Minnesota Players to Boycott Holiday Bowl

Maybe I'm reading this wrong, but sounds like the players are only boycotting pre game activities , i.e. Dinners, functions etc. But they will play the game itself.
Maybe I'm reading this wrong, but sounds like the players are only boycotting pre game activities , i.e. Dinners, functions etc. But they will play the game itself.

Looks to me like the game itself IS in jeopardy (at this point).
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Maybe I'm reading this wrong, but sounds like the players are only boycotting pre game activities , i.e. Dinners, functions etc. But they will play the game itself.

Per Minn. Tribune, yes, they will boycott game if need be (demands not met). They've asked the Holiday Bowl Comm. for patience whatever that means
So at best they took advantage of a drunk girl, ran train on her, took videos without consent. At worst they gang raped her. Either way they are pieces of poopie.
Not necessarily. There are a lot of possible scenarios here. Yeah, it does look very bad, but we don't have any idea what happened. I try to avoid speculating. The strange thing is that this seems to have been settled to everybody's satisfaction, then the school decided to convict the players based on whatever evidence they gathered, contrary to the results of the police investigation and resolution. Are they saying the cops are incompetent or corrupt? This is all being driven by the school's Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action office according to the article. Is that part of Human Resources because the girl was a part time employee?
So at best they took advantage of a drunk girl, ran train on her, took videos without consent. At worst they gang raped her. Either way they are pieces of poopie.

Yeah. I'm not feeling a lot of sympathy for the players based on that article. But I don't want to pass judgement on them based on one article; I really don't know anything about the situation. However, if the U of Minn, who is closer to the situation, decides that the players didn't live up to standards the University set and if they decide to pull the players' scholarships, kick them off the team, and expel them from the school, I won't second-guess that either.
Nebraska has been notified that in the next 48 hours if Minnesota has not settled this they have the option to take the Holiday bowl bid. NU would do it because of Alumni and recruiting base.
keep two things in mind about Minnesota...this is the same school whose AD resigned in shame after sexting and groping employees....and they had multiple players suspended from the basketball team late in the season last year for some sort of sex incident that was tweeted by one of the players. So with all that happening in the past season yes they are probably doing the right thing even in a questionable situation until the dust settles.
keep two things in mind about Minnesota...this is the same school whose AD resigned in shame after sexting and groping employees....and they had multiple players suspended from the basketball team late in the season last year for some sort of sex incident that was tweeted by one of the players. So with all that happening in the past season yes they are probably doing the right thing even in a questionable situation until the dust settles.

Not to make the son guilty of the sins of the father but isn't the BB coach Richard Pitino, Rick's son. We know that Louisville's record in these type of incidents is impeccable.
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keep two things in mind about Minnesota...this is the same school whose AD resigned in shame after sexting and groping employees....and they had multiple players suspended from the basketball team late in the season last year for some sort of sex incident that was tweeted by one of the players. So with all that happening in the past season yes they are probably doing the right thing even in a questionable situation until the dust settles.

Look this is a joke post, so I hope no one gets too riled up by it, but it's Minnesota, what else are they gonna do. The Vikings had their sex boat party, and you got Rick Pitino's kid coaching there.
Roger that. Jim Grobe came out of retirement to interim coach Baylor this year. If Klaeys can't keep the team under control, maybe Kill would go back in an interim capacity?

What was your impression of Kill and your thoughts on him as our OC?

Kill and Minnesota did not have a friendly parting. He wanted to still be part of the program and the school said no. Kill will not be going back to Minnesota except to fish maybe.

I don't recall him really being an offensive or defensive coach. I know he liked very conservative football where you did a lot of 2 back 2 tight end sets and play field position and defense. Kind of wait for you to make a mistake. I don't think he can physically be a head coach any more as doctors won't clear him. That was an issue at Minnesota. Not sure if being an assistant is different. He is a big disciplinarian. Not many 2nd chances with him.

I don't think he fits any part of what Ash has said he wants to do. It will have to be a very good deal for him because he is with his buddy(Snyder) at K State. He may also hope to be Snyders replacement if he can get his epilepsy in check.
What are you saying?

Are you in support of the players boycott or not?

I don't think of "laughing" at the players as being supporting. Its more of a shaking the head at something so bizarre. If the story you linked is true.. the accusations.. at best the boycott in defense of teammates who pulled a train on a drunk chick. That's a crime... isn't it? While not a laughing matter... the boycott in support of teammates who allegedly participated can be a laughing matter.. not a funny laughter.. a mocking laughter that has not relation to the underlying charges.
What are you saying?

Are you in support of the players boycott or not?

I don't think of "laughing" at the players as being supporting. Its more of a shaking the head at something so bizarre. If the story you linked is true.. the accusations.. at best the boycott in defense of teammates who pulled a train on a drunk chick. That's a crime... isn't it? While not a laughing matter... the boycott in support of teammates who allegedly participated can be a laughing matter.. not a funny laughter.. a mocking laughter that has not relation to the underlying charges.

The quotes from the police officers plus the actions of the prosecutors and the woman make it clear that no crime was committed. Nobody on this board has said he is privy to any more information than was communicated by the media. None of us know the surrounding circumstances. Maybe the university is taking appropriate action. Maybe it is overreacting. We could imagine dozens of scenarios for what happened that night but I'm not going to assume anything. That includes passing judgement on the players' decision to boycott.
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So at best they took advantage of a drunk girl, ran train on her, took videos without consent. At worst they gang raped her. Either way they are pieces of shit.

How do you know all this? I didn't find anything that mentions the amount of time between when she had the drinks and when she went to the bedroom. What was in those drinks? How large is the woman? Just how "drunk" was she when she hooked up?

The cops and prosecutors saw the videos and found no reason to press charges. How do you know the videos were taken without her consent?

There are women and men who enjoy having sex with lots of partners in one go. To each their own.
If my Boss decides to suspend a co-worker for whatever reason, I still show up for work. I can write a letter to the President on behalf of my suspended buddy (stupid move), or I can quit and find work else where. If I don't show up and do my job, I get fired. Maybe that's what these guys want. Do they have to sit out a year if they get kicked out of school?
The quotes from the police officers plus the actions of the prosecutors and the woman make it clear that no crime was committed. Nobody on this board has said he is privy to any more information than was communicated by the media. None of us know the surrounding circumstances. Maybe the university is taking appropriate action. Maybe it is overreacting. We could imagine dozens of scenarios for what happened that night but I'm not going to assume anything. That includes passing judgement on the players' decision to boycott.
Joe Pa did what he needed to do with Sandusky. Does it make it right? Just because no crime was committed doesn't make it right. I no nothing about this case but just stating the obvious.
Just because no crime was committed doesn't make it right. I no nothing about this case but just stating the obvious.

Those two statements don't fit. Your own feelings and judgments about what is "right" and "wrong" don't get to determine what is "right" and "wrong" for someone else. That, my friend, is what should be obvious.
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Joe Pa did what he needed to do with Sandusky. Does it make it right? Just because no crime was committed doesn't make it right. I no nothing about this case but just stating the obvious.
Equating a grown man molesting and raping young boys to consensual sexual activities of adults is absurd.
It seems to me the reason the players are boycotting is related to the accused having their identities made public to the detriment of their reputation, possibly illegally.
Have the players stated exactly what they are protesting? I couldn't find a statement.

ETA: To clarify, the oral statement only listed their demands. But what I want to know is their basis for demanding these things. If this is a protest, they're doing it wrong.
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