OT: Things in sports that need to disappear

How does an initial football 1st down spotted? Does the chain gang measure the initial spot? I have never seen the initial spot measured by the chain gang.

My point being, if the initial 1st down spot is not measured then doesn't that make the final measurement bogus?
Ha ha, was once involved in a brutal argument about this. The chain measurement is nothing but theater. As you said, some dude is just running out out the field and guessing where the first marker goes. Then they stretch the chain out, as if God himself placed that first marker. I almost got punched in the face at the end when I said "whatever they're doing to place the first marker after running out on the field, they could just do the same with the second one near the ball."

So glad to hear somebody else say it.

Anthony, we're good, right?
Batters holding their hand up and being granted a timeout by the umpire as often as they want. I always wish the umpire would ignore the hand. I see eight year-old kids doing this now...
Ha ha, was once involved in a brutal argument about this. The chain measurement is nothing but theater. As you said, some dude is just running out out the field and guessing where the first marker goes. Then they stretch the chain out, as if God himself placed that first marker. I almost got punched in the face at the end when I said "whatever they're doing to place the first marker after running out on the field, they could just do the same with the second one near the ball."

So glad to hear somebody else say it.

Anthony, we're good, right?
They're not measuring from the first marker when they run on the field. There's a guy in the middle tgat sets the chain. So if first down was on the 38 and you need to get to the 48, they put a marker along the chain that corresponds exactly to the 40. That guy sets the chains when they run out on the field.
Women volleyball players wearing pants when others aren’t. I’m not looking at it the way you think I am. I just think it looks totally dumb. You can’t wear a different uniform than your teammates in any other sport.
Pants? Are you watching Muslim, women's volleyball?
1. The unbelievable level of greed in pro and college sports.
2. NIL
3. Talk show and game announcers who think they have to yell to get their points across.
I actually do that, even when I'm playing a match with my buddies (we all do it).

Also golf TV announcers saying "He's got a 3 metal wood in his hands." Stop it. Just call it a 3 wood. Yeah, we know its not wood, but its also probably not metal either.
My god you just hit me in a pure agreement sister! Lol

When I hear Brandel Chamblee call it a ‘3 metal’ I feel a fire inside normally reserved for people who refer to their husbands/wives as ‘Hubby’ or ‘Wifey’ and those that refer to a great meal as ‘Delish’…. I wanna kill those people