Northwestern- Fitzgerald Suspended, Now Fired Due to Hazing

If this was all made up like some here think Pat is going to sue them into oblivion, which is why I’m inclined to believe there allegations were sadly true.
Here we go. Sounds like he may have got fired for cause or he’s making sure he gets his money.

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Can we change pencil to pen?
I said that before the details came out and revised my thoughts in this thread when they did and said this had the potential to blow up, which it did.

Personally, I do think it should be a win given the circumstances now. If we can’t take advantage imo that won’t bode well for the season.
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I said that before the details came out and revised my thoughts in this thread when they did and said this had the potential to blow up, which it did.

Personally, I do think it should be a win given the circumstances now. If we can’t take advantage imo that won’t bode well for the season.
IDK. Here's a counterpoint. Look at the last 2 years under Fitz, and they were horrible. This, after their giant shiny toy of a field house was unveiled. It goes to show that money and shiny toys don't translate into wins. Coaching, development and recruiting matters.

Maybe Fitz was a rotting corpse in the program, and the players, or at least a group of them turned on him.

As you said, this could cause more turmoil and dysfunction. Or it could galvanized and energize the team. We could be doomed as usual!
IDK. Here's a counterpoint. Look at the last 2 years under Fitz, and they were horrible. This, after their giant shiny toy of a field house was unveiled. It goes to show that money and shiny toys don't translate into wins. Coaching, development and recruiting matters.

Maybe Fitz was a rotting corpse in the program, and the players, or at least a group of them turned on him.

As you said, this could cause more turmoil and dysfunction. Or it could galvanized and energize the team. We could be doomed as usual!
I’m more likely to side with dysfunction or scatter with transfers. It’ll be a good job by the interim HC if he can hold the team together and galvanize it.

I’m more likely to side with dysfunction or scatter with transfers. It’ll be a good job by the interim HC if he can hold the team together and galvanize it.

I tend to agree with you. There will be a period of hard feelings. Getting the impression that Schill will get taken down in this too. Almost seems like he his pulling a Barchi, except Barchi set up Tim as the fall guy. Schill should have insulated himself. He's probably toast.

Is Charlie Mangieri 35 years old?

I don’t see how this increases the liklihood of beating them since we don’t yet know who they will hire.

A good coach can work wonders. Remember Schiano couldn’t stop Chip Kelly’s (OC) offense at UNH, and Brian Kelly’s teams at Cinci.

I think it’s a mistake to write NU off in game 1.
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I don’t see how this increases the liklihood of beating them since we don’t yet know who they will hire.

A good coach can work wonders. Remember Schiano couldn’t stop Chip Kelly’s (OC) offense at UNH, and Brian Kelly’s teams at Cinci.

I think it’s a mistake to write NU off in game 1.
Greg Schiano is the master of season openers. Has only lost 4 times at RU (2002, 2005, 2008, 2009). Rutgers rolls. Said it before the suspension too.
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Kinda interesting the basis of the firing is the story written by student reporters at the school newspaper.
Wasn't Chris a HC in the FSC where Braun was his DC and worked under Matt Entz when he was hired to replace Klieman
Braun might make a good HC but Northwestern might want to get a out of work( as a HC) name brand to rebuild a scandal plagued program that has two bad seasons in a row and not trust it to someone with no HC experience
Another example of a guy, who was a HC though, but came up from the lower levels and did well at each stop along the way. That's why I don't put as much stock in where they come from or whatever because some have it and some don't. Also coming up from the lower levels, you have to figure out how to do it with less resources. Just about always a crap shoot.

Greg Schiano is the master of season openers. Has only lost 4 times at RU (2002, 2005, 2008, 2009). Rutgers rolls. Said it before the suspension too.
I thought it was a toss up before this stuff happened but there's a lot of chemistry, roster and who knows what issues that can pop up this close to the start of the season. IMO that's a big advantage for us and we should capitalize. If we don't, imo it won't foreshadow good things for the rest of the season.

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I don’t see how this increases the liklihood of beating them since we don’t yet know who they will hire.

A good coach can work wonders. Remember Schiano couldn’t stop Chip Kelly’s (OC) offense at UNH, and Brian Kelly’s teams at Cinci.

I think it’s a mistake to write NU off in game 1.
Stop lol.

1) unlikely they hire a new HC prior to this season, they likely have 1 year interim with the DC
2) if they do hire a new coach do you realize how hard it is to install a new offensive and defensive system in 4 weeks? Lol. Come on man.
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Also kinda scary. 19 year olds looking to make a name for themselves and refused to stop until they got a legend fired.

People dont realize, players partook in “hazing” which was often done while everyone was laughing, player being hazed included, voluntarily. Its a right of passage. One loser spoiled rich kid qb from california who was strapped to the bench just decided he was mad and wanted to get a legend fired. Pathetic that the school bowed

All it took was one rat from california. Shocker.

And again, best to not haze but these are 18-23 year old men. If they didnt wanna be hazed all you gotta do is throw one punch and its over.
KYK you are unbelievable!!! You have to be the most arrogant asshole on these boards!
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The funniest part of this kids accusation is this.

“Fitzgerald absolutely knew about the hazing”

Nexts sentence

“If he didnt know about the hazing he still shouldnt be the coach” haha

Aka, I want this guy fired no matter what

He’s a window into the mind of some who remain locked into antiquated ideas that linger in small pockets of jock culture. The more he writes, the more we see what still needs to be fixed.
Im not saying they should still be hazing kids. As i said, if i was coach, day 1, first convo with the whole team would be no tolerance policy on hazing. However, to not acknowledge that hazing is a HUGE part of football culture when I was growing up even just 15 years ago and even worse prior to me is just being blind.

If every coach was firing for one of their players/teams “hazing” even one year you could legit fire every single d1 football coach in america right now. To not acknowledge this is to be totally blind to reality. You might not like that but its true
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Im not saying they should still be hazing kids. As i said, if i was coach, day 1, first convo with the whole team would be no tolerance policy on hazing. However, to not acknowledge that hazing is a HUGE part of football culture when I was growing up even just 15 years ago and even worse prior to me is just being blind.

If every coach was firing for one of their players/teams “hazing” even one year you could legit fire every single d1 football coach in america right now. To not acknowledge this is to be totally blind to reality. You might not like that but its true
KYK, you are living proof of how that type of culture needs to be eradicated. It helped create a loud arrogant fool!
Stop lol.

1) unlikely they hire a new HC prior to this season, they likely have 1 year interim with the DC
2) if they do hire a new coach do you realize how hard it is to install a new offensive and defensive system in 4 weeks? Lol. Come on man.
Like I said, good coaches find a way to win. On top of that, this might actually improve chemistry and motivation.

Point is, it doesn’t change win probability one way or the other. Maybe it will prove good for us, maybe not.
Im not saying they should still be hazing kids. As i said, if i was coach, day 1, first convo with the whole team would be no tolerance policy on hazing. However, to not acknowledge that hazing is a HUGE part of football culture when I was growing up even just 15 years ago and even worse prior to me is just being blind.

If every coach was firing for one of their players/teams “hazing” even one year you could legit fire every single d1 football coach in america right now. To not acknowledge this is to be totally blind to reality. You might not like that but its true
What level of "hazing". Sayreville HS or Wall Twp HS type of hazing? There are different types, of course that might not be considered hazing like when David Wright came up and he was required to carry a veteran's equipement with him on every road trip, stuff like that.
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pasted my response to Al's thread here to self merge:

Besides bad PR, what changed between the suspension and the firing? The article mentions some pretty bad acts perpetrated on players. Did the "investigators" miss them the first time around? Or was it ignored?

The President , and probably the AD, got cold feet on a cover up is my thinking. They realized folks would keep digging and they'd be found out. I'd fire them both for the now aborted attempt.

Reading some posts on this board about what amounts to "what's wrong with a little nude pile up?", boys will be boys etc., makes my skin crawl.

Know what a senior captain did for me when I was an underclassman? After a brutal 2 a day he saw me struggling carrying tackling dummys (which was our task) and came all the way back from the locker room to help me. I never forgot it. THAT is a leader. I'd have run through a wall for him.

That same guy and our other leaders, including me when I became one, would have beat the shit out of anybody trying violate a young guy.

This hazing stuff strikes me as rich, white, frat boy crap. I'm sure it happens elsewhere but it seems to be a common denominator. Can't imagine anybody standing by and allowing it. Forget about participating.

Demoralizing others is done by the weak.
pasted my response to Al's thread here to self merge:

Besides bad PR, what changed between the suspension and the firing? The article mentions some pretty bad acts perpetrated on players. Did the "investigators" miss them the first time around? Or was it ignored?

The President , and probably the AD, got cold feet on a cover up is my thinking. They realized folks would keep digging and they'd be found out. I'd fire them both for the now aborted attempt.

Reading some posts on this board about what amounts to "what's wrong with a little nude pile up?", boys will be boys etc., makes my skin crawl.

Know what a senior captain did for me when I was an underclassman? After a brutal 2 a day he saw me struggling carrying tackling dummys (which was our task) and came all the way back from the locker room to help me. I never forgot it. THAT is a leader. I'd have run through a wall for him.

That same guy and our other leaders, including me when I became one, would have beat the shit out of anybody trying violate a young guy.

This hazing stuff strikes me as rich, white, frat boy crap. I'm sure it happens elsewhere but it seems to be a common denominator. Can't imagine anybody standing by and allowing it. Forget about participating.

Demoralizing others is done by the weak.
Just an FYI an again not saying hazing is right. But some of the top leaders in world history that have come from the US have come from fraternities that were known for brutal hazing.
Just an FYI an again not saying hazing is right. But some of the top leaders in world history that have come from the US have come from fraternities that were known for brutal hazing.
Keep posting brother. No responses to you are even necessary.

When somebody is burying themself, don't take away their shovel.
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I don’t see how this increases the liklihood of beating them since we don’t yet know who they will hire.

A good coach can work wonders. Remember Schiano couldn’t stop Chip Kelly’s (OC) offense at UNH, and Brian Kelly’s teams at Cinci.

I think it’s a mistake to write NU off in game 1.
Many of us witnessed the shocking embarrassment of the NH and Buffalo losses at home.
Nothing can be taken for granted.
Team better be prepared for NW.
Keep posting brother. No responses to you are even necessary.

When somebody is burying themself, don't take away their shovel.
Just stating facts. They may be uncomfortable facts but they remain facts.

Large majority of our presidents post world war 2 were members of fraternities.
What level of "hazing". Sayreville HS or Wall Twp HS type of hazing? There are different types, of course that might not be considered hazing like when David Wright came up and he was required to carry a veteran's equipement with him on every road trip, stuff like that.
Funny that you should write that. There past few days I have been thinking of the positive Cliff Floyd-David Wright relationship, and the difference of what that was to the NW accounts.
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I know that there have been a frosh or two that have come into a locker room all bad ass and tough and got taught a lesson they don't forget but, it wasnt naked hazing games...And the David Wright type stuff is what is done most teams and locker rooms.
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He’s a window into the mind of some who remain locked into antiquated ideas that linger in small pockets of jock culture. The more he writes, the more we see what still needs to be fixed.
It’s not ‘small pockets’ unfortunately. Remember the “it’s just common locker room talk’ excuse in a recent presidential election ? the excuse worked.
Keep posting brother. No responses to you are even necessary.

When somebody is burying themself, don't take away their shovel.
Keep posting brother. No responses to you are even necessary.

When somebody is burying themself, don't take away their shovel
Yeah, he even took showers with his daughter Ashley when she was a teen. No wonder why his son Hunter is a full blown junkie
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