Minnesota Players to Boycott Holiday Bowl

Can we all agree that the head coach's tweet about how proud he is of his players trying "to make a better world" is completely absurd?
Can we all agree that the head coach's tweet about how proud he is of his players trying "to make a better world" is completely absurd?
Another POS, but he is in a no-win situation. He has to be on his players side. This is why decisions like this should be out of a coach's hands.
Have the players stated exactly what they are protesting? I couldn't find a statement.

ETA: To clarify, the oral statement only listed their demands. But what I want to know is their basis for demanding these things. If this is a protest, they're doing it wrong. It reminds me of all those "Occupy" protests where so many participants could never quite enunciate why they were there.
Google is your friend.
It seems simple enough.

Popular players were suspended (possibly for legal actions related to a sexual incident back after the first game)

The players say "tell us why".. possibly goaded by the lawyer who represents all 10 accused.. the admin says we cannot tell you.. it would breach privacy rights and it is an ongoing legal process..

And that's not good enough.

The administration should say.. Everyone who boycotts any element of the bowl game will be put on the first flight home and not play in the bowl game.

Simply put, the administration makes decisions like suspensions carefully.. and we cannot have a football program is the players choose to ignore the authority and responsibility of the administration. We regret that the players think this is their best option to support their fellow players who have been suspended. It is unfair to every other player on the team, as well as the coaching staff and support support staff and the fans who support the program.

What happens when these players are out in the working world and someone they like gets laid off or fired? Are they going to lead a boycott?

I don't get it.. at least some of these 10 players must have done something worthy of suspension.. right? No one is going to make the decision to suspend on a whim. That would be crazy and would have already been overturned if that were the case. The players actions that caused them to be suspended is a crime against the team as well.. I don't get why the team wants to go so far to protect those who earned a suspension.
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For dopey ideas I'll see your Bowl boycott and raise you this idea.

Hammer and Rails blog
Big Ten All-Stars Replace Minnesota in the Holiday Bowl

I'll presume they are being ironic, but what a dumb notion. As if Fantasy football were really a thing in the real world.

I'd imagine most bowl games featuring a barely eligible P5 school versus whatever MAC team you chose, gets more interest than any of the actual all star games.
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It seems simple enough.

Popular players were suspended (possibly for legal actions related to a sexual incident back after the first game)

The players say "tell us why".. possibly goaded by the lawyer who represents all 10 accused.. the admin says we cannot tell you.. it would breach privacy rights and it is an ongoing legal process..

And that's not good enough.

The administration should say.. Everyone who boycotts any element of the bowl game will be put on the first flight home and not play in the bowl game.

Simply put, the administration makes decisions like suspensions carefully.. and we cannot have a football program is the players choose to ignore the authority and responsibility of the administration. We regret that the players think this is their best option to support their fellow players who have been suspended. It is unfair to every other player on the team, as well as the coaching staff and support support staff and the fans who support the program.

What happens when these players are out in the working world and someone they like gets laid off or fired? Are they going to lead a boycott?

I don't get it.. at least some of these 10 players must have done something worthy of suspension.. right? No one is going to make the decision to suspend on a whim. That would be crazy and would have already been overturned if that were the case. The players actions that caused them to be suspended is a crime against the team as well.. I don't get why the team wants to go so far to protect those who earned a suspension.
The players were investigated early in the season the police found nothing to charge them with. Now months later these players are suspended and being raked through the coals by the administration and their teammates are pissed about it.

Unlike a regular joe employee who is mad at a friend being laid off, these football players have leverage. These players are willing to lose a lot by boycotting the bowl game, but the University stands to lose a lot in revenue. The players feel that it is worth it, so that is where they are at now. Regular joe pushing papers at Company ABC doesn't have that kind of leverage.
I don't understand why many feel that only certain people are allowed to stand up for themselves or close friends.

Fair question. Personally, I have an automatic knee-jerk reaction to sexual assault cases. I irrationally take the side of the woman as a default position 100% of the time. I usually try hard to be objective, fair and open-minded about things, but I struggle with that in situations like this.
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Fair question. Personally, I have an automatic knee-jerk reaction to sexual assault cases. I irrationally take the side of the woman as a default position 100% of the time. I usually try hard to be objective, fair and open-minded about things, but I struggle with that in situations like this.
I have a similar perspective, but the police investigated the incident months ago. Not saying investigations in such incidents are infallible, but I can understand why the players feel the need to make a statement.
No way. Bottom tier of B1G traveling base.

1) it's San Diego

2) every B1G school has large alumni bases in Southern California. Do you actually think that 70,000 people from Wisconsin travel to the Rose Bowl? No.

3) saying "bottom tier of Big Ten travelling base" is a tad comical. This isn't exactly the AAC. We're talking about the co-best travelling conference in the nation. Being behind OSU, Mich, PSU, Wiscy, Nebraska, and Michigan State, doesn't exactly mean only 10K in San Diego.

I didn't say they'd have 50,000 fans there, either, but I'd bet dollars-to-donuts they'd travel a lot better than you think.
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I have a similar perspective, but the police investigated the incident months ago. Not saying investigations in such incidents are infallible, but I can understand why the players feel the need to make a statement.

They didn't "make a statement." They're boycotting ALL activities related to football and The Holiday Bowl. There is a HUGE difference between the two.
The Mizzou players got results.

America is a free country. No one posting in this thread knows more than what's reported, which is very little. Maybe this is a UVA type situation with this girl? Or Duke Lacrosse? Will the posters whining come back and take it all back if true?

I'm always inclined to believe the woman, but I also believe in free speech. Their choice. The idea that they should be made to play is totally undemocratic and absurd. This isn't East Germany.
Fair question. Personally, I have an automatic knee-jerk reaction to sexual assault cases. I irrationally take the side of the woman as a default position 100% of the time. I usually try hard to be objective, fair and open-minded about things, but I struggle with that in situations like this.
interesting angles by some, always thought having sex with a passed out girl was rape.

kids should be in jail, not suspended

Jesus people, wtf is wrong with you
There was an alleged sex assault that was investigated by the authorities and ALL the players who were involved were found NOT to have committed any crime or act that rose to a criminal level.

they just declined to press charges. "found not to have committed any crime" is not the same thing.

being suspended has nothing to do with "equal protection under the law". being dumb enough to take turns having sex with a drunk girl in someone's dorm room (and record it!) -> has consequences.
If the law says the school can't discuss information then the players shouldn't expect to be told anything and what they are doing should allow Minnesota to revoke their scholarships, if legally possible .
My course of action as the Gopher AD would be handing transfer papers to each and every player that is involved in the boycott.Also would advise those players if they disagreed with having scholarships taken away to seek legal help in order to find out their rights to contest this action.
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they just declined to press charges. "found not to have committed any crime" is not the same thing.

Really as in anybody that has watched three episodes of Law and Order knows a "Not Guilty" verdict is not the same thing as being innocent.
Wow! It is amazing to me all the dopes that inhabit this board. This is NJ though one of only ten states that voted solidly for the failed Hillary Clinton so I guess I should not be surprised.
Anyhow, the reason these players are boycotting any football activities is simple. There was an alleged sex assault that was investigated by the authorities and ALL the players who were involved were found NOT to have committed any crime or act that rose to a criminal level. It was after the fact that the university decided to get involved and according to their internal investigation they determined that "something" happened that warranted the suspension of the ten players. Again, the local authorities have already investigated the incident and determined that what happened did not rise to the level of a crime.
The players are protesting for those players because they have already been cleared by the local law enforcement authorities. The university has no business being involved in the prosecution of anyone. They are protesting the fact that the players due process rights are being trampled upon by the university without the protections that an individual gets in a court of law.
We do not need to go through the list of all the recent examples of cases of alleged sexual assault that turned out to be false but the young mens lives were ruined because it is hard to shake the label "rapist" even if you were never found guilty.
I fully support these young men in their justified stand to get equal protection under the law not some bullshit university process.

because if they violated a university policy or a standard it has nothing to do with being cleared by the cops...two seperate cases
Kill and Minnesota did not have a friendly parting. He wanted to still be part of the program and the school said no. Kill will not be going back to Minnesota except to fish maybe.

I don't recall him really being an offensive or defensive coach. I know he liked very conservative football where you did a lot of 2 back 2 tight end sets and play field position and defense. Kind of wait for you to make a mistake. I don't think he can physically be a head coach any more as doctors won't clear him. That was an issue at Minnesota. Not sure if being an assistant is different. He is a big disciplinarian. Not many 2nd chances with him.

I don't think he fits any part of what Ash has said he wants to do. It will have to be a very good deal for him because he is with his buddy(Snyder) at K State. He may also hope to be Snyders replacement if he can get his epilepsy in check.
Huskers, you should post this info in the thread about Kill interviewing for the OC position at RU. There are a lot over there that think his experience as a Head Coach since 1994 is a big plus for him to get the OC position here.
Those two statements don't fit. Your own feelings and judgments about what is "right" and "wrong" don't get to determine what is "right" and "wrong" for someone else. That, my friend, is what should be obvious.
A lot of bad things were done because people thought they were doing the "right" thing. IMO, what is "right" is not a judgment. Maybe that's where I'm "wrong".
How about grown men and drunk young woman? Is it still absurd.
The men and woman involved were of the same age. What picture are you trying to paint with your wording?

Brother Skinny laid it our best. Listen, do I condone this sort of behavior? Absolutely not. However, the police investigated, she seemed to have given consent to the point where the police couldn't do anything about it. There was video evidence, we obviously aren't going to see it, but the police did and they made their determination.

Interesting when the Duke Lacrosse team was getting railroaded, the majority view on this was board was they were getting screwed (and proven that was indeed the case). Now folks have a different perspective. Wonder what the difference is...
My guess is that this is actually a title IX issue. The University is required to investigate this under title IX, and the standards by which they make a determination are much lower than what is required in traditional courts. Just because the players aren't going to jail doesn't mean they are entitled to remain students at the school.
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interesting angles by some, always thought having sex with a passed out girl was rape.

kids should be in jail, not suspended

Jesus people, wtf is wrong with you

It's an assumption on your part that the girl was passed out. The girl is saying that. The recordings seem to say something different. A bunch of guys having sex with a really drunk or passed out girl is a crime. But what if, as also alleged, she was a willing participant who just wanted to have sex with lot of guys that night. What if the recordings show that? Sure, morally questionable behavior by all involved, but a crime has been committed by anybody.
This is from the article I linked earlier. People need to stop referring to this as a rape of or nonconsensual sex with a drunk woman. It might be a violation of university or team rules, but it was not a crime:

During an 8-second clip, the woman “appears lucid, alert, somewhat playful and fully conscious; she does not appear to be objecting to anything at this time,” Wente wrote in his report. After viewing two additional videos, he wrote “the sexual contact appears entirely consensual.”

Police later interviewed four other players, who each said the sex was consensual.

On Sept. 30, Wente sent the investigation to the Hennepin County Attorney’s office for possible prosecution. In it, he wrote about the videos, “at no time does she indicate that she is in distress or that the contact is unwelcome or nonconsensual.”
However, the police investigated, she seemed to have given consent to the point where the police couldn't do anything about it. There was video evidence, we obviously aren't going to see it, but the police did and they made their determination.

I don't know why some people can't get this through their head. Legal standards and university policy are two different things. You can do something that is legal, but still violates university policy. Therefore, a university can still suspend/expel you for something, even though it isn't a crime.