Basketball GAME THREAD: Rutgers vs. Lafayette

I love how some of our fans rationalized our first few games by saying those teams were better than their rankings. It was the same old cluelessness from our fanbase.
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Joke. Get rid of all of them. Pike will say we held them in the 50s
So how are Myles and Young doing? And someone tell Pike to shoot more threes; we're really equipped to shoot them and it's working swell.
All things I've been saying forever.. this team has no fire or basketball savvy or heart outside of mulcahy. Harper for as decent he is offensively, gives up just as many horrific points defensively and just loafs around most of the game. Cliff is a mere shadow of Myles. Also, Jacob Young is cracking up somewhere. I wish we still had those 2 guys instead of any two of our heartless players (geo and Harper).
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Say goodbye to that artificial sell-out streak

Back to basement irrelevance. We will see how i feel in a couple days, but I admittedly was never a big follower of mens basketball bc we usually sucked. As of right now I'm thinking of tuning this season out until further notice. This is back to embarrassingly bad. Seton Hall is going to embarrass us and we won't win more than 1 or 2 conference games.

Pathetic all around.

Pike cannot recruit, and he can't coach or develop players beyond a certain point. This program is in the toilet.
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u just cant lose this game and expect to make the ncaa tournament LOL
NCAA???? Hahahah CBI if they r lucky. The regression of Ron and Geo is what’s worse cause all these stupid videos of “let’s run it back” all that to go 7-24. I mean, give me the wins right now, you can’t with a straight face say any game left on their schedule is a win. I can’t believe this. I can cause it’s Rutgers but I can’t cause I watched with my own eyes us play in the NCAA tournament last year. But I can cause, well, it’s Rutgers.
And all my prognostications for this season have come true... Don't want to say I told you guys. Maybe you should have listened instead of crucifying me.
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