OT Car Rental Insurance in Turks & Caicos


All Conference
Nov 29, 2009
Guys do i need to take the rental car insurance in Turks and Caicos or will my credit card and Personal Policy work?
Call your ccard company. Even here in the US there are a ton of loopholes. And it often just covers collision, not liability
Email me at

I can send u some info including the car dealer . They drive on the left down there which you
Have to adjust to.
I rented a Vespa to navigate the entire island.
You would do best to call your own insurance carrier and ask them. No one here knows what your policy covers. While most standard us policies don't cover overseas rentals, you might be able to buy supplemental insurance for a nominal fee through your own carrier. Geico has something like this. If your personal policy doesn't cover it, and you can't get coverage, I'd just take insurance from the rental place.
Originally posted by ruvsi:
Your personal policy will not cover you outside the U.S.
Not true. Check with your Insurance company.
Also most cc ( AMEX, Visa) will cover basic liability on car rentals if use their card for the rental.
Originally posted by RU#1fan:

Originally posted by ruvsi:
Your personal policy will not cover you outside the U.S.
Not true. Check with your Insurance company.
Also most cc ( AMEX, Visa) will cover basic liability on car rentals if use their card for the rental.
there are so many exclusions and exceptions that i would be hesitant on solely relying on a cc policy. also, most cc policys that i've read specifically say that their coverage is secondary to the primary insurance.
i think the thing to do is to check the primary insurance policy. get supplemental insurance from the insurance carrier if possible. otherwise get the insurance from the car rental place, which will cover collision, etc. should run about $20/day.
Personal auto will not cover outside of US, it's territories, and Canada. That's pretty standard across all carriers
Originally posted by fg7321:
Guys do i need to take the rental car insurance in Turks and Caicos or will my credit card and Personal Policy work?
Wouldn't it be better to actually call your credit card company and your insurance company and get a definate answer instead of asking on a college football messgae board and get answers from anonymous people that might not be accurate?
Amex offers prememium rental insurance for about $20 per rental (not day). Should cover anywhere AMEX is accepted. Double check though.

Turks & Caicos is awesome, definitely get a car if you want to go to casinos, restaurants, and other resorts.
When I was there we rented a CAB. On the ride made some idle talk with the driver he gave me his number and said call him directly and he would "do it on the side". He ended up being or driver where ever we went for the week. was not worth the car in my opinion.
Originally posted by rutgersal:
You would do best to call your own insurance carrier and ask them. No one here knows what your policy covers.
I will never understand those that take more time asking strangers for personal advice not knowing their personal situation vs taking less time by going directly to those that do have access to their info/policy (insurance company/cc co.pant).
Just a suggestion, but if you are told by your insurance carrier and/or credit card company that they provide liability, collision and comprehensive coverage, ask them to refer you to the appropriate section of the policy/ card agreement that states that. I doubt the person you're speaking to on the phone has the authority to bind his/her employer for coverage.
Originally posted by Ole Cabbagehead:

I would just get no insurance and hope for the best. Seriously. Just be careful.
In some countries, they won't rent to you without it. You want to rent a car you get a temporary driver's license and insurance and then they rent to you. This isn't the USA.
Originally posted by rurichdog:
Originally posted by Ole Cabbagehead:

I would just get no insurance and hope for the best. Seriously. Just be careful.
In some countries, they won't rent to you without it. You want to rent a car you get a temporary driver's license and insurance and then they rent to you. This isn't the USA.
In those countries, I would get the minimum insurance they permitted.