If not Schiano, who?

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I have been VERY patient with this program and have avoided the calls for Schiano... and gave Ash a chance here.

This looks bad and I’ve run out of patience and faith with this regime unfortunately. It is not this difficult to field a competitive team with the Big Ten banner and our recruiting grounds. It’s cleary not working.
I have been VERY patient with this program and have avoided the calls for Schiano... and gave Ash a chance here.

This looks bad and I’ve run out of patience and faith with this regime unfortunately. It is not this difficult to field a competitive team with the Big Ten banner and our recruiting grounds. It’s cleary not working.

I’m with you. Always gave Ash benefit of doubt. But this is enough. I’m finally done with him
always a fan of Schiano...and he is last one to show success and continuity. So don't blame some RU fans for wanting him back.
When we decide to hire a new coach we need a guy that has been a successful offensive coordinator that will instill his offense and keep it that way so we don't have this revolving door or o coordinators and with it a new offense.

I do not want Schiano or any other d coordinator as our head coach. It's a proven failing formula.
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Only 1 coach has ever built a consistent winner at Rutgers in the modern era. And he has only greatly strengthened his resume since. Do everything you can to bring him back before you go down the list.

From his perspective, he’s not going to easily get another P5 gig after the Tennessee debacle and you’re going to a rebuild any way you slice it. Why not go to a place where you know what to do, there will be low expectations, and you’ll have the time to build?

He can even keep his offensive coordinator, who’s potentially the guy he’d pick anyway.

Backload the contract into upcoming B1G money, and let’s see if the guy can finish the job at RU.
We could have had him back. Hobbs was was too stubborn after schiano chose to hold out for Miami. Well done. Rutgers football hit a low I didn’t think we would ever see again. Painful.
I believe the thinking is that after the Tennessee debacle (unconscionable how they handled that) , his options may be a lot more limited than people thought a few years ago.

wouldnt our own fans bring up the Penn State stuff, we seem to be obsessed with it, would Barchi even allow it
Pay me half of what Ash makes. I can beat Texas State and lose to Kansas
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He'll have other P5 ACC team wouldn't surprise me .
There is a lot of outrage on college campuses these days.

ADs may be hesitant to risk incurring the wrath of the mob.
It is very possible it would cause problems even at RU.

I think the difference is enough of our fanbase really supports Schiano, so it’d balance out.

At another program, you don’t have at least half the fanbase excited about him coming there.
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You need a BIG name coach.

An absolute Rock Star. A guy who can start recruiting Big Time players the day he is hired.

This is 80% recruiting and only 20% Xs and Os.

Rutgers does not have the horses.

Who this BIG name coach is I have no idea.
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I believe Coach Ash is now officially on the hot seat.

Maybe we need an AD with Major football experience and focus on largest donors on spending money to bringing in a top name coach (instead of buildings) with a Winning tradition.

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