No Conference Owns A Sport Like The B1G Does In Wrestling

It really is crazy. I think a reasonable and attainable goal would be to finish 5th in the Big 10 (ahead of Nebraska). I think catching Michigan is a longshot and PSU, OSU and Iowa are still at a different level.
It really is crazy. I think a reasonable and attainable goal would be to finish 5th in the Big 10 (ahead of Nebraska). I think catching Michigan is a longshot and PSU, OSU and Iowa are still at a different level.
RU will definitely be a better tourney team than dual team this year. A Top 10 finish is very real in mid March in Pittsburgh.
RU will definitely be a better tourney team than dual team this year. A Top 10 finish is very real in mid March in Pittsburgh.
Absolutely. In the tourney, need guys to make runs at the podium and pick up bonus points along the way. Suriano and Ash should be able to score a bunch of tourney points this year and we need other guys to contribute an AA or 2.
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Absolutely. In the tourney, need guys to make runs at the podium and pick up bonus points along the way. Suriano and Ash should be able to score a bunch of tourney points this year and we need other guys to contribute an AA or 2.
If we can get two finalist and 2 more AA that might be enough for a team trophy at ncaa no?
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If we can get two finalist and 2 more AA that might be enough for a team trophy at ncaa no?
It puts you right in the mix for a team trophy. Last year Michigan and North Carolina State tied for 4th place. Michigan had 2 finalist (both took 2nd) and 3 other AA’s (High AA’s). NC State had 2 finalist, with 1 winning a championship and 2 other AA’s (a 3rd and 6th).
I think to have a shot at a team trophy, we need at worst NC finalists from both Suriano and Ashnault, an AA from JVB and an AA from one other wrestler (Gravina most likely has the best shot at a 4th AA for RU after he returns).
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If we can get two finalist and 2 more AA that might be enough for a team trophy at ncaa no?
Like others said, it puts us in the mix, but I think we would need a few other blood round guys as well. Some guys have to develop (like Glasgow) and others have to take that next step (Grello, MVB) One name to watch out for as a possible surprise for us this year is Collucci at Heavy. I think he is a bit of an unknown, but has a good record and wrestled behind a very good heavy at Lehigh. I think he has the ability to finish as a top 15-20 Heavy this season.
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I think to have a shot at a team trophy, we need at worst NC finalists from both Suriano and Ashnault, an AA from JVB and an AA from one other wrestler (Gravina most likely has the best shot at a 4th AA for RU after he returns).

Out of curiosity I went back and looked at how Iowa did when they came in 4th in 2017 (in 2018 it was a tie for 4th w Michigan and someone else).

125- Gilman takes 3rd Place
133- Cory Clark , 1st Place
141- Carton, 1 consy win by MD
149- Sorenson, 3rd Place
157- Kemerer , 3rd Place
165- Gunther, 2 consy wins
174- Meyer, 2 wins
184- Brooks 4th Place
197 - 3 wins
285- No wrestler

In summary - 1 champ, 5 All Americans.
Didn't have time to check for pins , Tech Fallls, MDs, etc.
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