NJIT's New Facility


Heisman Winner
Mar 15, 2005
Its not so much that NJIT is building a new Arena that bothers me, its that NJIT will pay for half the cost.
If RU can not help fund a Practice facility or Athletes Village, RU needs to do what NJIT is doing, Renovate the RAC into a multi-purpose facility that will have practice facilities and an updated RAC, but would have facilities for conferences, RU community activities, may another restaurant or two, some retail space, classrooms and facilities for Physical education, performance, medical facilities, etc. It will be easier to sell that way. NJIT's facility will only be 20% for athletics with a 3500 person arena. How does RU find the money for New dorms and a Business school, but can't help the BB team compete in the BIG?

If NJIT can pay for half of the $100mill cost, there is no excuse for Rutgers not to fund at least half of the Rac upgrade/practice facility. (Ok, I know there are politics involved and thus, the excuses fly, but if Rutgers was truly united in this effort, they could find the money.)


50/50 funding is perfectly reasonable. The problem is, however, that RU is insisting that donors finance 100% of any new hoops facility. The fact that NJIT is willing to provide 50% of the funding to their facility playing small time D-1 hoops without an established conference, but a Big 10 member like RU won't is criminal.
it is also partially politics. NJIT will probably let the local schools in Newark use the facility for some games. They will probably let the city use it for town hall type meetings. For RU to make it work they would need to allow the facility to be shared between the athletic teams and students. In big time sports you can't do this.
Originally posted by RUfinal4:
it is also partially politics. NJIT will probably let the local schools in Newark use the facility for some games. They will probably let the city use it for town hall type meetings. For RU to make it work they would need to allow the facility to be shared between the athletic teams and students. In big time sports you can't do this.
I am proposing a multi purpose facility. The practice facility would be for just BB though.