It could be something else, or it could be covid.
It is interesting how the virus does it's thing in some countries while not doing it's thing in others.
It is interesting..almost like virus gonna virus
It could be something else, or it could be covid.
It is interesting how the virus does it's thing in some countries while not doing it's thing in others.
And he explained why right in the video you posted.Lol go back to March
Everyone said dont wear masks until they didnt
People who have COVID attend an event, indoors, with other people and do not wear a mask or social distance, the infected people likely have no idea they are infected, but there are some who deny their symptoms are to be taken seriously.
This isn’t hard.
To recap, a list of items you espouse but have been debunked (only in the last page or so of this thread):
Fauci said don’t wear masks, debunked.
Redfiend said masks are better than vaccines. explained, and debunked your point.
The increase in N.J. proves mask compliance doesn’t work. Debunked.
The measures taken in California prove mask compliance is ineffective. Debunked.
Im sure you’ll pull out some other item that is your new smoking gun, but most assuredly it too will be debunked. Almost as certain as you’ll never admit you’re wrong and your pitifully desperate motivation to deny.
This is like the Fauci video, where some one says something pretty clearly, and you act like something else was said.It is interesting..almost like virus gonna virus
And he explained why right in the video you posted.
But I thought people have moved on from March, obviously some have not.
This is like the Fauci video, where some one says something pretty clearly, and you act like something else was said.
Numerous countries are currently not having an issue with Covid.
People who have COVID attend an event, indoors, with other people and do not wear a mask or social distance, the infected people likely have no idea they are infected, but there are some who deny their symptoms are to be taken seriously.
This isn’t hard.
To recap, a list of items you espouse but have been debunked (only in the last page or so of this thread):
Fauci said don’t wear masks, debunked.
Redfiend said masks are better than vaccines. explained, and debunked your point.
The increase in N.J. proves mask compliance doesn’t work. Debunked.
The measures taken in California prove mask compliance is ineffective. Debunked.
Im sure you’ll pull out some other item that is your new smoking gun, but most assuredly it too will be debunked. Almost as certain as you’ll never admit you’re wrong and your pitifully desperate motivation to deny.
Yeah lets not compare ourselves to countries that can actually contain the virus. Convenient.We arent Asia so stop comparing
Fauci said dont wear masks...true
Redfeld said masks better than vaccine...true
Nj strict mask adherence had rise in cases...true
California cases surged amid lockdown and mask mandates...true
Dossier paid for.....true
Your problem is you focus on the one line that fits your agenda while ignoring the rest of the video which contradicts your agenda.Except people watched the video in March not now so look through it with those lenses
Might make people feel better he said and block one droplet..his words
Actually the responses by many on here who defend masks, put people down when the topic comes up, never admit the limitation of masks. They just go to the guilt angle saying that you are an ass If you don't wear one everywhere.I don’t get the “if face masks worked, why are cases going up” logic.
Nobody said face masks are 100% effective. There are also so many other variables at play. Speaking in absolutes with something so complex is crazy.
That’s like saying seatbelts don’t work because people still get injured in car accidents.
Also, about breath in cold air, I saw this video the other week. Not sure if this is even a good or relevant experiment, but it does illustrate how your breath is muted.
Saskatoon Man Uses The Cold To Show How Effective Face Masks Can Be
The cold weather "was a perfect way to show how air moves with a mask both on and off."
Wait so you wear a mask and follow protocols we’re you around someone who was not wearing a mask... in a restaurant... shopping in a store... in a salon, barber shop, dentist office or around your family this why people question masks... but don’t blame me... I wear a mask except in my hone or driving...Going for a test this week. Like I said, people are morons.
I came here today to ask the same question.
Anecdotally, my wife takes 50 mcg per day (2000% of recommended daily value), tested for COVID on Monday and got the news on Thursday that she tested positive, is still Totally asymptomatic, and as of my test yesterday hasn’t passed it on to me even though she was positive and we were side-by-side for AT LEAST three days before we knew she had it.
I’m still 100% in favor of getting the vaccine but there might be something to the vitamin D story to minimize the effects of COVID on the body
This anecdote was about someone I know, not myself.Wait so you wear a mask and follow protocols we’re you around someone who was not wearing a mask... in a restaurant... shopping in a store... in a salon, barber shop, dentist office or around your family this why people question masks... but don’t blame me... I wear a mask except in my hone or driving...
I have yet to be hit by any spit particles when talking to people with masks on. Hmmm, I wonder why.
Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)
CDC provides credible COVID-19 health information to the
Efficacy of face masks, neck gaiters and face shields for reducing the expulsion of simulated cough-generated aerosols
Face masks are recommended to reduce community transmission of SARS-CoV-2. One of the primary benefits of face masks and other coverings is as source control devices to reduce the expulsion of respiratory aerosols during coughing, breathing, and speaking. Face shields and neck gaiters have
People who have COVID attend an event, indoors, with other people and do not wear a mask or social distance, the infected people likely have no idea they are infected, but there are some who deny their symptoms are to be taken seriously.
This isn’t hard.
To recap, a list of items you espouse but have been debunked (only in the last page or so of this thread):
Fauci said don’t wear masks, debunked.
Redfiend said masks are better than vaccines. explained, and debunked your point.
The increase in N.J. proves mask compliance doesn’t work. Debunked.
The measures taken in California prove mask compliance is ineffective. Debunked.
Im sure you’ll pull out some other item that is your new smoking gun, but most assuredly it too will be debunked. Almost as certain as you’ll never admit you’re wrong and your pitifully desperate motivation to deny.
The point is to show that the conspiracy theory, denier approach seen in many other areas is precisely what underpins your views on COVID. None of your points are valid, and when shown they are invalid, you only look for other points from your twitter searches that have just yet to be debunked. People reading this thread should be aware of your posting pattern.
Don't the virus particles travel in the droplets? Don't think the virus is out flying through the air on it's own.Do you not understand how small a virus particle is? You think if someone spits on you that’s the only way to get it?
If it was private indoors gathering than why close bars, gyms, museums.... where it wasn't spreading??Private. Indoor. Gatherings.
Yeah lets not compare ourselves to countries that can actually contain the virus. Convenient.
If it was private indoors gathering than why close bars, gyms, museums.... where it wasn't spreading??
I posted this the other day.
Experts send Vitamin D and Covid-19 open letter to world's governments
In an open letter being sent to world governments today (21st December), 120 health, science and medical experts from the UK, US, and Europe say there is clear scientific evidence that vitamin D reduces Covid-19 infections, hospitalisations, and
Do you not understand how small a virus particle is? You think if someone spits on you that’s the only way to get it?
Wait so you wear a mask and follow protocols we’re you around someone who was not wearing a mask... in a restaurant... shopping in a store... in a salon, barber shop, dentist office or around your family this why people question masks... but don’t blame me... I wear a mask except in my hone or driving...
They keep bringing up "science" yet they ignore the science of how ineffective masks are. They need to drop their mask hero status and make social distancing the focus.Yup Pennsylvania waves hello too...see these guys keep contradicting themselves and dont like when they are called out
Im not a Covid denier at all and they think I am..they dont like questions asked thats for sure
Your problem is you focus on the one line that fits your agenda while ignoring the rest of the video which contradicts your agenda.
They keep bringing up "science" yet they ignore the science of how ineffective masks are. They need to drop their mask hero status and make social distancing the focus.
If it was private indoors gathering than why close bars, gyms, museums.... where it wasn't spreading??
You sound like an NPC. Basically everything you claim is debunked is a lie. Good grief.
Don't hold your breath waiting, you will die.As I’ve said to you when you previously posed that question to me, I don’t think closing these places was warranted given the statistics. Try to remember this time, I’ll wait for your apology,
Don't the virus particles travel in the droplets? Don't think the virus is out flying through the air on it's own.
How do viruses spread from person to person? (
"Viruses spread from person to person mainly in droplets that fly out when you cough or sneeze. These tiny drops from a sick person move through the air and land on the mouths or noses of others nearby."
Don't hold your breath waiting, you will die.
He's getting a test because he is showing symptoms.Yeah don't understand why he is going for a test because his friend had people over his house..weird?
Correct. There is serious science behind why masks work. As I said the other night, I've actually written internal research reports on filtration of particulates (including pathogens) via various filters and filtration does not work by only size exclusion, as any chemical engineer should know. There are multiple factors involved, from size exclusion to tortuosity of the path to impact/capture on fibers to electrostatic attraction/capture of particles to particle-particle collisions leading to coalescence (larger particles that can them be more easily filtered) and more.
Below is a really cool animation showing some of these filtration/capture phenomena in masks that was in the Times recently. And below that is the link to the Politifact article that @RUfubar quoted above.
Also, below is a link to my post from 5/21 on the mask/material virus filtration study and the graphic from that post, which is worth a look. And the 2nd link below is to my post on the very elegant study done with hamsters and cloth mask material partitioins, showing these materials provide modest protection for hamsters, which are a good model for respiratory viruses. The first post and graphic are all about the effectiveness of various mask materials as measured with actual virus particles (not COVID, but that shouldn't matter much). N95s are the best, of course, but surgical masks are pretty good and then there are the various cloth type masks, which are maybe 50% effective, but that's still a big improvement over nothing and, coupled with an infected person wearing a mask, can keep the uninfected person from becoming another statistic. They're certainly not perfect though, but way better than nothing.
Do you not understand how small a virus particle is? You think if someone spits on you that’s the only way to get it?
So what?Saw a couple walking their dogs on my street
both wearing masks. Don't understand. The owners not the dogs.
Be smart. Don't hold your breath. And dont demand an apology when one isn't warranted. Who the hell are you to want respect when you say the same crap over and over again and ignore the obvious.Figures. Had you pegged as the type who would do that.
And the average American thinks this because the very first thing he said was "masks are important"?He said average American in March not playing politics would say he said masks arent worth it
It certainly spread in bars. A bunch of maskless people hanging out in an indoor venue is without a doubt a spot for viral spread.If it was private indoors gathering than why close bars, gyms, museums.... where it wasn't spreading??