Basketball GAME THREAD: Rutgers vs. Lafayette

Not to pile on with everyone else but this is really bad. This is like pike’s first year minus the playing hard. At least that team appeared to play hard. Geo is a turnover machine, McConnell adds nothing, no front Court Depth. I don’t know what practice Dick Weiss was watching, but he needs his eye checked because this team is terrible. And it’s a shame cause Hyatt and Jones could be solid players but with the way Ron and geo have regressed, and McConnell just can’t hit a shot, it’s 5 on 4 with him out there. Man, game 5 got like 30 more of these vs better teams, ooof.
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Anyone else have the Giants game get all messed up just as Tampa scored?
Maybe it's a sign.
Wow we are so poorly coached
As I said in another thread a few days ago, I have been a big pro Pike guy but watching this live really brings this point home.

there is zero offensive game plan. ZERO movement

Then you see the deliberate offensive sets by Lafayette, the CONSTANT movement, the deliberate cuts. We do NONE of that

you can see the huge difference in athleticism in RU last favor but he does NOTHING to take advantage of our physical advantage. Nothing.

thoroughly outcoached
And people crave stronger OOC scheduling lol. Well at least we’ll help Lafayette get their first win.
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Not to pile on with everyone else but this is really bad. This is like pike’s first year minus the playing hard. At least that team appeared to play hard. Geo is a turnover machine, McConnell adds nothing, no front Court Depth. I don’t know what practice Dick Weiss was watching, but he needs his eye checked because this team is terrible. And it’s a shame cause Hyatt and Jones could be solid players but with the way Ron and geo have regressed, and McConnell just can’t hit a shot, it’s 5 on 4 with him out there. Man, game 5 got like 30 more of these vs better teams, ooof.

this is my issue. The team used to lack talent but it was fun to watch because every game was a street fight and they’d play their guts out.
this team lacks talent, doesn’t play hard, doesn’t give a crap, and oh yea, lacks talent.
Very very disappointing. Not sure what to do all winter as I used to mark these games on the calendar and look forward to watching.
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Our best players tonight are Cliff, Ron, and Paul. And they’re not playing very well.
This is bad. I can't watch the game and checked the score and figured we should be coasting against an 0-4 Lafayette.....WTF?????
This goes beyond losing Myles and JY. Does anyone think we'd be good even with them, given what we're seeing? There's something rotten with the team. Need major shakeups on the player and coaching front. (No I'm not calling for Pikiell's head... read between the lines)
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