Florida A&M is something. But I would settle for Norfolk State level. They were pretty entertaining.Facetiously. But I went to Princeton, where the band specializes in not worrying about formations, but rather focuses on off color insults to the other institutions. My favorite bit was when they did a salute to Oedipus and played, "I want a girl just like the girl who married dear old dad." True.
To me, there's Florida A&M and everybody else. So don't go by me.
Why do I suspect that this poster is already sharpening his knives as we await the naming of the new RU band director ? Ha !
Nuts has been clamoring for a new director since I've been on the board, so whether he agrees or disagrees with the hire, I'm gonna guess that 1) He'll be at least marginally happier, and 2) We will know his opinion.
Cannot tell you how much sleep I lose over that question.
One of the funniest exchanges I have ever read on this board is when Tim Smith threatened to kick butt on Areyounuts after reading a series of negative postings from nuts. It involved Facebook, text messaging and more. As I recall, Nuts ran for the hills when Smith offered to throw down with him one on one, ha !
Not surprising that nuts will go to his grave hating Tim Smith.
With the history of hatred of the RU Band director by Nuts it bears watching how he treats the new RU Band director. I am handicapping Nuts to go negative sooner rather than later. How soon we will find out in due time.
Get your stories straight 'Moves.
"ran to the hills"? Once again you prove yourself to be absolutely clueless. The guy was harassing via email and on Facebook, trying to get me to "join forces" with him, to the point where it was so annoying I had block him in both places. He then threatened to take me to court for "defamation of character," on these boards, when I would call him out for his blatant, proven, lies.
"throw down"? WTF? No such thing, not even close, plus Smith probably blows over in 10 MPH gusts.
I was 10000% in this guys corner in the beginning, and have never "hated" any other band director so, again, your comment ("his history of hatred...") makes ZERO sense but we've all come to expect nothing less from you, right?
Smith got what he deserved from both me and many others on this board. His incessant bullshitting and flat-out lying, proven time and time again by several of us, led to him being called out as such. Not my fault that he's your little buddy. Move along now.
Get your stories straight 'Moves.
"ran to the hills"? Once again you prove yourself to be absolutely clueless. The guy was harassing via email and on Facebook, trying to get me to "join forces" with him, to the point where it was so annoying I had block him in both places. He then threatened to take me to court for "defamation of character," on these boards, when I would call him out for his blatant, proven, lies.
"throw down"? WTF? No such thing, not even close, plus Smith probably blows over in 10 MPH gusts.
I was 10000% in this guys corner in the beginning, and have never "hated" any other band director so, again, your comment ("his history of hatred...") makes ZERO sense but we've all come to expect nothing less from you, right?
Smith got what he deserved from both me and many others on this board. His incessant bullshitting and flat-out lying, proven time and time again by several of us, led to him being called out as such. Not my fault that he's your little buddy. Move along now.
OK Nuts. We will go with your version for now. Tim Smith was harassing you via email and FB ? And why would that be when you admit that you have never met him in person ? Could it be that you may have provoked him ? Ha !
I just hope that you treat the next RU Band director more fairly in the future. Can you give us a commitment on that point ?
OK Nuts. We will go with your version for now. Tim Smith was harassing you via email and FB ? And why would that be when you admit that you have never met him in person ? Could it be that you may have provoked him ? Ha !
I just hope that you treat the next RU Band director more fairly in the future. Can you give us a commitment on that point ?
Going there on vacation next month.I've heard that folks in Tasmania agree.
You are unbelievably wrong in everything you've posted about this. Your hatred of AYN drives you to stalk him on this board and comment on situations you know nothing about.OK Nuts. We will go with your version for now. Tim Smith was harassing you via email and FB ? And why would that be when you admit that you have never met him in person ? Could it be that you may have provoked him ? Ha !
I just hope that you treat the next RU Band director more fairly in the future. Can you give us a commitment on that point ?
You devil you!Going there on vacation next month.I've heard that folks in Tasmania agree.