Has the Comcast vs NNY dispute lowered BTN projections?


Heisman Winner
Nov 10, 2003
I know there has been all kinds of numbers tossed around per team, as much as $46 mil on the new deal coming in a few years.Is this a pipe dream at this point? Sure, it still beats what many other conferences get,but I can't help but think there is a new strategy being played by the cable companies going forward. If Comcast can keep the Yankees off the air, I doubt they would be afraid to play hard ball with college sports.
I think the best of sports TV deals are behind us. With cord cutting and such it no longer pays to give in to sports programs the same way.
The BTN deals are seperate from than the upcoming network contracts.
I think the best of sports TV deals are behind us. With cord cutting and such it no longer pays to give in to sports programs the same way.

I would love to see an accurate number of how many have actually cut the cord. In the past 6 months, I've seen articles ranging from as low as 2.5% to a high of 15%.

Personally, I still think most sports fans have cable or satellite for sports alone. Until I can easily get the NY Rangers games that has been blacking out, I won't switch. While there are ways to see most every game, not everyone likes to use those type of websites or means.

Unless the number of cord cutters reaches 25%, I don't see it having much of an affect. If anything, cord cutters makes live sports more of a valuable commodity imo.
I would love to see an accurate number of how many have actually cut the cord. In the past 6 months, I've seen articles ranging from as low as 2.5% to a high of 15%.

Personally, I still think most sports fans have cable or satellite for sports alone. Until I can easily get the NY Rangers games that has been blacking out, I won't switch. While there are ways to see most every game, not everyone likes to use those type of websites or means.

Unless the number of cord cutters reaches 25%, I don't see it having much of an affect. If anything, cord cutters makes live sports more of a valuable commodity imo.


It should have little to no effect. Ultimately Sports is one of the few things that is better live. Maybe the next one won't be as big but we should get a massive increase with these new contracts, by we I mean the Big Ten.