Julie / Barci - Listen !!!!


Oct 13, 2014
Tax payers, Season ticket holders, and every day fans are angry..... you cannot pretend to be a big program if you do not act like one. Do you think major programs and Athletic departments would allow a terrible staff of Coaches stay until end of the year and continue to let any of the integrity we have left crumble? You is okay to say publicly we demand a successful program and act like you are doing something about it.
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or julie has the acumen--she hasn't shown any gravitas so far
You're under the impression that Robert Barchi cares.

I assure you, he does not. Not even a little. The success of the Rutgers football program is not on his radar. To him, it is the MH370 of priorities.
Can you tell us what you are basing your assessment on? I'm a fan with no insider knowledge and so I have no idea what Barchi thinks. Even if you are correct and he doesn't care about football, surely he cares about lost revenue as marginal fans flee this sickening spectacle of a completely incompetent coach running a major program.
Can you tell us what you are basing your assessment on? I'm a fan with no insider knowledge and so I have no idea what Barchi thinks. Even if you are correct and he doesn't care about football, surely he cares about lost revenue as marginal fans flee this sickening spectacle of a completely incompetent coach running a major program.

If you really do the research - go back and review comments that Barchi has made in various venues, even as recently as last week at some big donor hoo-hah, it's evident that he is placing zero emphasis on investment in athletics. The goal is to reduce the subsidy, period. The B1G money moves the needle in the direction of that goal, to an extent heretofore unseen at Rutgers.

What you're talking about is opportunity cost - that isn't part of his calculus.
Well, since I'm an econ professor, I can give him some remedial work.

Sure, you could... But I think you'd be wasting your breath.

You have to think about Barchi's background - not just as an educational administrator, but also professionally. He's not a risk-taker. He doesn't believe in investment. He's a profiteer.
Sure, you could... But I think you'd be wasting your breath.

You have to think about Barchi's background - not just as an educational administrator, but also professionally. He's not a risk-taker. He doesn't believe in investment. He's a profiteer.
What a bleak situation!! What's your view on Herman? She is invisible to fans not in the know. I assume she has nothing in her kit to bring pressure on Barchi until she lines up money?
What a bleak situation!! What's your view on Herman? She is invisible to fans not in the know. I assume she has nothing in her kit to bring pressure on Barchi until she lines up money?

Exactly. All of Barchi's statments about facilities and programs all talk about the need for private donor money.
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What a bleak situation!! What's your view on Herman? She is invisible to fans not in the know. I assume she has nothing in her kit to bring pressure on Barchi until she lines up money?

Every conversation I've ever had with Julie has been upbeat and earnest. She says all the right things and I believe that she is, at her core, driven to win.

I think the dynamic between the three key players, here, is simple - Julie would leave Flood at the airport in Madison and not lose a minute's sleep over it. She's hamstrung by the reality that Barchi has told her that no additional debt can be incurred as a result of her personnel decisions.

The only possibility, in terms of saving graces, is this:

Remember that the infamous EmailGate scandal resulted in two very specific activities - the retention of outside counsel to investigate the football program's administrative conduct, top to bottom, and a concurrent investigation by the NCAA. If you subscribe to the "where there's smoke, there's fire" theory, then the possibility exists that there has been administrative misconduct within the program of which we are currently unaware. If Flood were to be implicated in some such activity, it could force Barchi's hand to "do the right thing", at virtually any cost.
or julie has the acumen--she hasn't shown any gravitas so far
Pernetti had the acumen and gravitas to make very bad hires in Mike Rice and Kyle Fludd, yet many said he had no choice because Barchi tied his hands by limiting the amount of money he could spend. To this day that guy gets a pass because he couldnt or wouldnt do what you think Julie should be doing right now. Last time I checked Barchi is Julie's boss, not the other way around.
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Every conversation I've ever had with Julie has been upbeat and earnest. She says all the right things and I believe that she is, at her core, driven to win.

I think the dynamic between the three key players, here, is simple - Julie would leave Flood at the airport in Madison and not lose a minute's sleep over it. She's hamstrung by the reality that Barchi has told her that no additional debt can be incurred as a result of her personnel decisions.

The only possibility, in terms of saving graces, is this:

Remember that the infamous EmailGate scandal resulted in two very specific activities - the retention of outside counsel to investigate the football program's administrative conduct, top to bottom, and a concurrent investigation by the NCAA. If you subscribe to the "where there's smoke, there's fire" theory, then the possibility exists that there has been administrative misconduct within the program of which we are currently unaware. If Flood were to be implicated in some such activity, it could force Barchi's hand to "do the right thing", at virtually any cost.
I'm fine with Barchi saying this. No more money should be siphoned from academics. I'm an RU alum first and a RU football fan second. Our academic ratings have been falling. Programs succeed because of donors. We just don't have any.
meaning ...the taxpayers pay the coaches, AD and President's salaries being state University !!!
...strength in numbers...maybe we can move mountains.

Yu do realize 99% of the taxpayers either don't care or believe RU pays all those people you mentioned too much to begin with. RU could be #1 and that'd still be the case.
Remember that the infamous EmailGate scandal resulted in two very specific activities - the retention of outside counsel to investigate the football program's administrative conduct, top to bottom, and a concurrent investigation by the NCAA. If you subscribe to the "where there's smoke, there's fire" theory, then the possibility exists that there has been administrative misconduct within the program of which we are currently unaware. If Flood were to be implicated in some such activity, it could force Barchi's hand to "do the right thing", at virtually any cost.

Think you are right in that this will be the driving force-at least outwardly-towards any change.

If we see leaks as to program control etc, then that's where we are going. We don't have the fortitude to do it because he is in no way someone deserving of one of 14 B1G jobs---we're going to need a controversy.
Real is right. Barchi has very little interest in the football program, outside of seeing it revenue neutral. It is to be done above all else.

That is from the horses mouth.
meaning ...the taxpayers pay the coaches, AD and President's salaries being state University !!!
...strength in numbers...maybe we can move mountains.
you, me, and everybody else here are fans/ spectators. We have no seat at the decision making table. get used to it.
I'd be curious to hear some of Upstream's conversations with Barchi. Not to say I don't believe him, but if he did express interest in winning football, that would run counter to pretty much every account I've heard in person or second hand. As recently as last week, Barchi attended a function hosted by Newark's most prominent corporate resident. At that function, he reiterated what he has said multiple times previously. B10 level athletics were not his choice. Those decisions were made prior to his arrival. If it were up to him, we would not be competing at this level. Since he has no choice in the matter, his only priority is to decrease the subsidy to zero. He is ambivalent about athletic infrastructure. He won't get in the way of its creation, but the funding must come from private/corporate donations.
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Barchi couldn't tell a football from a basketball and doesn't want to. Julie has either been told not to do or say anything or is just a PC figurehead...or both.
Tax payers, Season ticket holders, and every day fans are angry..... you cannot pretend to be a big program if you do not act like one. Do you think major programs and Athletic departments would allow a terrible staff of Coaches stay until end of the year and continue to let any of the integrity we have left crumble? You is okay to say publicly we demand a successful program and act like you are doing something about it.

They will listen when the see the number of people who care enough to donate.
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Would be sweet if we could get 300000 people to donate 5 bucks.

avg donation right now is just over 50 bucks thanks to some generous folk.
meaning ...the taxpayers pay the coaches, AD and President's salaries being state University !!!
...strength in numbers...maybe we can move mountains.
I was a pop warner coach for several years back in the day. In 2006 I had a mother approach me during a practice, I thought I was going to hear the usual complaint "why isn't my son playing more" but instead she saw my RU shirt and said "I miss the old Rutgers". I asked why, heck they're 9-0 and ranked 15 in the country!! She said, "I know, I know I just enjoyed the $10 tickets, $25 is too much". That's your NJ taxpayer my friend.
I was a pop warner coach for several years back in the day. In 2006 I had a mother approach me during a practice, I thought I was going to hear the usual complaint "why isn't my son playing more" but instead she saw my RU shirt and said "I miss the old Rutgers". I asked why, heck they're 9-0 and ranked 15 in the country!! She said, "I know, I know I just enjoyed the $10 tickets, $25 is too much". That's your NJ taxpayer my friend.
Unfortunately, like "taxes", those prices will not go down. They may plateau, but will creep up as well. But I get the point.
Saw a sign today at Michigan. A boy same distance to stadium as black lot. "Cheap Parking. $50" ... In some of the houses on the block there, they let people park on their front lawn for $40. Couldn't believe it. We have a ways to go before they can charge $50 for parking at RU a mile from the stadium and have people not all just walk
I can assure you that you are incorrect.

Then say something, lead, or make some kind of commitment that shows you care. Why the secrecy then.

What public comment, or commitment have you heard from Barchi that makes you thinks he really cares?
A lot of people like to talk for Barchi here, but let's hear the man talk for himself about the B1G:

Then say something, lead, or make some kind of commitment that shows you care. Why the secrecy then.

What public comment, or commitment have you heard from Barchi that makes you thinks he really cares?

At the "State of the University" event a two weeks ago, an event that is attended my many faculty leaders, political leaders, and major donors, he made several public comments. Here are some of the things I remember:

After saying that he didn't want to talk about the football issues (i.e., Flood suspension and off-the-field issues), he spent about 10 minutes talking about football (and athletics in general). He commented about how the football program represents less than 1% of the university budget but more than 95% of our press coverage. He reiterated that the football program is an important face of the university. He talked about the need for competitive and championship level teams in football, basketball, and all athletic programs. He praised the soccer program, WBB program, and said that he thinks that Eddie has the MBB program moving in the right direction. (Interestingly, he mentioned several coaches by name, but I don't think he ever mentioned Flood by name.)

Separately, when talking about research progress, he brought up the Big Ten, and cooperative programs Rutgers has with other Big Ten schools. He also mentioned other benefits of the Big Ten, such as how it has allowed Rutgers to increase out-of-state applications from the midwest.

When talking about facilities, he brought up the basketball practice facility and RAC improvements, and he tried to get someone to commit to funding for this during dinner. He thanked Sen Lesniak (and asked him to stand for applause), for sponsoring the tax credit bill that will enable the facility to be built sooner. At that time he reiterated that the facility is an important part of what Rutgers needs to be competitive in athletics, and that we are here to compete to win.

In response to a question about press coverage, he called out a handful of reporters. I won't repeat what he said, but let's just say, knowing Barchi's deep connections at major medical institutions around the country, there are certain reporters who would be wise to go to Mexico if they come down with a serious illness. [winking]

He also spent a lot of time trying to get commitments from donors to fund specific athletic projects. (He also looked for support for non-athletic projects. He literally tried to sell us a bridge: naming rights for the proposed pedestrian bridge over the Raritan.)

In all, he spoke for a little over an hour about all aspects of the University, and about 25-30% of his time was spent, by his choice, on athletics.
You could go find a guy like the NIU coach for the same money, that is a good coach and good recruiter. It's time for Fudd to go.

Nice guy. But can't cut it in the B1G.

To keep saying it's the money is BS.
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At the "State of the University" event a two weeks ago, an event that is attended my many faculty leaders, political leaders, and major donors, he made several public comments. Here are some of the things I remember:

After saying that he didn't want to talk about the football issues (i.e., Flood suspension and off-the-field issues), he spent about 10 minutes talking about football (and athletics in general). He commented about how the football program represents less than 1% of the university budget but more than 95% of our press coverage. He reiterated that the football program is an important face of the university. He talked about the need for competitive and championship level teams in football, basketball, and all athletic programs. He praised the soccer program, WBB program, and said that he thinks that Eddie has the MBB program moving in the right direction. (Interestingly, he mentioned several coaches by name, but I don't think he ever mentioned Flood by name.)

Separately, when talking about research progress, he brought up the Big Ten, and cooperative programs Rutgers has with other Big Ten schools. He also mentioned other benefits of the Big Ten, such as how it has allowed Rutgers to increase out-of-state applications from the midwest.

When talking about facilities, he brought up the basketball practice facility and RAC improvements, and he tried to get someone to commit to funding for this during dinner. He thanked Sen Lesniak (and asked him to stand for applause), for sponsoring the tax credit bill that will enable the facility to be built sooner. At that time he reiterated that the facility is an important part of what Rutgers needs to be competitive in athletics, and that we are here to compete to win.

In response to a question about press coverage, he called out a handful of reporters. I won't repeat what he said, but let's just say, knowing Barchi's deep connections at major medical institutions around the country, there are certain reporters who would be wise to go to Mexico if they come down with a serious illness. [winking]

He also spent a lot of time trying to get commitments from donors to fund specific athletic projects. (He also looked for support for non-athletic projects. He literally tried to sell us a bridge: naming rights for the proposed pedestrian bridge over the Raritan.)

In all, he spoke for a little over an hour about all aspects of the University, and about 25-30% of his time was spent, by his choice, on athletics.
I've never seen Barchi as against athletics but just not willing to support it with a greater subsidy. Frankly that comes from above, the BOG. If they wanted to loosen the purse strings, is Barchi going to say no? I can't argue the goal either in terms of the mission of a university and it's not like they're taking the subsidy away immediately, they're allowing it to come down over time.

If he's lobbying and trying to help raise funds privately then to me he's doing his job. That's really what's needed. A network of private support and donations needs to be created. It's really what we've never had as an AD and a university as a whole probably either. In reality private donations should really be what's the driving force to fund these projects supplemented with athletic revenue bonds. The bonding part of it will come as we get our full share of B10 revenue but we still need that network of private donors. If Barchi is doing his part to help create that with JH/SB then I think he's doing his job.
The problem is Hermann.
1-Why has she not been able to get the hacks from the Star Ledger under control? Based upon the coverage, the Star Ledger makes a ton of money on RU.
2-Why did she not have the skunks from academic support under control? WTF, why is the head coach involved in keeping players eligible.
3-Why did she allow an environment where her Head Football Coach feels that he should take off his Rutgers clothes to beg faculty members outside the library in Princeton? Why didn't she take a little drift past every department chairman's office, bring him a nice pie. Make sure that the department chairman is on the team. If not, then why are there athletes taking classes in that department. Get a grip!
4-Why did she give a contract extension to Flood. Is she afraid that we would lose him?
5-Why did she suspend Flood for 3 games and fine him 50K? What? Flood should have been fired for being stupid.
The problem is Hermann.
1-Why has she not been able to get the hacks from the Star Ledger under control? Based upon the coverage, the Star Ledger makes a ton of money on RU.
2-Why did she not have the skunks from academic support under control? WTF, why is the head coach involved in keeping players eligible.
3-Why did she allow an environment where her Head Football Coach feels that he should take off his Rutgers clothes to beg faculty members outside the library in Princeton? Why didn't she take a little drift past every department chairman's office, bring him a nice pie. Make sure that the department chairman is on the team. If not, then why are there athletes taking classes in that department. Get a grip!
4-Why did she give a contract extension to Flood. Is she afraid that we would lose him?
5-Why did she suspend Flood for 3 games and fine him 50K? What? Flood should have been fired for being stupid.


1. keep them under control...where have you been..they have been attacking RU since 2005
2. academic support IS doing their job...Flood is the one wrong not them
3. you are being stupid
4. contract extension given to temporarily help with recruiting...Towers came to her saying he would pay out the extension if he was it was a good move at the time
5. she didn't give the discipline..came from above

another person just throwing things out there

1. keep them under control...where have you been..they have been attacking RU since 2005
2. academic support IS doing their job...Flood is the one wrong not them
3. you are being stupid
4. contract extension given to temporarily help with recruiting...Towers came to her saying he would pay out the extension if he was it was a good move at the time
5. she didn't give the discipline..came from above

another person just throwing things out there
1. You are biased. If she can't handle it, she should be fired!
2. You are stupid. If they were, this wouldn't have been an issue.
3. Where have you been. This is how it works.
4. Didn't work
5. Ha, ha, ha. She is supposed to lead, or resign.
She is incompetent
I'd be curious to hear some of Upstream's conversations with Barchi. Not to say I don't believe him, but if he did express interest in winning football, that would run counter to pretty much every account I've heard in person or second hand. As recently as last week, Barchi attended a function hosted by Newark's most prominent corporate resident. At that function, he reiterated what he has said multiple times previously. B10 level athletics were not his choice. Those decisions were made prior to his arrival. If it were up to him, we would not be competing at this level. Since he has no choice in the matter, his only priority is to decrease the subsidy to zero. He is ambivalent about athletic infrastructure. He won't get in the way of its creation, but the funding must come from private/corporate donations.

Thank god he will be leaving