Well IBM is an interesting example.“Investing” as in buying a whole bunch of crypto = No (other than companies like Microstrategy, Tesla, and a few others that are doing it more as a gimmick). In my experience, Fortune 500 companies that want blockchain solutions typically develop it internally or buy off-the-shelf and custom solutions such as this:
IBM Blockchain - Enterprise Blockchain Solutions and Services
IBM Blockchain technology empowers businesses to digitize transactions through a secured, shared and distributed ledger, improving efficiency and transparency.www.ibm.com
Fortune 500 companies have supply chain and finance organizations that have accountability. They aren’t going to gamble when they can buy legit hyper-ledger solutions. Not only that, for the most part, they don’t care about DeFi. The number of people in the world that care about DeFi is minuscule. Go ask family members, friends, co-workers, etc., if they are excited for the future DeFi world = I guarantee almost all of them won’t know what you are talking about or won’t care.
Huge company getting into blockchain. Which to an extent validates the utility of blockchain.
However IBM get's into all sorts of exciting fields and then gets beat out by smaller players routinely in those fields.