My avatar is of my beloved cat Artemis who went over the rainbow bridge on March 17, 2016 at the age of 14. He was truly the best cat in the world. By fate I wound up in a Staten Island Cat Shelter where we immediately bonded and the rest was history. He had big time Oriental blood in him with the longer nose and long legs and different eyes than the average cat. Those Oriental traits dominated...very athletic, very vocal, and very demanding of my time. Virtually every night he would at some point come up and drape himself on top of me to sleep. Forget the notion that cats are independent. He had lost alot of weight over the past 18 months. His initial checkup seemed to be okay with a bloodwork. I was not one for running very expensive tests to find cancer or kidney failure if I wasnt going to pay for very expensive treatment that I woudnt be able to afford. So over the course of the past year he started to slowly decline but still was living a happy life but then went into rapid decline and rapid weight loss just before he died. There will never be another Artemis. He truly was a one of a kind cat. Sometimes I swear I can sense a whisper of him in my apartment Not quite ready to get a new cat but this time I am going full out and getting a pure bred Oriental this time.