Basketball GAME THREAD: Rutgers vs. Lafayette

Cliff might as well try a three can't do any worse than any of our supposed "shooters" on the team, he's one of the few that showed up on offense tonight
Very unhappy with how pike is coaching this team. Either Jones or Hayat should be in the entire game. Caleb does nothing
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this is my issue. The team used to lack talent but it was fun to watch because every game was a street fight and they’d play their guts out.
this team lacks talent, doesn’t play hard, doesn’t give a crap, and oh yea, lacks talent.
Very very disappointing. Not sure what to do all winter as I used to mark these games on the calendar and look forward to watching.
Yeah I can live with bad shooting, I just can’t live with geo lollygaging (sp?) through turnover after turnover, or Ron Harper just 40 feet off on a wide open 3, or leaving shooters wide open, like defense & effort separated us the last two years and I don’t know what it is this year but this team just got too much hype and after this loss to Lafayette, maybe it will bring them back down to earth. I mean the teams we have played have had like 5/4/ 6 wins the past few years, we should be running these teams out of the gym.
I want the posters who said we were overreacting to apologize. ****ing clowns.
I banned myself the other day cause I thought I may have been too harsh.....haaaaaah.
This is a joke of a well coached program led by nobody , especially Mr. Nil..aka number zero.
This goes beyond losing Myles and JY. Does anyone think we'd be good even with them, given what we're seeing? There's something rotten with the team. Need major shakeups on the player and coaching front. (No I'm not calling for Pikiell's head... read between the lines)
Seems like a combination of a poor offensive gameplan and zone defenses. We look hesitant and disjointed.
Love Geo but he should have turned pro. He doesn't seem into it this season and his minutes should have been given to young Jalen Miller. It may have been the same but at least he'd be a Fr who could still develop rather than a fully developed Geo
I banned myself the other day cause I thought I may have been too harsh.....haaaaaah.
This is a joke of a well coached program led by nobody , especially Mr. Nil..aka number zero.
The issues run far deeper than Geo Baker right now.

Thats not why he is a colossal disappointment

And where is the personal attack..nil?

He is 5th year senior

Stop treating him like a baby
I’m not. For example I’ve been hard on Mulcahy. But I don’t say it’s because all he cares about is his gratitude foundation or whatever. I just say he sucks (as a basketball player). I’m just saying that axe you carry around to grind is annoying.