How do players qualify for Roman numerals on uni's?


All American
Gold Member
Jun 2, 2017
What do you have to do to have "Esq." on your back? Just have a kid? Who decides that you can have a hyphenated name, then a "Jr." along with a "IV"? Equipment manager?
Someone had Esq on their jersey?? No chance an attorney would have eligibility.
I know that I didn't have my Dad's first or middle name but I always wondered the same thing, why couldnt I be a Jr? It was so unfair
Well then, how did Sanu get permission to add Sr to his name? His legal name wasn't Sr when he was here. See, proved you wrong :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
Tru dat. What was on the back of Gus Edward's jersey?
Robert Martin has a III on his Jersey, Edwards has "Sr.", J.T. Barrett for OSU had IV, and another player I saw yesterday among the myriad had the testicles to put ESQ. on the back of his jersey. How long before we see M.D. obviously for Mad Dog? Who remembers a guy in the World Football League, when they had nicknames on the back, and one d-lineman walked around with "He Hate Me" on his back.?
Martin, Edwards, Barrett all have their legal names. If a kid had Esq...not sure who how or why. If that was your question, then valid but since you added the stupidity of Jr and numbers, you get the responses you got
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If CFB were the XFL (remember "He Hate Me"?), Barrett would have "Barrett M82" on the back of his jersey instead of "Barrett IV".
Wonder if they have a cedilha / umlaut committee like the NFL ....

Moritz Böhringer & Pierre Garçon
It's just friggin silliness. Some 18 year old kid uses his parent's (silly) hyphenated last name, then what he meets a girl who does the same and they get married and follow the tradition so his kid has 4 last names? It's just more look at me crap.
Sam Williams-Jones-Smith-Franks? Where does the silliness stop?
It's just friggin silliness. Some 18 year old kid uses his parent's (silly) hyphenated last name, then what he meets a girl who does the same and they get married and follow the tradition so his kid has 4 last names? It's just more look at me crap.
Sam Williams-Jones-Smith-Franks? Where does the silliness stop?
You've never met or seen Mexican family names? Also, lots of Spanish still do it. A kid has 2 surnames with the first being the father's and the second the mother's maiden name. Every day I see several people with several last names.
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Bolin asking to wear roman numberal 100 on his jersey was just a bit too much if you ask me..............


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Martin, Edwards, Barrett all have their legal names. If a kid had Esq...not sure who how or why. If that was your question, then valid but since you added the stupidity of Jr and numbers, you get the responses you got
That's because he is asking an indirect question.....hmmm
It's just friggin silliness. Some 18 year old kid uses his parent's (silly) hyphenated last name, then what he meets a girl who does the same and they get married and follow the tradition so his kid has 4 last names? It's just more look at me crap.
Sam Williams-Jones-Smith-Franks? Where does the silliness stop?

Silliness? It's just friggin silliness?

Pretty sure that other than "Ocho-Cinco" most legal name changes are not done frivolously - they are personal and meaningful - see no reason to mock the chosen name of others -

Read the back story on how "Maurice Drew" became "Maurice Jones-Drew."
he was raised by his maternal grandparents, Maurice and Christina Jones. At the height of his college career in 2005, his grandfather died of a heart attack while watching him play at the Rose Bowl against Rice University on September 10. Coach Dorrell broke the news to Drew on the sideline during the game, and he ran to the locker room and left to go to the hospital. To honor the man who raised him, he had his entire legal surname affixed to his jersey, making him "Maurice Jones-Drew."

or how "Nakia Griffin" became "Nakia Griffin-Stewart" -
He added Stewart to last name to honor stepfather, Rotell Stewart.

or how "Tyreek Williams " became "Tyreek Maddox-Williams"
- can't recall the back story - other than it had meaning

Silliness? It's just friggin silliness?

Pretty sure that other than "Ocho-Cinco" most legal name changes are not done frivolously - they are personal and meaningful - see no reason to mock the chosen name of others -

Read the back story on how "Maurice Drew" became "Maurice Jones-Drew."
he was raised by his maternal grandparents, Maurice and Christina Jones. At the height of his college career in 2005, his grandfather died of a heart attack while watching him play at the Rose Bowl against Rice University on September 10. Coach Dorrell broke the news to Drew on the sideline during the game, and he ran to the locker room and left to go to the hospital. To honor the man who raised him, he had his entire legal surname affixed to his jersey, making him "Maurice Jones-Drew."

or how "Nakia Griffin" became "Nakia Griffin-Stewart" -
He added Stewart to last name to honor stepfather, Rotell Stewart.

or how "Tyreek Williams " became "Tyreek Maddox-Williams"
- can't recall the back story - other than it had meaning

To be fair, nearly every post RUscrew makes is "look at me crap." Dog diarrhea, to be more specific - the kind you try to clean up but just oozes out of your mutt mitt and you realize ain't nobody cleaning that up, so you just whistle and walk away hoping no one saw you. I imagine RUscrew's friends do a lot of whistling and walking away hoping no one saw them.
I truly wish all "JR" SR" and "III" would disappear from uniforms. A uniforms once was supposed to have the player's last name on it. "JR" is not part of your last name, you are identified as "Jr." because your name is the same as someone else's. And "III" is just nutty. And now "SR" on a jersey? Why, you bragging because your woman's fallopian tubes work?

If my name is Kenneth Jones Jr., my last name is Jones, not Jones Jr. Pretty simple. Anything else is drawing attention to yourself.
Silliness? It's just friggin silliness?

Pretty sure that other than "Ocho-Cinco" most legal name changes are not done frivolously - they are personal and meaningful - see no reason to mock the chosen name of others -

Read the back story on how "Maurice Drew" became "Maurice Jones-Drew."
he was raised by his maternal grandparents, Maurice and Christina Jones. At the height of his college career in 2005, his grandfather died of a heart attack while watching him play at the Rose Bowl against Rice University on September 10. Coach Dorrell broke the news to Drew on the sideline during the game, and he ran to the locker room and left to go to the hospital. To honor the man who raised him, he had his entire legal surname affixed to his jersey, making him "Maurice Jones-Drew."

or how "Nakia Griffin" became "Nakia Griffin-Stewart" -
He added Stewart to last name to honor stepfather, Rotell Stewart.

or how "Tyreek Williams " became "Tyreek Maddox-Williams"
- can't recall the back story - other than it had meaning

Nice try. Not convinced. Are you going to defend the grandkids of this silly generation when they have 8 names with 7 hyphens.

I'll bet you do and I bet you have a hyphenated last name too, don't you? Be honest LOL.

Oh and yet after the admonition to not mock the name choices of other I noticed you mocked ocho-cinco in the same sentence fragment. So your opinions count but not mine, huh? LOL.

Argument fail.