Happy Birthdays to 2 RU Coaches Born on the Same Day


Heisman Winner
Aug 1, 2001
Both born on September 8, 1875! Happy 142nd Birthdays to.................

Team captain Billy Van Dyck (son of Rutgers College's first dean, Francis, that Van Dyck Hall is named for) born on this day. He coached Rutgers in the late 1890s for two seasons. Yes, you read that correctly below. He lived to 105+ years old. I even remember him at games when I was a Rutgers freshman. He was still marching in the annual alumni parade at the end of the 1970s.

Age Coaching At 1st Rutgers Game:
22 years, 1 months, 15 days - William Van Bergen "Billy" or "Double Dutch" Van Dyck
(September 8, 1875 - March 13, 1981)

Mike Daly was a local New Brunswick resident who played half back at a small school out west known as "Notre Dame" He coached the first game of the 1900 season (that Rutgers won), got into a contract discussion with the school, and before you knew it, wasn't around for game 2.

25 years, 0 months, 25 days - Mike Daly
(September 8, 1875 - February 6, 1944)
Great to see you too and best wishes for a home sweet home by the fall. Probably will go down Sunday.... perhaps Saturday night. We'll see.