No. 6 seed Rutgers Lacrosse will face No. 7 seed Cornell on Saturday in the Final Four

we aren’t, though. There’s a reason we’re higher ranked and higher seeded.

Cornell is playing much better than us today. But we’re much better
Stupid is as stupid does.

You are what your record is.

Simple. Cornell up by 5, so they are the better team. If RU comes back and wins, then RU is the better team.
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Both of the refs were right there. Not only is that not a goal, it's a 1 minute penalty on them.
Two questions. Has there been discussion about using replay like other sports where they could have reversed that call? Second, is there a one minute penalty for shooting and landing in the inner circle?
Need to play like we want the ball in 2nd half Cornell playing as the aggressor and winning alot of ground balls. FOGOs need to pass! Let's go RU!!
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Nice stat … RU is 0-9 in NCAA when trailing at the half … maybe tenth time is a charm?
We know how to overcome our deficiencies and win games because we do a lot of the little things well that don’t show up on the stat sheet. Our defense is usually almost flawless passing and handling to the point that we take it for granted. If the ball is on the ground one of our guy is near it, it usually ends up in his stick.

We’ve missed more gbs that we should have had in that half than any game all season. Those are lost possessions. We’ve given away 2 goals directly off of bad handles on clears and several more bad handles that gave them extra possessions that leads to goals.

That is the difference in this game because they are uncharacteristic. The goals off the pick game, the late slides, the low shooting percentage, the lost faceoffs are things we have learned to live with. We can’t win doing all of these things.
OK, so would you have preferred that I say we are worse than Cornell.
In all honesty, I'm not sure if we are better or worse than Cornell. But when you can't win faceoffs, are minus 10 on ground balls, turn the ball over without pressure twice in front of your goal plus multiple ground balls they should have easily scooped up, don't want to run away from someone trying to stick check you from behind, etc., there is lack of effort and execution. Rutgers is much better than what they portrayed in the first half. Based on that, I wouldn't say Cornell is better but they are acting like they want this game more. I'd say Cornell got a really nice, early, gift wrapped Christmas present in the first half, and took advantage of it.
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Two questions. Has there been discussion about using replay like other sports where they could have reversed that call? Second, is there a one minute penalty for shooting and landing in the inner circle?

There is always discussion and it needs to happen. What if we lose this game by one goal? A goal is the most important play in lacrosse. To not have it reviewable is ridiculous at this point. Everyone watching this game now knows that wasn't a goal.

Yes, if a shooter lands in the goalmouth, it's an automatic 1 minute penalty. That could have easily been a two goal swing that play.
There is always discussion and it needs to happen. What if we lose this game by one goal? A goal is the most important play in lacrosse. To not have it reviewable is ridiculous at this point. Everyone watching this game now knows that wasn't a goal.

Yes, if a shooter lands in the goalmouth, it's an automatic 1 minute penalty. That could have easily been a two goal swing that play.
Why the literal f*** is there no replay after goals for something like that, especially this late in the season?
In all honesty, I'm not sure if we are better or worse than Cornell. But when you can't win faceoffs, are minus 10 on ground balls, turn the ball over without pressure twice in front of your goal plus multiple ground balls they should have easily scooped up, don't want to run away from someone trying to stick check you from behind, etc., there is lack of effort and execution. Rutgers is much better than what they portrayed in the first half. Based on that, I wouldn't say Cornell is better but they are acting like they want this game more. I'd say Cornell got a really nice, early, gift wrapped Christmas present in the first half, and took advantage of it.

Cornell isn't some juggernaut. At this point you can look at comperative scores and they eye test.

But which teams are hot? Cornell comes in hot. So did we. Can we get hot again? Gotta win faceoffs. Start there.
The sun came back out in Bergen County about 10 minutes ago. Wouldn't be surprised in the delay gets past 2 - 2:15.
Radar shows it could be hours unless the lightning stops or moves through faster.
Guess I know why flights were getting delayed and cancelled. Guess there is weather back there.
Should’ve moved the games to tomorrow to begin with IMHO. They KNEW this weather was coming.