The video in which the very first thing he says is "masks are important".
No clue how you think that supports your argument.
A normal persons who watches the video comes away saying he told me not to wear a mask
The video in which the very first thing he says is "masks are important".
No clue how you think that supports your argument.
Was debating the effectiveness of masks with someone recently, he was working the same logic as you, if masks work, then why are cases up?
Then, and this is a true story, he, with a pretty solid cough going, has christmas at his house, multiple family circles invited.
So why are cases going up? Cause people are morons.
Me tooIt was discussed in spring/summer, not sure how much it has been discussed since.
I was D deficient, but have been taking vitamins
Was debating the effectiveness of masks with someone recently, he was working the same logic as you, if masks work, then why are cases up?
Then, and this is a true story, he, with a pretty solid cough going, has christmas at his house, multiple family circles invited.
So why are cases going up? Cause people are morons.
I don’t get the “if face masks worked, why are cases going up” logic.
Nobody said face masks are 100% effective. There are also so many other variables at play. Speaking in absolutes with something so complex is crazy.
That’s like saying seatbelts don’t work because people still get injured in car accidents.
Also, about breath in cold air, I saw this video the other week. Not sure if this is even a good or relevant experiment, but it does illustrate how your breath is muted.
Saskatoon Man Uses The Cold To Show How Effective Face Masks Can Be
The cold weather "was a perfect way to show how air moves with a mask both on and off."
That's the "anti-science" way - repeat something that is demonstrably false enough and some will believe it. It's beyond sad that 30-40% of the US think that masks don't work and maybe 20% think that COVID is somewhere between a hoax and a greatly exaggerated media creation. This kind of thinking has led to far more cases and deaths (and serious illnesses) than would have occurred before social media.
Exhibit A below. He implies that you're anti-science for thinking masks don't work. Masks are being pushed so politicians can feel better about themselves. You seriously think your cloth mask protects you from anything? Seriously?
Then if you disagree with the mask logic, out comes the "it's science" talking point from the parrots who lack critical thinking skills.
Now we have politicians telling people you'll still need a mask after the vaccine and I would bet money there are people ITT who will nod their head in approval and mindlessly follow that.
Exhibit A below. He implies that you're anti-science for thinking masks don't work. Masks are being pushed so politicians can feel better about themselves. You seriously think your cloth mask protects you from anything? Seriously?
Then if you disagree with the mask logic, out comes the "it's science" talking point from the parrots who lack critical thinking skills.
Now we have politicians telling people you'll still need a mask after the vaccine and I would bet money there are people ITT who will nod their head in approval and mindlessly follow that.
I don’t get the “if face masks worked, why are cases going up” logic.
Nobody said face masks are 100% effective. There are also so many other variables at play. Speaking in absolutes with something so complex is crazy.
That’s like saying seatbelts don’t work because people still get injured in car accidents.
Also, about breath in cold air, I saw this video the other week. Not sure if this is even a good or relevant experiment, but it does illustrate how your breath is muted.
Saskatoon Man Uses The Cold To Show How Effective Face Masks Can Be
The cold weather "was a perfect way to show how air moves with a mask both on and off."
I don’t get the “if face masks worked, why are cases going up” logic.
Nobody said face masks are 100% effective. There are also so many other variables at play. Speaking in absolutes with something so complex is crazy.
That’s like saying seatbelts don’t work because people still get injured in car accidents.
Also, about breath in cold air, I saw this video the other week. Not sure if this is even a good or relevant experiment, but it does illustrate how your breath is muted.
Saskatoon Man Uses The Cold To Show How Effective Face Masks Can Be
The cold weather "was a perfect way to show how air moves with a mask both on and off."
Yes they said if we wore masks in 6 weeks we would have it under control...well..we have been
Redfeld said masks are better than vaccines..the same guy in March saying masks weren't recommended
Yes they said if we wore masks in 6 weeks we would have it under control...well..we have been
And during the summer months when people weren’t gathering indoors, it was brought down. Unfortunately, it didn’t get as low as it should have because of lackluster adherence to public health measures. Redfield s comments were made prior to knowledge of efficacy rates. Again, you’ve been told this and choose to cover your ears and ignore because it doesn’t fit your narrative.
You keep repeating falsehoods that have been debunked over and over. See your moronic insistence that Fauci said not to wear masks when the very video you posted says otherwise. Once your latest is debunked, you fail to acknowledge your error, and there are countless you should atone for. You simply seek another falsehood that finally “proves” what you want to believe. It’s why you’re just not taken seriously by anyone but the conspiracy fools.
Have we been? Mask compliance is very low around friends and family, and that’s where the breakdown occurs. On the flip side, we’re not seeing much viral spread where masks are strictly enforced in public places (malls, gyms, airplanes, etc)
Everyone wears masks in public in NJ..thanks
Where are they getting keep repeating the same lines
California is lockdown for over a month...cases skyrocketed..
I am trying to figure out who these people are that are illogically not following recommended guidelines ...I ‘m certain most people on this board adhere to mask wearing , distancing when necessary and washing their hands ...I want the names of those who aren’t doing the protocols...Everyone wears masks in public in NJ..thanks
Proof that politicians are recommending masks to make themselves feel better?
Most cloth masks reduce or stop droplets from spreading. There are many studies that visualize this. The fact is, you have manage to the lowest common denominator, and there are many people out and about with Covid. Masks help those people from coughing up a lung in public settings.
As they do in NY. Which is why the contact tracing data is relevant and the answer. Once again, your desired narrative is debunked. Add that to your list of errors.
Yep so why did cases explode
And once again, California state officials attribute most of the rise to private, indoor gatherings which increased in frequency beginning in November. Another one of your desired narrative points debunked.
Private. Indoor. Gatherings.
Yes thats why they locked everything down and sent them home..makes perfect sense
Where are they getting it from
Never seen anyone ever in nj not wearing masks in a business
No known cases in my gym or any other around here
No, that was due to decreasing ICU bed capacity. Next.
Japanese study i linked earlier had interesting data in asymptomatic spread in households
NY state contact tracing says....Private. indoor. gatherings.
A cloth mask is not doing anything. I will repeat it everytime if I have to
No a person with an agenda comes away saying that.A normal persons who watches the video comes away saying he told me not to wear a mask
Going for a test this week. Like I said, people are morons.Odd post..does he have coronavirus
No a person with an agenda comes away saying that.
A normal person thinks when he says "masks are important" and (paraphrasing) "we need to save the masks for the health workers" that he means those things.
It could be something else, or it could be covid.Yes because if you cough, you must have COVID. Couldn't possibly be anything else.
Cases are going up because it's a virus and it's going to do it's thing. Just like every other virus in the history of earth.
Keep driving solo while wearing a mask if it makes you feel better but unless it's an N95 they're basically useless.
Where are they getting it from..where.they have to ORIGINALLY be getting it from somewhere