went to these tailgates because I could never find anyone to go to games with me, lol. While it was a little hokey, it was kind of fun meeting the people behind the screen names. If you wanted to really raise money, you could have a dunking booth. Where's Keith Burkert when you need him?
That's how we the International Bowl, remember?
I probably know 2+ dozen people on this board already. It's always very funny at RU events when I start talking to someone & somehow the board comes up & them I get "OMG are YOU MrsScrew??!!??". I even had a random poster come up to me to say hello because he recognized my R cowboy boots.
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