Then say something, lead, or make some kind of commitment that shows you care. Why the secrecy then.
What public comment, or commitment have you heard from Barchi that makes you thinks he really cares?
At the "State of the University" event a two weeks ago, an event that is attended my many faculty leaders, political leaders, and major donors, he made several public comments. Here are some of the things I remember:
After saying that he didn't want to talk about the football issues (i.e., Flood suspension and off-the-field issues), he spent about 10 minutes talking about football (and athletics in general). He commented about how the football program represents less than 1% of the university budget but more than 95% of our press coverage. He reiterated that the football program is an important face of the university. He talked about the need for competitive and championship level teams in football, basketball, and all athletic programs. He praised the soccer program, WBB program, and said that he thinks that Eddie has the MBB program moving in the right direction. (Interestingly, he mentioned several coaches by name, but I don't think he ever mentioned Flood by name.)
Separately, when talking about research progress, he brought up the Big Ten, and cooperative programs Rutgers has with other Big Ten schools. He also mentioned other benefits of the Big Ten, such as how it has allowed Rutgers to increase out-of-state applications from the midwest.
When talking about facilities, he brought up the basketball practice facility and RAC improvements, and he tried to get someone to commit to funding for this during dinner. He thanked Sen Lesniak (and asked him to stand for applause), for sponsoring the tax credit bill that will enable the facility to be built sooner. At that time he reiterated that the facility is an important part of what Rutgers needs to be competitive in athletics, and that we are here to compete to win.
In response to a question about press coverage, he called out a handful of reporters. I won't repeat what he said, but let's just say, knowing Barchi's deep connections at major medical institutions around the country, there are certain reporters who would be wise to go to Mexico if they come down with a serious illness. [winking]
He also spent a lot of time trying to get commitments from donors to fund specific athletic projects. (He also looked for support for non-athletic projects. He literally tried to sell us a bridge: naming rights for the proposed pedestrian bridge over the Raritan.)
In all, he spoke for a little over an hour about all aspects of the University, and about 25-30% of his time was spent, by his choice, on athletics.