Idea for intersection at College Ave & Hamilton


All American
Sep 8, 2006
Bergen County, NJ

I wanted to bring up an idea. Now with The Yard making the corner of Hamilton & College Ave a rejuvenated destination spot.

What would it cost / take to get turning that entire intersection into nice pavers with a giant R in the middle of the intersection?

Thinking of replicating what they've done at Tomers corner in Auburn. See the image.


This article explains their project more but that price tag included a ton of infrastructure type work as well
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I wanted to bring up an idea. Now with The Yard making the corner of Hamilton & College Ave a rejuvenated destination spot.

What would it cost / take to get turning that entire intersection into nice pavers with a giant R in the middle of the intersection?

Thinking of replicating what they've done at Tomers corner in Auburn. See the image.


This article explains their project more but that price tag included a ton of infrastructure type work as well
you can tell that is not in a north east city; too much parking
Love the concept. Heck for now you could just paint the block R in the middle of the intersection like Auburn used to do at that site.

I thought that as well, but college avenue redevelopment is moving forward and quickly. So lets do it with the pavers/cobble stone and make it impressive and polished from day 1.

I would think for such a visible, lasting, and prideful type of project , private funding should be a real possibility.
Heck, do something like this (at least just the R and pavers, maybe not the entire sidewalk/intersection quadrants) in a couple spots around CA campus, one maybe further up College Avenue in front of the student center, and maybe another on George at Bishop/Rt 18 ramps intersection (or George & Somerset, just north of rail overpass in front of gate to Kirkpatrick/Old Queens campus). Would 2 or 3 'reduced' ones take away from a single, signature location or would they reinforce the messaging that you are essentially on or at the doorstep of Rutgers's campus?
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Heck, do something like this (at least just the R and pavers, maybe not the entire sidewalk/intersection quadrants) in a couple spots around CA campus, one maybe further up College Avenue in front of the student center, and maybe another on George at Bishop/Rt 18 ramps intersection (or George & Somerset, just north of rail overpass in front of gate to Kirkpatrick/Old Queens campus). Would 2 or 3 'reduced' ones take away from a single, signature location or would they reinforce the messaging that you are essentially on or at the doorstep of Rutgers's campus?

Not a bad idea. I do agree the signage around Rutgers as a whole is terrible and not aesthetically appeasing at all. Especially the 25+ year old signs where you would enter College Ave.
If we are going to do brick walkways, the priority should be the Old Queens campus. I can't understand why there are still blacktop paths on the most historic part of campus. Next, I would do the street between the new academic buildings and Voorhees Mall. Finally, the cupola on top of Murray Hall is in serious need of reconstruction, or at least a paint job.

-Scarlet Jerry
If we are going to do brick walkways, the priority should be the Old Queens campus. I can't understand why there are still blacktop paths on the most historic part of campus. Next, I would do the street between the new academic buildings and Voorhees Mall. Finally, the cupola on top of Murray Hall is in serious need of reconstruction, or at least a paint job.

-Scarlet Jerry

Nice ideas, all. I like the Seminary Place location you mention for doing something with brick pavers. If not the full length of the street due to expense, perhaps just a mid-block crossing area that enhances visual connectivity between Voorhees Mall and the sloped green space on the opposite side which climbs up (with stairs integrated into the walks) between new academic bldg & honors college bldg.
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i will admit that the intersection of CA & Hamilton st. would be a great place for a project like this, especially for reminding occasional passers by that they're treading on Rutgers territory. I envision 4 emblems at different locations: a Scarlet R, a Knight helmet , 1766 in script, Rutgers shield
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I love the idea, but you're getting the ideas from southern campuses that get no snow. The plows are going to love those bricks. Plus anyone see how much maintenance J&J puts into those brick sidewalks around the IM Pei tower? It's not the installation, it's the maintenance.
Low the idea but the maintenance is going to be brutal. Look at the baseball that Hoboken put into the street where the first baseball game was held. It is all chewed up and busted. Looked so cool for 10 years when it was fresh but now it's falling apart. You'd need to replace the bricks every 8 to 10 years. but love the idea.

go to Montclair to South Park Street. they did a really nice 1 million dollar renovation to that street which totally changed the feel of the area. bricks, trees, planters. it's great.
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8-10 years replacement seems about right and I think completely doable. Especially if only doing this at 1 intersection right in the heart of the College Ave campus.

Again though, I'm not sure how much the initial installation and annual maintenance is but I think it would be reasonable to do for such an impactful improvement to a very visible area.
Anything that requires complete replacement in 8-10 yrs is not practical. What is likely to happen due to money constraints is that the schedule slips and they need to last 20 yrs. Unmaintained infrastructure becomes a very visible eyesore very quickly.
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Now that the Yard is almost complete ( Knight Statue )-can Rutgers please get rid of the ugly/cheesy orange and white plastic barricades along the Scott Hall side of College Ave. I hope that's not supposed to be the permanent solution

Love the intersection idea. It's these type of things that make a campus memorable