Hayden Rettig just put up a post...

I love all the positivity from and to Hayden. Super great! Thanks for trying here Hayden!
Wanting his best, I really really hope he drops down 1+ level. There's no shame in my book in dropping down to where he can essentially guarantee being a starter and hopefully being a folk hero for a year / school legend, especially after already graduating with a degree and trying at a couple of schools.
I'm not a religious person at all. That said I find it disturbing so many here look down on those who are, especially a college professor who if nothing else should be open minded enough to accept other's beliefs.

It's exactly because I'm an employee of a public college that I realize I could get in monumental trouble for evangelizing when on the clock, so to speak. Expressing ones beliefs is fine, but if I spent my time stressing the importance of students going to synagogue and keeping kosher I'd be opening myself up to severe reprimand.
It's exactly because I'm an employee of a public college that I realize I could get in monumental trouble for evangelizing when on the clock, so to speak. Expressing ones beliefs is fine, but if I spent my time stressing the importance of students going to synagogue and keeping kosher I'd be opening myself up to severe reprimand.

True, but the kids would probably be better off for it, unless you were obnoxious and exhausting. Just go with a few of the big 10, less lying and stealing and coveting would be good encouragements