Is it time for something else to be the college watchdog?


Heisman Winner
Aug 2, 2001
With what appears to be happening between UNC and the NCAA, I have to wonder just who the hell is really in charge here. UNC clearly perpetrated a major fraud in what they did. It didn't happen by accident, it was set up as what it was, a clear deception of academic fraud to keep athletes playing with no concerns about being students. Sports trumped academics in the worst possible way.
My question is this. Is the NCAA really the overseer of making sure everyone stays within the rules or are the member colleges ultimately the bosses when the proverbial sh*t is about to hit the fan?
Since the colleges were here first long before the NCAA, is it time to just kick the NCAA to the curb and try to start over with something that actually works fairly and impartially for all the schools. The NCAA serves at the pleasure of the schools and I know that , in the past, there have been rumblings of an exodus by some institutions who are less than happy with how they deal with problems. We all seem to know that if this had happened at Podunk University, the sky would have fallen on them.
If UNC ends up getting essentially a slap on the wrist for this, why the hell should any school be concerned with doing a lot of things to get an edge on their competition?
"Since the colleges were here first long before the NCAA, is it time to just kick the NCAA to the curb and try to start over with something that actually works fairly and impartially for all the schools. .."

What makes you believe that whatever you replace an NCAA with won't eventually devolve into the same thing.... or even worse?
What makes you believe that whatever you replace an NCAA with won't eventually devolve into the same thing.... or even worse?
Never said it couldn't. BUT, don't you think the schools that are damned tired of seeing the ongoing cheating by the same offenders would try and see it somehow curbed? Do you think it should stay as it is?
Let's get that agency that handled the PSU rape coverup. They did a great job. [roll]

Oh, wait...
With what appears to be happening between UNC and the NCAA, I have to wonder just who the hell is really in charge here. UNC clearly perpetrated a major fraud in what they did. It didn't happen by accident, it was set up as what it was, a clear deception of academic fraud to keep athletes playing with no concerns about being students. Sports trumped academics in the worst possible way.
My question is this. Is the NCAA really the overseer of making sure everyone stays within the rules or are the member colleges ultimately the bosses when the proverbial sh*t is about to hit the fan?
Since the colleges were here first long before the NCAA, is it time to just kick the NCAA to the curb and try to start over with something that actually works fairly and impartially for all the schools. The NCAA serves at the pleasure of the schools and I know that , in the past, there have been rumblings of an exodus by some institutions who are less than happy with how they deal with problems. We all seem to know that if this had happened at Podunk University, the sky would have fallen on them.
If UNC ends up getting essentially a slap on the wrist for this, why the hell should any school be concerned with doing a lot of things to get an edge on their competition?
Why? The NCAA is run by schools. The rules are proposed by and voted on by members. The enforcement committee is made up of representatives from the schools. If you "kick them to the curb" the same cast of characters would reappear and all you will have is a rebranding of the NCAA. Little if anything will change. The schools have the power to push the NCAA not the other way around. The NCAA answers to the schools not the schools to the NCAA.
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Never said it couldn't. BUT, don't you think the schools that are damned tired of seeing the ongoing cheating by the same offenders would try and see it somehow curbed? Do you think it should stay as it is?
Who do you think runs the NCAA? The schools run the NCAA. If they were tired of seeing things they have the power to change it.
It's up to the College Presidents to change things. And they don't seem to care.
A leading candidate::

Why? The NCAA is run by schools. The rules are proposed by and voted on by members. The enforcement committee is made up of representatives from the schools. If you "kick them to the curb" the same cast of characters would reappear and all you will have is a rebranding of the NCAA. Little if anything will change. The schools have the power to push the NCAA not the other way around. The NCAA answers to the schools not the schools to the NCAA.

This. All replacing the NCAA would accomplish is to create the same thing under a different name.

If the schools believe there is a problem, then they should restructure the NCAA. Maybe they need to separate the oversight and enforcement organization from the playing rules and championships organization. That eliminates the perceived conflict of interest that the NCAA goes easy on UNC because they make too much money off UNC Basketball.
I'm no tri-corner hat wearing anti-government gadfly but if you pull down the NCAA, as bad as they are, some folks are going to say the US Dept of Education should be the place. We don't want that.
Better to look for reform driven by the president's as stated above.
There is nothing the schools can do. The NCAA does not have subpoena power. There is no penalty if you lie to them unlike the govt. As a result there ability or any other organizations to conduct complete investigations is limited.
If the NCAA had the ability to throw people in jail who lied to them like the govt does you would see they have better ability to conduct complete investigations and punish schools appropriately.
There is nothing the schools can do. The NCAA does not have subpoena power. There is no penalty if you lie to them unlike the govt. As a result there ability or any other organizations to conduct complete investigations is limited.
If the NCAA had the ability to throw people in jail who lied to them like the govt does you would see they have better ability to conduct complete investigations and punish schools appropriately.

They may not have subpoena powers, but I would think an investigation like this would have depositions of some sort, a sworn statement that would carry a perjury charge if the investigation proved contrary to the "testimony." Problem with this is, you would still need an avenue and willing official to bring these charges.

This system is so messed up. You would LIKE to think that UNC valued their reputation, but apparently basketball is more important to integrity.
Supoena power would be nice but not necessary.

There is nothing stopping the President's from making it a rule that failing to cooperate with, or lying during an investigation, regardless of charges or outcome, results in a one year suspension of all programs.

They could go on to make a rule that repeat offenders get banned from the organization. It is still a voluntary membership organization that sets it own rules for admission.

The bigger issue is lack of sovereign immunity. Much easier to tie the NCAA up in court if you don't like the outcome, or even the threat of action. Not so easy with the Government.

But more than any leaglisms I think the big problem is a lack of intestinal fortitude. If the NCAA ran pro football they would have already apologized to Brady and paid back Kraft. Goodell, and his owners said, "Go ahead, sue us based on the rules we wrote for ourselves. See how far that gets ya."