OT: Alabama

Is a felony charge the only a way a player should be suspended ?
If a player hasn't broken the law or a university policy why should that player be suspended?

At no point did I say 'felony' just 'broken the law or a university policy.'
Players are suspended for breaking team rules that aren't law or university policy.
The team or athletic department could have a general ethical conduct rule.
They probably couldn't compete in SEC football if they did though.
Yes. I should have added "or team rules."

Ethical conduct rules? Please, if that was a thing we'd be back to Army or Navy being ranked No. 1 in football. Sad, but true.
According to Alabama law Miller isn't even an accessory , so don't think anything will happen to him
Don't think his coach Oats will do anything, not after the killer game he had last night
41 points, 8 rebounds>3 steals
If it wasn't on campus what business is it of the University how students park?

City police can issue a parking ticket if needed.

Never mind. I’m sure he’s an angel.

If I only had a nickel for every time I handed one of my buddies a heater right before he took someone out… know what I mean?
This is a absurd beyond belief

Most schools that give a shit would have suspended him

Cannot..well actually I can...believe people are excusing this as an oh well
The conference should make a ruling against his continued playing... that is, if it is proven or confessed that he "supplied" the gun. If it is merely an accusation, let justice take its due course. If the Bama coach won't do the right thing.. if Bama's AD won't do the right thing.. if Bama's President won't do the right thing... the SEC Commissioner should. The NIL deal people.. he probably has a deal.. right?... the NIL people should pull whatever payments they are making.

The police had nothing to charge him with? How about ACCESSORY? Seems textbook accessory to me.. what did Milelr think.. Davis wanted the gun to... what? Take selfies with it?

Ala. Code 1975, § 13A-2-23

Accountability for Behavior of Another – Accessory

A person is accountable for the behavior of another constituting an offense if, with the intent to promote or assist the commission of the offense: [Read appropriate part]

(1) He/she procures, induces or causes the other person to commit the offense;
(2) He/she aids or abets the other person in committing the offense; [or]
(3) Having a legal duty to prevent the commission of the offense, he/she fails to make an effort he/she is legally required to make.

A person acts intentionally with respect to a result or to conduct described by a statute defining an offense, when his/her purpose is to cause that result or to engage in that conduct. [13A-2-2(1)]

“Aid or abet” is to help, assist, or facilitate the commission of a crime, promote the accomplishment thereof, help in advancing or bringing it about, or encourage, counsel, or incite as to its commission. (Black’s Law Dictionary)

“Aid and abet” comprehends all assistance rendered by acts or words of
encouragement, support or presence, actual or constructive, to render assistance should it become necessary. Radke v. State, 292 Ala. 290, 293 So.2d 314 (1974).

The perpetrator can commit the crime though he/she may vary the mode or
circumstances of the perpetration, or though no particular manner, time or place may have been counseled or instigated. Griffith v. State, 90 Ala. 583, 8 So. 812 (1891).

Mere presence at the scene, without more evidence, is not sufficient to prove complicity. See Hand v. State, 26 Ala. App. 317, 159 So. 275 (Ala. Cr. 1935).

No particular acts are necessary and it is sufficient to convict if the jury is convinced beyond a reasonable doubt that the defendant was present with a view to render aid should it become necessary. Radke v. State, 292 Ala. 290, 293 So.2d 314 (1974).

The State has the burden of proof. The burden does not shift to the defendant.
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Never mind. I’m sure he’s an angel.

If I only had a nickel for every time I handed one of my buddies a heater right before he took someone out… know what I mean?
Please link to my post where I said, or suggested that Miller is an angel.

Also, I've read zero reports that Miller handed the gun to anyone. All I've read is that the gun was in the backseat of his car and he drove to where Miles was. Miles told Davis the gun was in the car and Davis went and got it.

By 'buddies' do you mean his former teammate Darius Miles?

I'll have to re-read the police report but I don't recall reading that Miller handed the gun to Miles.

But even if Miller did hand the gun to Miles, Miles did not shoot anyone.

Davis was the shooter.

So, even if Miller did hand the gun to Miles, which Miller's lawyer claims never happened, Miller...wait for it...still didn't hand the gun to the person who shot two people killing one of them.

It is a complicated set of circumstances. It took two days for it to sink in with me that the person who asked Miller to bring the gun to him (Miles) didn't shoot anyone. If Miller had given the gun to Davis, he and Davis would probably be in prison right now instead of Miles and Davis.
Understand the frustration over a player involved in a murder being given a pass.
The coach talked out of his ass defending the player, but the Justice System in Alabama is the real culprit because it's not illegal to transport a gun to people that use it to commit a crime moments after they get it.
Remember all three were considered good guy until the murder, now only one is ( by law) and that's why no charges filed and too late to be suspended from he team until the school investigates why a basketball player became a gun delivery system.
All in all he could have been considered a good guy with a gun delivering it to a couple of other good guys and not realizing sometimes bad things happen with guns, when good guys are not as good as one might think.
The conference should make a ruling against his continued playing... that is, if it is proven or confessed that he "supplied" the gun. If it is merely an accusation, let justice take its due course. If the Bama coach won't do the right thing.. if Bama's AD won't do the right thing.. if Bama's President won't do the right thing... the SEC Commissioner should. The NIL deal people.. he probably has a deal.. right?... the NIL people should pull whatever payments they are making.

The police had nothing to charge him with? How about ACCESSORY? Seems textbook accessory to me.. what did Milelr think.. Davis wanted the gun to... what? Take selfies with it?

Ala. Code 1975, § 13A-2-23

Accountability for Behavior of Another – Accessory

A person is accountable for the behavior of another constituting an offense if, with the intent to promote or assist the commission of the offense: [Read appropriate part]

(1) He/she procures, induces or causes the other person to commit the offense;
(2) He/she aids or abets the other person in committing the offense; [or]
(3) Having a legal duty to prevent the commission of the offense, he/she fails to make an effort he/she is legally required to make.

A person acts intentionally with respect to a result or to conduct described by a statute defining an offense, when his/her purpose is to cause that result or to engage in that conduct. [13A-2-2(1)]

“Aid or abet” is to help, assist, or facilitate the commission of a crime, promote the accomplishment thereof, help in advancing or bringing it about, or encourage, counsel, or incite as to its commission. (Black’s Law Dictionary)

“Aid and abet” comprehends all assistance rendered by acts or words of
encouragement, support or presence, actual or constructive, to render assistance should it become necessary. Radke v. State, 292 Ala. 290, 293 So.2d 314 (1974).

The perpetrator can commit the crime though he/she may vary the mode or
circumstances of the perpetration, or though no particular manner, time or place may have been counseled or instigated. Griffith v. State, 90 Ala. 583, 8 So. 812 (1891).

Mere presence at the scene, without more evidence, is not sufficient to prove complicity. See Hand v. State, 26 Ala. App. 317, 159 So. 275 (Ala. Cr. 1935).

No particular acts are necessary and it is sufficient to convict if the jury is convinced beyond a reasonable doubt that the defendant was present with a view to render aid should it become necessary. Radke v. State, 292 Ala. 290, 293 So.2d 314 (1974).

The State has the burden of proof. The burden does not shift to the defendant.
according to the investigator testimony that i posted earlier on, he lied to the police. So at the very least, he should get a misdemeanor:

Section 13A-10-9 - False reporting to law enforcement authorities(a) A person commits the crime of false reporting to law enforcement authorities if he knowingly makes a false report or causes the transmission of a false report to law enforcement authorities of a crime or relating to a crime.(b) False reporting to law enforcement authorities is a Class A misdemeanor.
Ala. Code § 13A-10-9 (1975)

Acts 1977, No. 607, p. 812, §4540; Acts 1979, No. 79-471, p. 862, §1.
Please link to my post where I said, or suggested that Miller is an angel.

Also, I've read zero reports that Miller handed the gun to anyone. All I've read is that the gun was in the backseat of his car and he drove to where Miles was. Miles told Davis the gun was in the car and Davis went and got it.

By 'buddies' do you mean his former teammate Darius Miles?

I'll have to re-read the police report but I don't recall reading that Miller handed the gun to Miles.

But even if Miller did hand the gun to Miles, Miles did not shoot anyone.

Davis was the shooter.

So, even if Miller did hand the gun to Miles, which Miller's lawyer claims never happened, Miller...wait for it...still didn't hand the gun to the person who shot two people killing one of them.

It is a complicated set of circumstances. It took two days for it to sink in with me that the person who asked Miller to bring the gun to him (Miles) didn't shoot anyone. If Miller had given the gun to Davis, he and Davis would probably be in prison right now instead of Miles and Davis.

Listen, I was being a smart ass. You have read a lot more about this than I have. Fair enough.

That said, I guess I have problems with gun delivery period. I’m not an angel either, but I managed to go many decades now without ever being in the gun delivery business. At the very least it shows horrific decision making and at worst, you have to spend the rest of your life in prison, or shot yourself. Even if you never pulled the trigger. Just tell your friends, “hey I’m staring at a lottery pick fellas, you ever need a gun, call someone else.” If your friends don’t get that, get new friends.

For the record, I am not kind when one of our own makes a mistake. Im rooting for the players as much as the Jersey.
Please link to my post where I said, or suggested that Miller is an angel.

Also, I've read zero reports that Miller handed the gun to anyone. All I've read is that the gun was in the backseat of his car and he drove to where Miles was. Miles told Davis the gun was in the car and Davis went and got it.

By 'buddies' do you mean his former teammate Darius Miles?

I'll have to re-read the police report but I don't recall reading that Miller handed the gun to Miles.

But even if Miller did hand the gun to Miles, Miles did not shoot anyone.

Davis was the shooter.

So, even if Miller did hand the gun to Miles, which Miller's lawyer claims never happened, Miller...wait for it...still didn't hand the gun to the person who shot two people killing one of them.

It is a complicated set of circumstances. It took two days for it to sink in with me that the person who asked Miller to bring the gun to him (Miles) didn't shoot anyone. If Miller had given the gun to Davis, he and Davis would probably be in prison right now instead of Miles and Davis.

Miller's car had the gun in it? Why? When was the Gun placed in his car? Where did he transport the gun to and from (honestly - pretty easy to track on devices)? Miller was texted from Miles that he wanted the gun. Davis claims to have been drunk and said he did not remember the essentially Miller (probably knowingly) allowed a drunk and angry Davis to remove the firearm from his car. Miller's car has bullet holes in it - meaning that Miller was still there at the time of the shooting. Why did he not take action to attempt to stop Davis from removing the gun and running around the other vehicle spraying bullets toward it and murdering a woman. Miller did not call 911....(Miles did)....why not?

It's not really that complicated to me. Miller may not be guilty of breaking any Alabama laws.....but given the fact that someone was murdered in what resulted in a shootout situation - how he is not called into question by the school is really beyond my comprehension. The shooting happened on January 15th. Miller played 37 minutes in the next game 2 DAYS LATER - with not completed investigation nor likely even a mention by Alabama.....AND scored 30 if nothing had happened from a school, athletic department, team or player perspective. He has played every game since, during the police investigation. I am guessing they will suspend him after the season LOL.
I think you lost your train of thought in there somewhere. This thread is about a dude who plays basketball for the University of Alabama.
And Dennehy was a player @ Baylor murdered and covered up by his coach and teammates. Off topic? Whatever...
Money is the root of most evil in the world? Off topic? You think the cover for this POS is because he's helping out the sisters of the poor?
C'mon man! You can't be that naive.
Not sure what China has to do with this situation.
As stated in my response to Flux.
People overlook some pretty awful sh!t when there is $ on the line. You think these folks are covering for an accessory to a woman's murder cause he's a really good guy?😂😂😂😂
He makes baskets, which makes them money. Simple as that.
If that was your daughter you might not be so understanding. Just some random black woman. Right? Wrong place, wrong time right? Her life doesn't "MATTER"?
Anyone who is willing to let this go without ramifications makes me sick.
Anybody shocked by this should check into the Patrick Dennehy murder. Big $ sports attracts the worst and brings out the worst in people. Nobody wants to derail the gravy train. How many of these scumbags are successful at burying similar tales? We only see the one's caught.
The NBA is in bed with the Chinese government. They LITERALLY kill and enslave people there. Then comically the virtue signalers tell us how they are looking out for the "oppressed" with all their slogans and signs. With a straight face! You can't make this sh!t up.😂😂😂
But hey, somebody gotta make the shoes. Where else you gonna get that kidney? Right LeBron?
Yep . That’s why big time $ sports as currently construed have no place at rutgers or our academic institutions. . They are simply not in line with the mission of rutgers university.
I think many fans know this is the truth and don’t want to admit and try to find the nice stories that we have good kids on our teams and good students. . There are some sure. But rutgers isn’t much different than other big time universities (although in this case miller would have been suspended at many places , including rutgers
If a player hasn't broken the law or a university policy why should that player be suspended?

At no point did I say 'felony' just 'broken the law or a university policy.'
Cmon man . A felony charge shouldn’t be the only reason to suspend a guy . Let’s be honest, if this was a scrub player he would have been suspended at the very least
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Listen, I was being a smart ass. You have read a lot more about this than I have. Fair enough.

That said, I guess I have problems with gun delivery period. I’m not an angel either, but I managed to go many decades now without ever being in the gun delivery business. At the very least it shows horrific decision making and at worst, you have to spend the rest of your life in prison, or shot yourself. Even if you never pulled the trigger. Just tell your friends, “hey I’m staring at a lottery pick fellas, you ever need a gun, call someone else.” If your friends don’t get that, get new friends.

For the record, I am not kind when one of our own makes a mistake. Im rooting for the players as much as the Jersey.
Oh, I knew you were being a smart ass. I'm glad you are big enough to admit it.

You and I are in agreement that it was horrific decision making.

A mother is dead & a 5 year old doesn't have its mama.

For whatever reason he must have been thinking 'Ok, my man left his gun in my car & he wants it back. Lemme get it back to him.'

The whole thing is just sad.
Yep . That’s why big time $ sports as currently construed have no place at rutgers or our academic institutions. . They are simply not in line with the mission of rutgers university.
I think many fans know this is the truth and don’t want to admit and try to find the nice stories that we have good kids on our teams and good students. . There are some sure. But rutgers isn’t much different than other big time universities (although in this case miller would have been suspended at many places , including rutgers
I hear what you are saying. I actually disagree about big time sports and RU.
My opinion is that big time sports are a good thing as long as you understand we will never be national champs if getting there means you have to harbor stick up artists and murderers. I'm OK with that.
There are plenty of young people that are not scumbags who want to be someplace that doesn't have them. If we keep on that track I'm good spending my money to see them play. If RU goes the other way , I'm out.
If something like this occurs @ RU and is not addressed IMMEDIATELY, I will be the guy with the GIANT sign @ the rack calling for everyone's head. I'm not talking shoplifting or something stupid college kids do. I'm talking about bringing a firearm to what becomes a murder.
These Alabama players can count their lucky stars that the victim is not a member of my family.
Miller's car had the gun in it? Why? When was the Gun placed in his car? Where did he transport the gun to and from (honestly - pretty easy to track on devices)? Miller was texted from Miles that he wanted the gun. Davis claims to have been drunk and said he did not remember the essentially Miller (probably knowingly) allowed a drunk and angry Davis to remove the firearm from his car. Miller's car has bullet holes in it - meaning that Miller was still there at the time of the shooting. Why did he not take action to attempt to stop Davis from removing the gun and running around the other vehicle spraying bullets toward it and murdering a woman. Miller did not call 911....(Miles did)....why not?

It's not really that complicated to me. Miller may not be guilty of breaking any Alabama laws.....but given the fact that someone was murdered in what resulted in a shootout situation - how he is not called into question by the school is really beyond my comprehension. The shooting happened on January 15th. Miller played 37 minutes in the next game 2 DAYS LATER - with not completed investigation nor likely even a mention by Alabama.....AND scored 30 if nothing had happened from a school, athletic department, team or player perspective. He has played every game since, during the police investigation. I am guessing they will suspend him after the season LOL.
Miles, Miller and Davis, and maybe a fourth person, went out together earlier that night to a sports bar and Miles had the gun with him. I think I read that Miles was in the back seat.

Most of your questions go to Miller's state of mind. Only Miller knows the answer to those questions. I could only speculate.

I did see that Alabama and the police were satisfied with Miller's answers. Said he was truthful.
Cmon man . A felony charge shouldn’t be the only reason to suspend a guy . Let’s be honest, if this was a scrub player he would have been suspended at the very least

I never said that a felony charge should be the only reason to suspend a guy.

Also, Miller hasn't been charged with anything.

Yes, if he was a scrub he probably would have been suspended.

I think we've all been alive long enough to know that everyone in a group doesn't get the same people.
Oh, I knew you were being a smart ass. I'm glad you are big enough to admit it.

You and I are in agreement that it was horrific decision making.

A mother is dead & a 5 year old doesn't have its mama.

For whatever reason he must have been thinking 'Ok, my man left his gun in my car & he wants it back. Lemme get it back to him.'

The whole thing is just sad.

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Nice pregame intro for Miller at home before the Arkansas game today. A teammate pats him down as the crowd cheers.

Life is cheap. Shameful.

Nice pregame intro for Miller at home before the Arkansas game today. A teammate pats him down as the crowd cheers.

Life is cheap. Shameful.

You couldn't make this shit up. Nobody would believe you.
There are a long list of members at all levels of the University of Alabama that need their asses kicked.
Are these people from another planet?
God help them all.
kid did it all year but jeez have some respect and quit. people died. shows his character imo
Nobody from the university says " nix the pat down "? The place is filled with clueless assholes. Head coach being lead asshole.
I hope a black hole forms and swallows the whole place.
This would be hilarious if Miller actually shot someone with a gun or even handed the gun to the shooter. That way you could make an 'assist' joke. But thus far, the evidence indicates that Miller did neither.
Talk about an insensitive joke. Someone was murdered and you come up with this shit?? Who in their right mind would find this "hilarious"?
Nice pregame intro for Miller at home before the Arkansas game today. A teammate pats him down as the crowd cheers.

Life is cheap. Shameful.

Well, there's the trifecta. I thought the way the coach and the university have handled this so far was very poor. Now Miller goes and continues his pregame routine with a pat down? What a scumbag.
I don't know what's up with Russ's moral compass, but he should have it checked out. Unless he's a troll?
Sounds more and more like one of the assholes in Alabama with every post.
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Nice pregame intro for Miller at home before the Arkansas game today. A teammate pats him down as the crowd cheers.

Life is cheap. Shameful.

Scum coach...scum player...scum program
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Nice pregame intro for Miller at home before the Arkansas game today. A teammate pats him down as the crowd cheers.

Life is cheap. Shameful.

They've been doing that all season long BUT someone needed to tell them back in January to stop doing that.
Not sure what to believe because we have a star player at an athletic school with a Alabama grad, AL Law School grad leading the investigation. Just because it is in a police report doesn't make it true, witness statements are just that. Did the players consult lawyers and coordinate prior to giving statements? We would all like to see the videos but I am afraid a lot of facts will not come out for years until the civil trial. Sounds like delivering the gun late at night to a drunken friend charge is off the table due to AL laws and the belief he did not know the gun was in his car. The car positioning still has me wondering because if it was also in the line of fire did it impede the victim from leaving. Did he answer to why he parked where he did and whether it obstructed the other car from leaving?
The part where he gave someone his gun who then murdered someone with it.
Okay, I see why you feel that way. Unfortunately you have bad information.

Miller did not give the gun to the person who shot the gun. It wasn't Miller's gun.

In fact, Miller's lawyer said that Miller never touched the gun.

Two people have been charged with capital murder.

1. The person who fired the weapon
2. The person who owns the weapon used in the murder
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Okay, I see why you feel that way. Unfortunately you have bad information.

Miller did not give the gun to the person who shot the gun. It wasn't Miller's gun.

In fact, Miller's lawyer said that Miller never touched the gun.

Two people have been charged with capital murder.

1. The person who fired the weapon
2. The person who owns the weapon used in the murder
If you intentionally drive a gun to someone who is requesting it and they grab it from the car vs you picking up the gun from the car and handing it to them how is that any different? Who cares if he physically touched it or not?
As stated in my response to Flux.
People overlook some pretty awful sh!t when there is $ on the line. You think these folks are covering for an accessory to a woman's murder cause he's a really good guy?😂😂😂😂
He makes baskets, which makes them money. Simple as that.
If that was your daughter you might not be so understanding. Just some random black woman. Right? Wrong place, wrong time right? Her life doesn't "MATTER"?
Anyone who is willing to let this go without ramifications makes me sick.

WTF? I'm a little unclear why you are being hostile and angry in responding to me other than the fact that you're not able to read. I think the kid should have had ramifications and I think the laws in Alabama as well as the lax rules in Alabama University are f'd up and allowing him to slide.

Still not sure why you mentioned China other than your feelings on Lebron or the NBA. You're the one who carries a concealed weapon around not me. I can live with the fact that I will never shoot an innocent person....can you say the same when you choose to be armed and always have the potential, however slight it might be to use that weapon and kill an innocent with a stray bullet.