Hughes and wife have RU in their wills


Heisman Winner
Gold Member
Jul 25, 2001
Star Ledger
Dean of Rutgers planning school and wife leaving $3.5 million to university

One of the pictures included in the story

The only example that I find parallel is Professor Phillip Areeda's gift to Harvard Law of over $5 million shortly before his death. It is so impressive that Hughes is doing this.
Why is it so unusual for profs and administrators to give to their employers (and in this case their alma mater as well)?
Or is it just a matter of scale? I suspect most profs don't have this kind of money.

We do hear about it when highly paid coaches give back to their employers. Of course Joe & Sue Paterno's gifts to the library at PSU were famous. I recall that Greg & Christy Schiano made a large pledge to our recent $1B fundraising campaign (I have no idea if they made good on the pledge after he left, but I assume that they did).
Originally posted by Scarlet16E:
Why is it so unusual for profs and administrators to give to their employers (and in this case their alma mater as well)?
Or is it just a matter of scale? I suspect most profs don't have this kind of money.
More about the scale. Not unusual for faculty/staff to make payroll deduction type donations or leave something in their estate but this is pretty big.
I donate to Rutgers for a scholarship fund in honor of a mentor, but I don't have the feeling that a lot of my colleagues join me in contributing, be it to that fund or another. I think it's fair to say that many faculty members find it hard to love Rutgers because often its bureaucracy is hard to deal with and unreasonable. Unfortunately, Rutgers does not do a good job of persuading faculty that Rutgers cares a great deal about them.
Originally posted by camdenlawprof:
I donate to Rutgers for a scholarship fund in honor of a mentor, but I don't have the feeling that a lot of my colleagues join me in contributing, be it to that fund or another. I think it's fair to say that many faculty members find it hard to love Rutgers because often its bureaucracy is hard to deal with and unreasonable. Unfortunately, Rutgers does not do a good job of persuading faculty that Rutgers cares a great deal about them.
Gee, where have we heard that sentiment before...uunfortunately, many Rutgers students feel the same way. Part of it is overblown to some degree incl. the purported RU screw but there is some truth to the subpar customer service delivered by many depts/divisions at RU, just like any beauracratic government organization.
This post was edited on 4/15 6:58 PM by RUnTeX
Originally posted by RUnTeX:

Originally posted by camdenlawprof:
I donate to Rutgers for a scholarship fund in honor of a mentor, but I don't have the feeling that a lot of my colleagues join me in contributing, be it to that fund or another. I think it's fair to say that many faculty members find it hard to love Rutgers because often its bureaucracy is hard to deal with and unreasonable. Unfortunately, Rutgers does not do a good job of persuading faculty that Rutgers cares a great deal about them.
Gee, where have we heard that sentiment before...uunfortunately, many Rutgers students feel the same way. Part of it is overblown to some degree incl. the purported RU screw but there is some truth to the subpar customer service delivered by many depts/divisions at RU, just like any beauracratic government organization.
This post was edited on 4/15 6:58 PM by RUnTeX
It's a little different with faculty. Under Rutgers' bylaws, responsibility for governance belongs primarily to the faculty -- yet the faculty has little say over anything, at least in the minds of many professors. (Contrast the University of California, where faculty actively participate in governance.
A BIG thank you to the Hughes family .

A few years back, Prof. Lovelace in the physics dept. pledged $1.5M
This is so nice to learn. Thank you Hughes family for your generosity.