NJ Assembly Approves $25 Million for RU

The Bill received overwhelming support in the Assembly as it did in the Senate. Some minor changes were made so the Senate has to agree to the changes and then the Bill will go to Hobbs' good friend, the Gov. hard was THAT ?
All you had to do was put one of the fatman's cronies in charge of the athletic program and we'd get more funding.
Last edited: hard was THAT.
All you had to do was put one of the fatman's cronies in charge of the athletic program and we'd get more funding.
You do realize this was planned way before Hobbs and it was actually Lesniak ( who CC hates) that started it. hard was THAT.
All you had to do was put one of the fatman's cronies in charge of the athletic program and we'd get more funding.
And that is the problem as the fatman's cronies syphon the $ off the top
Why do you think Christie is so fat from skimming all the cream off of everything.
You got to Lov Jersey politics
Let's hop Christie doesn't back out on his word. He shouldn't because he's nearly done as Governor anyway so what does he care.
The Bill received overwhelming support in the Assembly as it did in the Senate. Some minor changes were made so the Senate has to agree to the changes and then the Bill will go to Hobbs' good friend, the Gov.
I can't say for sure, but I doubt Hobbes and Christie are "good friends." Hobbs is a Democrat. He was appointed Ombudsman at the recommendation of one of Christie's law firms. Hobbs has had a solid reputation on ethics and other issues.
I can't say for sure, but I doubt Hobbes and Christie are "good friends." Hobbs is a Democrat. He was appointed Ombudsman at the recommendation of one of Christie's law firms. Hobbs has had a solid reputation on ethics and other issues.
Hobbs and Christie are good political friends. Not sure about personal, but who cares. They got the job done and will get some much needed funding for RU. Time to say, thank you Christie.
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Oh look, people taking political shots & making fat jokes after a Rutgers bill passed with overwhelming BIPARTISAN support.

probably just a bit of nervousness pending the final outcome -
if this suddenly becomes a target of political sniping by some of the GOP candidates - it would not be the first time that there were headlines like:

Bill Passed New Jersey Legislature With Bipartisan Support But Posed Problems for Republican in Iowa
its a historic day because when was the last time the state supported anything to do with RU athletics. Hobbs got the job for political reasons and is well equipped to navigate the NJ political waters. Thank Lesniak for this bill and the facility plan was set in motion by Barchi and Julie this June. However its obvious that someone had a sit down with Barchi about getting serious about athletics
The Bill received overwhelming support in the Assembly as it did in the Senate. Some minor changes were made so the Senate has to agree to the changes and then the Bill will go to Hobbs' good friend, the Gov.
The devil is in the details...would love to know what the "changes" are. Until we see the fine print it would not be out of order to be slightly concerned.
It's a historic day because when was the last time the state supported anything to do with RU athletics. Hobbs got the job for political reasons and is well equipped to navigate the NJ political waters. Thank Lesniak for this bill and the facility plan was set in motion by Barchi and Julie this June. However its obvious that someone had a sit down with Barchi about getting serious about athletics
Agree with the 1st two sentences but I think the thanks should also go to the person who got in Lesniak's ear and whispered what to say/write.

And maybe the good doctor just saw the light on this?
Christie will have to see how the "base" in NH and Iowa feel before approving anything and change his opinion ten times before making a decision.
when will we know if changes were approved and is Christie going to sign this?