Harbaugh Letter / Order of Bulls Blood

Well, if this is supposed to be an elaborate prank......I think they need some mentoring from the experts on this.
Vail called the police when someone left a few giveaways on the ground? Does he call out the National Guard when someone drops a urinal deuce?
"Some people have fermented the situation to this point, raising the level of emotion and vitriol that results in a situation like this,'' Vail told NJ Advance Media on Wednesday morning.

authorities are said to be investigating a series of acts that the school president called vandalism.

I think when you describe leaving a teddy bear, a few magnets, and a flyer as "Vandalism", you are probably the one guilty of escalating emotion and vitriol.

I know pretty much nothing about Paramus Catholic or Vail, but based on his comments here, I have to seriously question whether he should be running a high school.
Guarantee there will be more garbage laying around the complex tonight from the camp than this, that will be the true crime. Wait for the blogI blanco Jordan crying meme on Vail's body
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Vail is probably requesting 24 hour police protection. His tormentors are, from the looks of the items left behind, quite dangerous.
This is an almost criminal waste of limited police resources. Vail should be ashamed and the school should be asked to reimburse the taxpayers of the town.
instead of crying Vandalism and implying that this is bullying, Vail, as an educator should have complained about the grammar in the letter which does leave much to be desired.
If I were Harbaugh, when I was asked about this, my response would be: "This is great. It's what college football is all about. Now if they get some help from the UM English Department with heir capitalization we could get a real rivalry going."
Carlin just announced that Paramus Catholic will play a game at Michigan Stadium
Any truth to the rumor that UM will play a home game at PC in 2017? After all we moved a game to Yankee Stadium.
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The good news in all this is that we seem to have identified the people responsible for stealing all the Block R magnets from cars on game days.
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Agree. Calling it vandalism seemed like a stretch. I may have gone with Prank.

Yep. Calling that vandalism is like calling this a vicious attack
its priceless how upset the Michigan elite fan base is about this on Social media,the letter left behind is awesome!
So what? If you can't do acrostics without sounding like a 7 year old, then don't do them.
You will always be a teacher . When you retire you'll probably be grading your grand children's birthday cards addressed to you.
In that article it stated: "Vail said even before the late Tuesday night/early Wednesday morning incident, school officials had already arranged for "an expansive amount of police coverage'' for the camp."
I just got word that Vail just spotted a trespasser and sic his police on that potential vandal .
Here's Vail's police force in action going after that scoundrel:

"Sick vandalism! That is a deliberate mutilation of a public service message. Now, I want those little (R) happy bastards caught and hung up by their Buster Browns!"
I think this is a great prank all the way around. As for the grammar police:
Frankly, it hits the point.
Obviously it could have been better
Frequently things like this are written.
Few complain.