I suggesting reading help following my masculinity training and less tucking then. I kid..partially
nothing violent about protecting yourself or your family using whatever means necessary. For the record, firearms used in self defense are not considered a violent crime, even in New Jermany.
I'll take you to the range if you'd like and you can see there is nothing inherently dangerous, at least, less so than many common household things. Hell, if you have kids under 18, they are more likely to die as a result of texting than by a gun, drinking, drugs. Like anything, it's the manner in which it's used.
Guns used illegally account for over 90% of all firearm related deaths. Almost 50% of those numbers are isolated to 6 counties riddent with drugs, poverty, etc..
Every child should take firearm training imho. The kids I see who are 'enamored' by them are exposed to them. Wanna guess how many of kids impacted by gun violence have single parent homes, less than 50k yr annual household income, family member on drugs or running with gangs? I could go on but once you break out the numbers, guns are not the issue. In a country with 300mm plus guns and a 1billion plus rounds in private possession, if guns were an issue, you'd know it.
In any event, like most things, we see a ton of ignorance and lack of accountability injected into these discussions.