Opinion on the new look of the board

How do you feel about the new look?

  • I hate the new look

    Votes: 139 40.6%
  • I love the new look

    Votes: 67 19.6%
  • I'm open to the idea, waiting to see if it grows on me

    Votes: 136 39.8%

  • Total voters
usability is greatly improved but all the main sports sites have been hitting on terrible new visual layouts including this one. Big empty spaces and large boxes for no reason. The old Scarletnation layout was sharp imo, but they dont care about visuals or user feedback on visuals, they just want us to use it more. I stopped using Yahoo Sports, SI sports, and ESPN all in the last year.

Honestly Reddits sports subreddits provide better coverage and user discussion than all 3 so I've been using them and google for main stats and coverage
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Board took a huge step back in usability/space efficiency. On my laptop, when viewing a page in topic view, I used to see 19 topics per full screen and now I only see 8 topics on the same laptop screen, since the list of topics takes up about twice as much vertical real estate per topic.

Furthermore, for any individual post, the default vertical space for all the background crap (not including any actual post text) is 2.75", whereas the default vertical space in the old format was 1.25", so individual posts are now taking up more than twice as much space, vertically.

Incredibly poor design, in my opinion - will be a huge waste of time scrolling more than twice as much. I hate sacrificing function for form and the resulting inefficiency. I'm sure some graphic artist sold Rivals on the "cool" looking icons and how "clean" the interface is, but there's simply no way the site should require more than twice the scrolling the old site required to see the same info.

I wish they had kept the same interface and simply added the cool features, many of which I like, but hands down, the best one for me is the supposedly unlimited storage space for threads/posts, as I enjoy looking back at such things on other boards I go to.
At least make it "what do you think about the new board," period. The big upgrades are in the interface, not so much the look. The look is bound to grate on you simply because you spent 8 years looking at the old design, which was no peach itself. You'll get used to it and then be angry the next time they change.

I agree that it could be smaller and more compact, but I think it looks okay overall and seems smoother to use. Although how much friggin' time does it really take to scroll a little more? Get yourself a magic mouse - those things scroll like lightning.

Disappointed that basic features like uploading your own photos (without having to embed a url) available on most every other forum aren't included. Or maybe I just haven't figured them out.
It's ok.. The font is too big though and theres too much empty space on the right which forces you to have to scroll a lot for no reason
Form over function is always a mistake for a website unless it's meant to be a work of art that's only visited once or twice. Just look at Google, Craigslist, and Drudgereport. These are among the most popular sites on the internet and yet they're plain as can be. It's because they're functional. Websites are like tools. They need to work well more than they need to look good.
Form over function is always a mistake for a website unless it's meant to be a work of art that's only visited once or twice. Just look at Google, Craigslist, and Drudgereport. These are among the most popular sites on the internet and yet they're plain as can be. It's because they're functional. Websites are like tools. They need to work well more than they need to look good.

Depends what the website is for.
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I'm wondering how much can be fixed with some custom CSS injection via a browser v extension. I may take a look at that this weekend. If I come up with something nice I'll post it
i kind of like it as you can do this
but other wise find it a little harder to navigate
usability is greatly improved but all the main sports sites have been hitting on terrible new visual layouts including this one. Big empty spaces and large boxes for no reason.

Agree with this. The new layout is a breeze to use except for the fact that everything now involves extensive scrolling.
I'm wondering how much can be fixed with some custom CSS injection via a browser v extension. I may take a look at that this weekend. If I come up with something nice I'll post it

custom CSS injection ...... that don't sound like something i would want to do at my age!!:eek:
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The sites you listed are utilitarian. Google serves very specific purposes, as does Craigslist - they don't have to look good because you need to be there. A media site, on the other hand, needs to look good. Interface is really less important and limited to clicking "play" on a video or "read article".

Take the home page here. I click "forums" as fast as I can and rarely pay any attention because it looks like crap - tiny blurbs and over-cropped mug shots. With a more attractive design with large, high-res photos (think "front page" instead of "middle of the local section"), I'd actually spend time scrolling and reading. The user interface could be exactly the same (i.e. click headline to get to story/ "sign up now" screen), but it'd get more readers, guaranteed. Imagine a news site of any kind that has no photos and white writing on a black background, maybe in a weird font. You never even found out what the user interface was like because you left in under 10 seconds to read the story elsewhere.
the empty space is probably for all the advertisements they are going to start cluttering the site and slowing your computer down. Ive been to plenty of message boards that have all the bells and whistles yet still do a great design...don't know why rivals dropped the ball on this one. The more time goes by the more I hate the new forum design
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I hate it. Too much wasted space and it looks, I don't know...frivolous. When I'm surfing at work I don't want the whole world to know that I'm on a forum that has nothing to do with my job. The old one was cleaner and looked innocuous at a glance. The huge user icons in the new version are tacky and pointless and the blinding white background is really painful.
Before I could tell the messages I had already read, because they
were highlighted in red. So I could go right to the new ones. Now It
takes for effort. and also the people name who started the posts
was much easier to read. All in all, don't know why they sent to all
these changes for something that could have been done better.
I guess we live in a society that the new or younger have to change things
just for the sake of change.
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Anyone who has gone through web design change at work the reaction is always the don't like it but within 30 days you forget the old design.
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Anyone who has gone through web design change at work the reaction is always the don't like it but within 30 days you forget the old design.
Not true. I will always hate the ribbon interface of MS Office. I have learned to adapt to it. When I try to explain it to my wife, her eyes glaze over.
Very disappointed with the new layout. These avatars are childish and distracting.
Bad job by rivals here. Probably spend less time on these boards now.
To be honest I sorta wish I wasn't premium right now. If I didn't have $$ invested in this site I'd be inclined to stay away, much like I do when the board melts down.
Whatever failings the layout may have is more than made up for by knowing when someone has replied to one of my posts.
The sites you listed are utilitarian. Google serves very specific purposes, as does Craigslist - they don't have to look good because you need to be there. A media site, on the other hand, needs to look good. Interface is really less important and limited to clicking "play" on a video or "read article".

Take the home page here. I click "forums" as fast as I can and rarely pay any attention because it looks like crap - tiny blurbs and over-cropped mug shots. With a more attractive design with large, high-res photos (think "front page" instead of "middle of the local section"), I'd actually spend time scrolling and reading. The user interface could be exactly the same (i.e. click headline to get to story/ "sign up now" screen), but it'd get more readers, guaranteed. Imagine a news site of any kind that has no photos and white writing on a black background, maybe in a weird font. You never even found out what the user interface was like because you left in under 10 seconds to read the story elsewhere.
I understand what you're saying, but for me, a lot of those pages with the extra graphics, high-res photos, and videos slow down the loading times to the point where I don't want to bother clicking on them any more. It's not uncommon these days for me to see an interesting headline, note where the link goes, and skip clicking on it because I know the site will be a slog to load. And I'm on Verizon Fios with a new combo laptop/tablet. It's getting to be annoying.
The Safari search engine on my Iphone 6 wouldn't recognize the old Rivals format. (I did not have his problem with my Iphone 4s). That meant I couldn't sign in to post or to access premium boards. I had to use the Google app on my IPhone to post and to access premium Boards. I have no such problem with the new format.
I liked the old uniforms but I started loving the new ones especially the black ones. I like the new look.

I liked the old uniforms but I started loving the new ones especially the black ones. I like the new look.


Oh shaddup, you uni-tard! Besides, we all know everyone loves those slammin' salmon jammies!
The only thing constant is change. It was inevitable for this site. I will get adjusted to it.
A user interface would have to be pretty damn awful for me to work up enough emotional energy to hate it (e.g. Tenrox for anybody who has had the distinct displeasure of working with it). Seriously, who loves or hates user interfaces? The poll choices do, however, reflect the generally bipolar nature of our forum though. :)

Anyway, I like the new UI better than the old UI. And I suspect most of the people who dislike it now will get used to soon enough.
Before I could tell the messages I had already read, because they
were highlighted in red. So I could go right to the new ones. Now It
takes for effort. and also the people name who started the posts
was much easier to read. All in all, don't know why they sent to all
these changes for something that could have been done better.
I guess we live in a society that the new or younger have to change things
just for the sake of change.
Yes...please bring back the red highlighted messages!
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from just eyeballing threads and yes I know its a slow period in general but I think board posting is way down this week.....
I agree with runumbers. This has been a disaster and this poll results prove it.[/It feels and looks more like Facebook with the likes button, as for the overall look there is no background color and that bothers my eyes. Can be really funtional and possibly more interactive w a few tweeks- for me the jury is still out on this design.

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