Gator Bowl Rep Introduces Rutgers AD Pat Dobbs 😂

Knight Shift

May 19, 2011
Jersey Shore

Probably did not hear it, and Pat just rolled.

Is Pat Dobbs related to J.R. "Bob" Dobbs, of the Church of the Subgenius?

It was interesting that the Bowl president didn’t utter the words “Big 10” even once but talked about the A&M in the Southeast Conference a bunch of times.
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The Gator Bowl head guy gave about every excuse in the book about how he unfortunately was forced by the NCAA to invite Rutgers. He’s probably getting some serious heat from Taxslayer and ESPN, and the Jacksonville owner Illinois dude.
The Gator Bowl head guy gave about every excuse in the book about how he unfortunately was forced by the NCAA to invite Rutgers. He’s probably getting some serious heat from Taxslayer and ESPN, and the Jacksonville owner Illinois dude.
Ha ha! I thought the exact same thing. He’s probably been getting a lot of angry phone calls from everyone, including bowl sponsors. The press conference is worth watching. The best part is watching Schiano’s facial reaction to all of his “explanations” during the press conference. He knows exactly what’s going on. I have no inside information but I bet there was some talk to bypass Rutgers for this bowl - which makes Schiano’s reaction to the comments of the bowl prez even funnier.

Personally, I don’t think we will set foot on the field, especially since the players went home for Christmas. Several bowls will be cancelled this week, in my opinion. I hope I’m wrong, but I’m just being realistic based on what’s going on.
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As uninviting as the matchup is, it’s better than no game at all. I doubt any party will pursue a covid-cancel surreptitiously
Dobbs > Hobbs.

Because Dobbs didn't hire Ash or kill the initial Schiano negotiations.
Neither did Hobbs. The negotiations broke off because they could not agree to Greg's initial demands for spend. Then Greg came back with lower demands and they agreed. It's how negotiations work. Get over it already. It is long over.
And you won't give Hobbs any credit for the fantastic progress in multiple other sports?
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Shift….we’re 8 million under the bridge now so it doesn’t matter anymore but are you sure Hobbs wanted Schiano all along and the only issue was $$ ?

IIRC Hobbs didn’t want Schiano at first, and it was public and BOG pressure that ‘changed his mind’ so to speak. Hobbs needed to hire Schiano to keep his own job. Forced hire, if you will.
Shift….we’re 8 million under the bridge now so it doesn’t matter anymore but are you sure Hobbs wanted Schiano all along and the only issue was $$ ?

IIRC Hobbs didn’t want Schiano at first, and it was public and BOG pressure that ‘changed his mind’ so to speak. Hobbs needed to hire Schiano to keep his own job. Forced hire, if you will.
Holy narrative, Batman. I have no idea who or what Pat Hobbs wanted or didn't want.
It was evident from the beginning that the fans, former players and some boosters wanted Greg back. But any good negotiator has to have a next best alternative in hand to use in the negotiation process. The only people who probably know the fine details are Pat Hobbs, Greg Brown and maybe a couple of other boosters or BOG members.
It doesn't really matter anymore. It was over 2 years ago. Greg and Pat buried any bad feelings (if there were any- they are both pros and realize how negotiations go) long ago. Meanwhile the old people at the card table are still simmering and rambling on about things they don't know the details about.
Neither did Hobbs. The negotiations broke off because they could not agree to Greg's initial demands for spend. Then Greg came back with lower demands and they agreed. It's how negotiations work. Get over it already. It is long over.
And you won't give Hobbs any credit for the fantastic progress in multiple other sports?
Dobbs deserves all the credit. :)
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Holy narrative, Batman. I have no idea who or what Pat Hobbs wanted or didn't want.
It was evident from the beginning that the fans, former players and some boosters wanted Greg back. But any good negotiator has to have a next best alternative in hand to use in the negotiation process. The only people who probably know the fine details are Pat Hobbs, Greg Brown and maybe a couple of other boosters or BOG members.
It doesn't really matter anymore. It was over 2 years ago. Greg and Pat buried any bad feelings (if there were any- they are both pros and realize how negotiations go) long ago. Meanwhile the old people at the card table are still simmering and rambling on about things they don't know the details about.
True it doesn’t matter now, but your point that the the initial obstacle/delay was Schiano’s $ demands. Likely not true. He didn’t want Schiano but didn’t have a choice, according to the narrative at the time