OT: COVID Science - Pfizer/Moderna vaccines >90% effective; Regeneron antibody cocktail looks very promising in phase II/III trial and more

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Hard to say without the data. Need to know prevention of symptoms and prevention of severe disease/deaths (as well as any side effects, which are not expected to be an issue) for the comparison with the two mRNA vaccines, which are nearly identical. If it's 80% or more effective in preventing symptoms, with no severe cases, I think it might become the vaccine of choice, given the single shot and milder storage conditions (refrigeration only). If it's only 70% effective and there are even a few severe cases, my guess is it might become a secondary vaccine, at least in the US, where the other two will likely be available in high numbers by late spring.

Question: Does 70% effective mean that 70% won't get the virus or 70% reduction in viral load?
all that would have done was make it easier for the states to blame the feds for all failures which adds to the polarized country as the msm would create more hysteria. There was plenty of time for states to work and put plans in place. You see some states are accomplishing this and others are not.
Which more or less indicates that the distribution effort probably isn't best left to the states who may or may not have the capability to handle it and should have been dealt with at the federal level instead, no?
The last round of stimulus provided $9 Billion in vaccine distribution funding

The funding appears to exceed the $6 billion target set by the Trump administration and may meet the demand made by national organizations representing local public health officials, who have said that at least $8.4 billion was required to carry out the massive vaccination campaign.
That money was needed 9/20, not 12/20. Sure, better late than never, but it takes time to set up the logistics of complex supply chains - and demand needs. I've done this a bunch for just supply of the drug, without even being involved on the patient side and with a 2-shot vaccine being administered across the country for rolling groups of prioritized patients and having vaccines with complicated storage issues, this is way, way more complex.
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Question: Does 70% effective mean that 70% won't get the virus or 70% reduction in viral load?
The clinical trials, so far, have been reporting effectivenss as the likelihood of not ending up with COVID symptoms (they haven't been tracking asymptomatic infections across tens of thousands of people, as that takes far more oversight). They've also been reporting severe cases and deaths and severe cases are near zero so far for the mRNA vaccines and there were no deaths in the trials (for those getting the vaccine).
The clinical trials, so far, have been reporting effectivenss as the likelihood of not ending up with COVID symptoms (they haven't been tracking asymptomatic infections across tens of thousands of people, as that takes far more oversight). They've also been reporting severe cases and deaths and severe cases are near zero so far for the mRNA vaccines and there were no deaths in the trials (for those getting the vaccine).
Just saw that you already answered him. 👍
Here in Hunterdon County, my wife got an email that registration was starting at 5:30am this morning. She’s got up and did the screen refresh thing, finally was able to try to register at 6:05, all spots were filled by 6:06. Why this is like buying concert tickets is a friggen joke. Any way, for @vkj91 , we got her father in, but not his wife. I think he gets his second shot like a day before they leave for Europe. Guess she has the honor of getting plugged with that world famous Serbian vaccine. She’s like 17 years younger than him, so she has that going for her.
Here in Hunterdon County, my wife got an email that registration was starting at 5:30am this morning. She’s got up and did the screen refresh thing, finally was able to try to register at 6:05, all spots were filled by 6:06. Why this is like buying concert tickets is a friggen joke. Any way, for @vkj91 , we got her father in, but not his wife. I think he gets his second shot like a day before they leave for Europe. Guess she has the honor of getting plugged with that world famous Serbian vaccine. She’s like 17 years younger than him, so she has that going for her.
Glad to hear he got in. It seems the county and town sites are doing much better than state site. I get my second shot next week.
Which more or less indicates that the distribution effort probably isn't best left to the states who may or may not have the capability to handle it and should have been dealt with at the federal level instead, no?
The fed should have overseen the distribution side period . How many on here disagreed about the potential issues with getting the vaccine out back in December?
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The fed should have overseen the distribution side period . How many on here disagreed about the potential issues with getting the vaccine out back in December?
I agree. It should have been handled by the Feds from the beginning. There is no entity better at logistics and supply chain management than the US military. They should have been running distribution all along. But clearly there are still people out there who believe the previous administrations approach of offloading all responsibility to the states was appropriate.
Yes I agree totally however some of those states because of their personal dislike for the then President wanted the ability to direct their own distributions. They didn’t want him doing anything which would make him look good. In several very populated North East states the miscalculation by the fed to take the program over is surely playing out badly. Well at least California is now relaxing it’s restrictions. Oh that’s right there is a potential recall in the works .
The pharmacist charged with purposely ruining the Moderna vaccine has pled guilty. I am surprised it happened so quickly
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More good news on vaccine supplies. The Biden Administation is ordering another 100MM doses, each, from both Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna, which would bring total doses by the end of summer from each to 300MM or 600MM total, which is enough for 300MM people (90% of US and not that many will want to get it). So this means we'll likely have 200MM combined doses for 100MM people by the end of March, then 400MM doses for 200MM people by the end of June and 600MM doses for 300MM people by the end of summer.

This is a reversal of the previous administration passing on additional doses from these two companies, instead relying on J&J/AZ for more doses. I'd rather have the mRNA vaccines at least over the Astra-Zeneca one; don't have data yet on J&J, but I'd also rather have more than I need than not enough, which would allow us to get more people vaccinated in a shorter time (theoretically, if distribution/vaccination could keep up). If we end up having more than we need, the extra doses can be given to other countries.

The administration has also begun using the Defense Production Act to buy more of a special syringe that can extract more doses per vaccine vial (to get to 6 per vial rather than 5, reliably, a 20% increase). It also is prepared to use the law for other raw materials, like lipid nanoparticles and bioreactor bags, if necessary, as the supply chains for these items is a bit fragile.

Also, Moderna confirmed, today, that they will be able to deliver the 100MM doses by end of March, the next 100MM doses by the end of June and likely the 100MM additional doses by the end of summer. Pfizer has already said they'll have their 200MM doses by the end of April rather than end of June, so supply is looking up.
More good news on vaccine supplies. The Biden Administation is ordering another 100MM doses, each, from both Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna, which would bring total doses by the end of summer from each to 300MM or 600MM total, which is enough for 300MM people (90% of US and not that many will want to get it). So this means we'll likely have 200MM combined doses for 100MM people by the end of March, then 400MM doses for 200MM people by the end of June and 600MM doses for 300MM people by the end of summer.

This is a reversal of the previous administration passing on additional doses from these two companies, instead relying on J&J/AZ for more doses. I'd rather have the mRNA vaccines at least over the Astra-Zeneca one; don't have data yet on J&J, but I'd also rather have more than I need than not enough, which would allow us to get more people vaccinated in a shorter time (theoretically, if distribution/vaccination could keep up). If we end up having more than we need, the extra doses can be given to other countries.

The administration has also begun using the Defense Production Act to buy more of a special syringe that can extract more doses per vaccine vial (to get to 6 per vial rather than 5, reliably, a 20% increase). It also is prepared to use the law for other raw materials, like lipid nanoparticles and bioreactor bags, if necessary, as the supply chains for these items is a bit fragile.

Also, Moderna confirmed, today, that they will be able to deliver the 100MM doses by end of March, the next 100MM doses by the end of June and likely the 100MM additional doses by the end of summer. Pfizer has already said they'll have their 200MM doses by the end of April rather than end of June, so supply is looking up.
Great news. Help from the guard and FEMA to do injections as well.

also Sanofi just announced they will produce 125 million of Pfizer vaccine out of their Frankfurt facility. Not for us probably but the quicker the world gets vaccinated the better for us and our companies.

this is the kind of push we need. Exhaust all possibilities and resources.
More on vaccines and their likely ability to still be able to protect against the new variants from the UK, South Africa and Brazil in the article below from Nat Geo. The article is really well done with interviews featuring a number of leading scientists in the vaccine field. One key issue is that the faster we can vaccinate people, the faster we can reduce viral transmissions and the faster we can reduce mutations producing more variants. In addition the article talks about how it should be relatively easy to produce new vaccines if variants eventually "escape" existing vaccines.

“The variants do have changes in the [virus’s] spike protein, but not enough to make the vaccine not protective,” said Arnold Monto, the acting chair of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s Vaccine and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee, in a January 11 interview with the medical journal JAMA. “It looks like [existing vaccines] should work, and we’ll know more definitively in the next couple of weeks.”

“We have not seen any evidence yet that the new variants are not going to be covered by the vaccine, and, in fact, the way you stop new variants is to contain the virus,” says Philip Dormitzer, chief scientific officer of viral vaccines at Pfizer’s vaccine research division. “The less replication of the virus there is in the world, the fewer variants that are going to get generated.”

One of the benefits of the Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna vaccines is that they can be updated quickly. But Dormitzer cautions that laboratory research and manufacturing are just two steps in a vaccine’s long, involved journey to someone’s arm. If a vaccine gets updated, government regulators would need to check whether it’s still safe and effective. Researchers say that policies governing the seasonal flu vaccine’s regular updates could provide a good framework.

Since this NatGeo article, both Moderna and Pfizer/BioNTech have announced plans to develop mRNA vaccines updated to ensure a robust immune response to several of the new COVID variants now circulating. This is a precautionary step, as all indications are still that the current vaccines will be able to provide immunity to these variants (although the antibody response from the current vaccines is less active against these variants - but still considered protective - and antibodies are not the only marker of immunity). If these updated vaccines were needed, doing this work now would ensure that they could be ready in weeks. The ability to quickly update the vaccine is one of the major advantages of the mRNA platform (much faster than for the viral vector vaccines, like those by J&J and Astra-Zeneca).
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Great news. Help from the guard and FEMA to do injections as well.

also Sanofi just announced they will produce 125 million of Pfizer vaccine out of their Frankfurt facility. Not for us probably but the quicker the world gets vaccinated the better for us and our companies.

this is the kind of push we need. Exhaust all possibilities and resources.
This is fantastic news if accurate.
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Our Governor sent the Natty Guard to DC to protect the inauguration. Any reason they couldn't be used to distribute and administer vaccines instead? Everyone pointing to Israel's success...they're approximately the same size as NJ.
We mentioned this back in December NG... military and bases especially Dix , Maguire and the former Ft Monmouth. Maybe NJ will someday get vaccines and learn how to mass inoculate the people.
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Excellent first COVID Task Force briefing today. Really nice to see scientists/professionals (Dr. Fauci, Dr. Welensky, the head of CDC, Slavitt, the ops lead, and Dr. Smith, health equity lead) leading the discussions and answering questions from the press; Zients, the overall lead did a nice job moderating. They expect to do these a few times a week. Nice to not see Biden there (he'll only be there once in awhile), as that's not his role. It's still going to require a Herculean effort to address all the issues associated with the pandemic, but this is a promising start for this new team.
Our Governor sent the Natty Guard to DC to protect the inauguration. Any reason they couldn't be used to distribute and administer vaccines instead? Everyone pointing to Israel's success...they're approximately the same size as NJ.

This was put out by the West Virginia National Guard on Dec 14th as the prepared for the Vaccine distribution.

Excellent first COVID Task Force briefing today. Really nice to see scientists/professionals (Dr. Fauci, Dr. Welensky, the head of CDC, Slavitt, the ops lead, and Dr. Smith, health equity lead) leading the discussions and answering questions from the press; Zients, the overall lead did a nice job moderating. They expect to do these a few times a week. Nice to not see Biden there (he'll only be there once in awhile), as that's not his role. It's still going to require a Herculean effort to address all the issues associated with the pandemic, but this is a promising start for this new team.
What you mean is don’t let him F it up. We have already seen another F it up. The Sanofi 125 million doses is only for the USA or Split amongst several billion? Big difference if only for here.
What you mean is don’t let him F it up. We have already seen another F it up. The Sanofi 125 million doses is only for the USA or Split amongst several billion? Big difference if only for here.

The Trump Covid briefings became about Trump and his battling with the press. It obscured any messaging needed and caused confusion and chaos. By keeping Biden out and the white coats as the leads the messaging should take on a more even less political tone.
Ugh more lies from the current administration.

Hopefully good news gets reported by J&J
Johnson & Johnson expects to report results from the eagerly-anticipated clinical trial of its Covid-19 vaccine next week, the US pharmaceutical's chief financial officer told CNBC Tuesday.

The company would be expected to apply for an emergency approval for its single-dose shot at the same time, and would likely become the third authorized vaccine in the US soon after that.

The Trump Covid briefings became about Trump and his battling with the press. It obscured any messaging needed and caused confusion and chaos. By keeping Biden out and the white coats as the leads the messaging should take on a more even less political tone.
Hopefully and we will see. It also prevents him making any buffoon statements as the former did. Part of the previous was done out of the need to push back against his opposition ‘s accusations ( not JB). Hey it better workout for all our sake.
Ugh more lies from the current administration.

Hopefully good news gets reported by J&J
Johnson & Johnson expects to report results from the eagerly-anticipated clinical trial of its Covid-19 vaccine next week, the US pharmaceutical's chief financial officer told CNBC Tuesday.

The company would be expected to apply for an emergency approval for its single-dose shot at the same time, and would likely become the third authorized vaccine in the US soon after that.

but its easier to just roll with it and create misinformation..its so sad that this all had to become political like this, remember the media has been caught lying ALOT over the past 4 years..they are trash. its imperative if anybody working for Biden administration actually cares to stop stoking this kind of stuff, Unfortunately its business as usual and there is a market for people to eat up the lies
Excellent first COVID Task Force briefing today. Really nice to see scientists/professionals (Dr. Fauci, Dr. Welensky, the head of CDC, Slavitt, the ops lead, and Dr. Smith, health equity lead) leading the discussions and answering questions from the press; Zients, the overall lead did a nice job moderating. They expect to do these a few times a week. Nice to not see Biden there (he'll only be there once in awhile), as that's not his role. It's still going to require a Herculean effort to address all the issues associated with the pandemic, but this is a promising start for this new team.

yeah maybe if the press were not like rabid barking dogs the first go around we would all be better off, its amazing to watch the differences in treatment. Press is vile full stop and they dont care about american lives, they just care about creating division and getting their names in the headlines

I dont need Biden there either so we agree on that.
yeah maybe if the press were not like rabid barking dogs the first go around we would all be better off, its amazing to watch the differences in treatment. Press is vile full stop and they dont care about american lives, they just care about creating division and getting their names in the headlines

I dont need Biden there either so we agree on that.
The double standard in the way this virus is covered now is incredible. The fact that some of these people cant see that just shows how they are just blind followers and still continue not to research the facts.
Our Governor sent the Natty Guard to DC to protect the inauguration. Any reason they couldn't be used to distribute and administer vaccines instead? Everyone pointing to Israel's success...they're approximately the same size as NJ.
Current admin is calling up the guard to do that. However, some states are saying supply is the issue right now. They will be used when it isn’t.
“ The more things change the more things stay the same.” Now in 2020-2021 that is a truism to the nth degree.
The double standard in the way this virus is covered now is incredible. The fact that some of these people cant see that just shows how they are just blind followers and still continue not to research the facts.
Well you yourself just cited the lack of politicalization the current admin with regard to handling of the messaging. Who’s fault is that? It’s also clear there is a much more concerted effort to handle increased production and administration of vaccine in just the last week than in the prior 9 months. Great first step to speed up the process of development. Wonderful but that’s just one step. So much more could and should have been done.
So, I was thinking (sorry) about the world needing 10 billion doses +/- over the next years. Are the syringes used for the vaccinations re-usable? Recyclable? The vision of 10 billion syringes dumped accross the planet is stark.
Question - J&J is releasing results sometime early next week. Given the short timeframe, does that indicate that they have seen the data internally already by now or are they still operating blind?
yeah maybe if the press were not like rabid barking dogs the first go around we would all be better off, its amazing to watch the differences in treatment. Press is vile full stop and they dont care about american lives, they just care about creating division and getting their names in the headlines

I dont need Biden there either so we agree on that.
They were rabid, because Trump kept feeding them lies and misinformation, seriously downplaying the pandemic, instead of allowing his scientists to do their damn jobs and basically only funding OWS.
Question - J&J is releasing results sometime early next week. Given the short timeframe, does that indicate that they have seen the data internally already by now or are they still operating blind?
Blind, in theory, given the way data safety monitoring boards are supposed to work. A couple of high level J&J people might be brought in on the unblinding, but would be sworn to secrecy, even inside J&J, until the DSMB felt the data were ready to share.
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Must be nice to have money and get vaccinated before the people that deserve it more. People on here should listen to Bill Spadea. He is not into putting fear in people just facts. Very nice to hear someone tell the truth about this.

They were rabid, because Trump kept feeding them lies and misinformation, seriously downplaying the pandemic, instead of allowing his scientists to do their damn jobs and basically only funding OWS.

some of this is true, Trump was also to blame, media behavior disgusting as well
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