OT: Does anyone know anyone who has tested positive?

I didn’t want to post a separate COVID-19 thread, but I’ve been sending this out to my family and personal contacts.

This is a bit long ~40 minutes (but who doesn't have the time now (-: ), but definitely worth it. This is a well done video on the science behind the virus and covers the four approaches being pursued for developing a treatment and vaccine, also covers everything including why it stays on surfaces, why soap works to prevent, how it attacks the body, how many days it can stay in your body, etc...Best if watched on computer.

Here is a brief background on the speaker:

Patrick Soon-Shiong (born July 29, 1952) is a South African-American surgeon, professor, inventor, and billionaire businessman. He is the inventor of the drug Abraxane, which became known for its efficacy against lung, breast, and pancreatic cancer.[1]
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I know David Bryan from Bon Jovi (mutual friends, his wife is best friends with my friend) and he has it.
26 of our 35 plants across the country are now shut or will be shutting in a day or two (most take a couple days to shut down; can't just turn a switch off lest you want the plant to blow up).
Saturday and Sunday updates.

"In the US, total active cases stand at 32,052 (a 22% increase today), with the fatalities surpassing 404 as of Sunday evening. The US has administered approximately 228,216 tests with a ~14% positive rate.

Governors in Ohio and Louisiana, and the Mayor of Nashville, Tennessee (among others), issued “stay at home” orders for their jurisdictions, paralleling orders enacted in CA, NY, NJ, IL, and CT earlier this week. We can expect to see more US cities and states enact similar orders in the coming days in the absence of a federal mandate.

In New York State, confirmed cases rose to 15,168 ( +4,812 since yesterday, a 46% increase since yesterday), and in New York City, cases rose to 9,654 cases (+3,443 since yesterday, a 55% increase). To better interpret the exponential increase in coronavirus cases by plotting them on a logarithmic vs. linear scale, see our "beyond the headlines" section and accompanying graphics.

Sunday saw countries across Europe continue to tighten social distancing measures, notably Germany, Italy, and Spain."

In the US, infections continue to rise significantly, with total infections at 35,224 (up from 32,052 in last night's brief), placing the US with the 3rd highest number of cumulative infections behind China and Italy. Western European infections also continue to rise, with Italy at 59,138 and Spain at 29,909 (the latter has just extended its nationwide lockdown for another two weeks).

In Japan, it looks increasingly likely that the Olympics will be postponed, with Prime Minister Abe admitting to that possibility, while Canada has said it will not send a team to a summer 2020 event. Hong Kong has implemented a ban on visitors entering or transiting the city after a spike in infections."
Saturday and Sunday updates.

"In the US, total active cases stand at 32,052 (a 22% increase today), with the fatalities surpassing 404 as of Sunday evening. The US has administered approximately 228,216 tests with a ~14% positive rate.

Governors in Ohio and Louisiana, and the Mayor of Nashville, Tennessee (among others), issued “stay at home” orders for their jurisdictions, paralleling orders enacted in CA, NY, NJ, IL, and CT earlier this week. We can expect to see more US cities and states enact similar orders in the coming days in the absence of a federal mandate.

In New York State, confirmed cases rose to 15,168 ( +4,812 since yesterday, a 46% increase since yesterday), and in New York City, cases rose to 9,654 cases (+3,443 since yesterday, a 55% increase). To better interpret the exponential increase in coronavirus cases by plotting them on a logarithmic vs. linear scale, see our "beyond the headlines" section and accompanying graphics.

Sunday saw countries across Europe continue to tighten social distancing measures, notably Germany, Italy, and Spain."

In the US, infections continue to rise significantly, with total infections at 35,224 (up from 32,052 in last night's brief), placing the US with the 3rd highest number of cumulative infections behind China and Italy. Western European infections also continue to rise, with Italy at 59,138 and Spain at 29,909 (the latter has just extended its nationwide lockdown for another two weeks).

In Japan, it looks increasingly likely that the Olympics will be postponed, with Prime Minister Abe admitting to that possibility, while Canada has said it will not send a team to a summer 2020 event. Hong Kong has implemented a ban on visitors entering or transiting the city after a spike in infections."

What is so scary in your numbers is how many people have NOT been tested. Wait until they are able to get the test to the vast majority.

Best of Luck,
What is so scary in your numbers is how many people have NOT been tested. Wait until they are able to get the test to the vast majority.

Best of Luck,
Right now significant increases being driven by increased testing. What I have seen reported is that positive test results are seen in roughly 10-20% of the tests.
1. Interesting to see this thread started 3/12 and NJ had 15 confirmed cases at the time. 10 days later we are at 1,914 (approx) cases.

2. My uncle was diagnosed with it. Do I win the prize?

Edit: make that approx 3,000 cases.
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Son’s girlfriend showed a lot of symptoms but they told her to just stay home. Now her dad has same thing. So that doesn’t count because “who knows”.

I knew a guy (lost touch when he moved away). He was more of an acquaintance than a friend but it was definitely a guy I knew and socialized with. He died from it a few days ago. Not a personal loss for me but a grim reminder that this thing is coming at us fast.
Two more co-workers tested positive, one in ICU on a respirator. So six that I know - five of whom I've been in contact with in the last two weeks or so - are positive. I have no doubt there are more I don't know about yet.
I know 1 person in Long Island. Was actually put in the malaria stuff yesterday. Hoping for a very positive update soon!

UPDATE: just checked his FB feed moments after posting. JUST 1 DAY after being put on CHLOROQUINE and 24-hours after being sick enough he was unable to speak on the phone, our buddy is GOING HOME (after 11 days with double pneumonia and COVID).
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Two more co-workers tested positive, one in ICU on a respirator. So six that I know - five of whom I've been in contact with in the last two weeks or so - are positive. I have no doubt there are more I don't know about yet.
Wow. Scary times.
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Did a tele medicine meeting this morning. Basically my symptoms don’t warrant a test but I am to continue to get rest and isolate. Was told if things get worse to call back. Doc says that from the earlier bout of flu that I had beginning of Feb, that my lungs may not have been fully recovered and is causing some type of infection to last longer than normal. Usually things start in my lungs then eventually go to my nose then go away. So this appears to be doing the same but more slowly. As long as I am at the level I am now I’m just staying the course. Just need to stay isolated and not give to anyone else.
I know 1 person in Long Island. Was actually put in the malaria stuff yesterday. Hoping for a very positive update soon!

UPDATE: just checked his FB feed moments after posting. JUST 1 DAY after being put on CHLOROQUINE and 24-hours after being sick enough he was unable to speak on the phone, our buddy is GOING HOME (after 11 days with double pneumonia and COVID).

great news. Gives you confidence that something could work!
Just received my daily update from work.

In the US, total active infections are at 45,679 with 593 fatalities. Lockdown orders will soon impact 158M Americans in 16 states. Atlanta is the most recent major urban area to implement a stay at home order.
In New York City, it was reported that the city is experiencing a virus “attack rate” of nearly one in a thousand, or five times that of other areas (the percentage of a population that has a disease).

There is good news out of Italy, as it reported its first day with a decreased rate of fatalities and new infections. Germany is also reporting a potential "flattening" of its infection curve.

There is a report indicating that Chinese government data has found that the number of “silent carriers” – people who are infected by the new coronavirus but show delayed or no symptoms – could be as high as one-third of those who test positive. "
Well whatever I had is gone after a single day of antibiotics. So it was definitely bacterial and not viral. Will be continuing to work from home until this blows over or they tell me I need to be there in person. Just received a get out of jail free letter from work to show police if I get stopped going to/from work should that happen.

It was definitely a stressful experience but in the end unrelated to everything else going on.
Well whatever I had is gone after a single day of antibiotics. So it was definitely bacterial and not viral. Will be continuing to work from home until this blows over or they tell me I need to be there in person. Just received a get out of jail free letter from work to show police if I get stopped going to/from work should that happen.

It was definitely a stressful experience but in the end unrelated to everything else going on.
Glad you are feeling better. Just curious which antibiotic you received?
Latest update I received from work. Interesting they are expecting NY to peak within next 2-3 weeks.

"In the US, there are now 51,542 confirmed cases of coronavirus (+5,092 since this morning, an 11% increase today). The US has performed 328,768 tests, with a ~16% positive rate.
States continue to enact public health restrictions in response to coronavirus. Today, Wisconsin adopted a "Safer at Home" statute similar to those enacted in California, New York, New Jersey, among other states. In Florida, Governor DeSantis issued an order mandating all travelers arriving via air quarantine for 14 days if their point of departure was a location with substantial community spread, including New York and New Jersey. And Rhode Island went even further, requiring all travelers returning by air (including domestic flights) to self-quarantine for 14 days with limited exceptions. Interstate restrictions on domestic movement are likely to continue in the coming days in the absence of federal guidance.

In New York State, cases reached 25,665 (+4,790 since yesterday, a 23% increase). New York has performed over 91,270 tests, with a ~28% positive rate statewide, and in New York City, confirmed cases reached 14,904 (+2,599 since yesterday, a 21% increase). Governor Cuomo announced today he expects cases to reach their peak in the state in 14 to 21 days.
In New Jersey, confirmed cases reached 3,675 (+831 since yesterday, a 29% increase).
In California, confirmed cases reached 2,561 (+560 since yesterday, a 28% increase). As of Tuesday, there were 1,014 confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the Bay Area, representing 39% of cases in the state.
Globally, Japan announced it would be postponing the 2020 Tokyo Olympics by a year, making it the highest-profile event yet to be affected by the virus. "
Latest update I received from work. Interesting they are expecting NY to peak within next 2-3 weeks.

"In the US, there are now 51,542 confirmed cases of coronavirus (+5,092 since this morning, an 11% increase today). The US has performed 328,768 tests, with a ~16% positive rate.
States continue to enact public health restrictions in response to coronavirus. Today, Wisconsin adopted a "Safer at Home" statute similar to those enacted in California, New York, New Jersey, among other states. In Florida, Governor DeSantis issued an order mandating all travelers arriving via air quarantine for 14 days if their point of departure was a location with substantial community spread, including New York and New Jersey. And Rhode Island went even further, requiring all travelers returning by air (including domestic flights) to self-quarantine for 14 days with limited exceptions. Interstate restrictions on domestic movement are likely to continue in the coming days in the absence of federal guidance.

In New York State, cases reached 25,665 (+4,790 since yesterday, a 23% increase). New York has performed over 91,270 tests, with a ~28% positive rate statewide, and in New York City, confirmed cases reached 14,904 (+2,599 since yesterday, a 21% increase). Governor Cuomo announced today he expects cases to reach their peak in the state in 14 to 21 days.
In New Jersey, confirmed cases reached 3,675 (+831 since yesterday, a 29% increase).
In California, confirmed cases reached 2,561 (+560 since yesterday, a 28% increase). As of Tuesday, there were 1,014 confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the Bay Area, representing 39% of cases in the state.
Globally, Japan announced it would be postponing the 2020 Tokyo Olympics by a year, making it the highest-profile event yet to be affected by the virus. "

Dr. Birx said today in the US other than NY metro area 10% of tests are positive while NY metro area is at 28%. Pretty crazy. Maybe it is time to cut NY Metro area from rest of country... can’t believe they still have flights going in and out of the city. This happens when you have the NYC health commissioner telling people to not miss the Lunar New Year parade in Chinatown back in February.
2 good friends both men in their late 50’s tested positive here in NJ. One hospitalized with pneumonia but has recovered after 2 weeks. The other has managed to stay out of the hospital so far.
Get that garbage to the Current Events board. The first NYC area cases were not Asian, were very likely not at the Lunar New Year parade (that would have been reported), and at least one or two were at CPAC IIRC. Stop stereotyping. This is not a virus that picks who gets infected based on race, religion, or political affiliation.

talk about stereotyping. You think only Asians go to the lunar day parade. Let me guess you think only the irish drink on st. Patrick’s or Mexicans on cinco de Mayo?

The NYC health commissioner said to go to a f*cking parade in Manhattan and ignore the inaccurate information around coronavirus in mid February!!!!! You don’t see how this could have been an error in judgement?

To be clear you think it was appropriate for the nyc health commissioner to put out a tweet urging people to ignore coronavirus misinformation and go to events with large gatherings like a parade in mid February?

You can’t have it both ways. You can’t say this is the biggest crisis ever so we need to shut down entire us economy and then say well a parade in downtown Manhattan sounds like a good idea...

but you did say don’t stereotype so you must be a hero

lastly you have no clue who were the first coronavirus cases in NYC. You just know the first person who was tested and confirmed with coronavirus...very very big difference.

So the question of the day is would you go to the lunar new year parade right now if it happened today?
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Received this update this morning.

"In the US, total active infections are at 54,069, with the spread continuing on an exponential trend in hot-spot areas like NYC. Late last night, US political leaders agreed on the largest economic stimulus package – $2 trillion in support measures – in modern American history.

Italy reported a sharp rise in its coronavirus death toll on Tuesday, with 743 more victims, breaking a two-day dip in deaths. There was positive news with the rate of officially-registered new infections at just eight percent - the same as Monday and the lowest level since the country’s first death on February 21 .

Spain's level of infections has passed over 42,000 and total deaths are nearing 3,000. The crisis shows little sign of abating, despite nearly 10 days of total nationwide lockdown."
To be clear you think it was appropriate for the nyc health commissioner to put out a tweet urging people to ignore coronavirus and go to events with large gatherings like a parade in mid February?

On Feb 9th when the parade was held, there were no confirmed cases in NY. The first confirmed case in NY was on Mar 1, from a woman who had traveled to Iran. The second case was on March 3 of the New Rochelle lawyer who worked in Manhattan, who then spread it to dozens of other people and began the New Rochelle cluster.

The parade was held 21 days before the first NY case. At that time the threat in NY was considered very low, and since no cases were reported within 14 days of the parade itself, that seems like it may have been a fair assessment.

Of course, testing at the time was severely limited, and only those who had traveled abroad to certain countries AND were showing symptoms were even being tested. So it's entirely possible there was already unseen spread happening in early/mid-February, because our national testing response was so abysmal at that point.
On Feb 9th when the parade was held, there were no confirmed cases in NY. The first confirmed case in NY was on Mar 1, from a woman who had traveled to Iran. The second case was on March 3 of the New Rochelle lawyer who worked in Manhattan, who then spread it to dozens of other people and began the New Rochelle cluster.

The parade was held 21 days before the first NY case. At that time the threat in NY was considered very low, and since no cases were reported within 14 days of the parade itself, that seems like it may have been a fair assessment.

Of course, testing at the time was severely limited, and only those who had traveled abroad to certain countries AND were showing symptoms were even being tested. So it's entirely possible there was already unseen spread happening in early/mid-February, because our national testing response was so abysmal at that point.

i get it but we knew coronavirus was a big deal in china. Trump took steps to try and blunt the spread into the usa which could only save time not stop it completely. It was on the radar or should have been on the radar of all american governments officials especially NYC. New York had no cases but being the largest international city in the world maybe just maybe NYC officials could have used some caution. This is the same reason Cuomo quarantined New Rochelle. It doesnt meant that new rochelle has bad people just means they had alot of cases and people living their had a high potential of spreading it. Again, i love people from new rochelle and not saying they are bad people but they were in a problem area at the time. AGAIN I AM NOT STEREOTYPING AGAINST NEW ROCHELLE PEOPLE. It makes no difference who transferred what to who. You just try to be cautious trying to stop the spread.

The more we learn and the longer this goes on the more we see that NY officials were not prepared.
talk about stereotyping. You think only Asians go to the lunar day parade. Let me guess you think only the irish drink on st. Patrick’s or Mexicans on cinco de Mayo?

The NYC health commissioner said to go to a f*cking parade in Manhattan and ignore the inaccurate information around coronavirus in mid February!!!!! You don’t see how this could have been an error in judgement?

To be clear you think it was appropriate for the nyc health commissioner to put out a tweet urging people to ignore coronavirus misinformation and go to events with large gatherings like a parade in mid February?

You can’t have it both ways. You can’t say this is the biggest crisis ever so we need to shut down entire us economy and then say well a parade in downtown Manhattan sounds like a good idea...

but you did say don’t stereotype so you must be a hero

lastly you have no clue who were the first coronavirus cases in NYC. You just know the first person who was tested and confirmed with coronavirus...very very big difference.

So the question of the day is would you go to the lunar new year parade right now if it happened today?

DO you think the recommendation would be the same today?

I didn't like the messaging at the time, but the timing of that parade the prevalence was much lower and the thinking was not unreasonable and even in retrospect not necessarily wrong at that time.

The virus itself is apolitical and designed to make all but the doomsayers look wrong.
I know several local docs who are positive, others who are presumptive but not yet with test results

This thing is bad and in our community
DO you think the recommendation would be the same today?

I didn't like the messaging at the time, but the timing of that parade the prevalence was much lower and the thinking was not unreasonable and even in retrospect not necessarily wrong at that time.

The virus itself is apolitical and designed to make all but the doomsayers look wrong.

it would definitely be different today but it doesnt make it right. they are paid to worry about these things and should have been paying attention to it especially places like in NYC. it is not unreasonable to not forcibly cancel the parade but to have the NYC health commissioner promoting the parade as if their are no risks and basically saying ignore coronavirus is a completely different situation.
it would definitely be different today but it doesnt make it right. they are paid to worry about these things and should have been paying attention to it especially places like in NYC. it is not unreasonable to not forcibly cancel the parade but to have the NYC health commissioner promoting the parade as if their are no risks and basically saying ignore coronavirus is a completely different situation.

As I said, I disagreed at the time with the messaging. It was well-intentioned but it did not do a good job of setting up the future messages, which were then ignored by many. T be fair, this is unprecedented in recent history and it is not a "hanging" offense. . DIphtheria and polio come to mind as similar in some ways, clearly not others
I agree with you Loyal but I see alot of people blaming Trump for not having test kits but not sure why he would be involved with that decision...but yes I am with you..this is a freaking once in a lifetime kind of pandemic, not sure we should be pointing blame at anyone....tough to contain, we were going to have lives lost no matter what, there are no walls for coronavirus. As late as Jan 14, the WHO was tweeting out downplaying the risk of coronavirus, the msm was writing stories saying worry about the flu not corona and yes the President was downplaying saying 15 cases, it will go away. Alot of blame but yet can we blame anyone in the end.

all of us were at the Maryland game celebrating a great win storming the court on March 3, very fortunate that no one was spreading coronavirus, no one was even thinking about it at the time yet is was present in the US more than we knew.
I agree with you Loyal but I see alot of people blaming Trump for not having test kits but not sure why he would be involved with that decision...but yes I am with you..this is a freaking once in a lifetime kind of pandemic, not sure we should be pointing blame at anyone.

I'm sure Truman's "The buck stops here" sign is gathering dust somewhere.
I'm not going to jump on the blame Trump for everything bandwagon (I have my own opinions that I'll keep to myself) but I do think he needs to step back from the podium for 2 reasons. First, let the damn doctors and public health officials do the talking instead of rambling tangentially and sending out wrong messages constantly. Secondly, although Pence is very articulate and calm, he too, is not qualified to speak medically and really is just up there praising the President for this and for that, etc. All I want to hear is medical updates, public health updates and logistics updates.
Those that are skeptical should read The Atlantic article titled "Why the Coronavirus Has been So Successful" and the Wired article titled, "The Doctor Who Helped Defeat Smallpox Explains What's Coming". Neither have direct links since I read them through my Apple news app. As a physician, these are excellent articles for lay persons to read.

Just in case folks are having problems linking:

"The Doctor Who Helped Defeat Smallpox Explains What's Coming"

"Why the Coronavirus Has been So Successful"
You could have mentioned Knicks games, Nets games, Penn Station, the MTA, religious venues, or any other number of spaces in New York that were crowded up until two weeks ago. Instead, you picked an event packed with Asian Americans (and yes, I am presuming that the Lunar New Year festival was predominantly attended by Asian Americans).

You know what you did. Deal with the blowback or conduct yourself more appropriately.

buddy use your brain or at least do some research before you rush to judge people.

find me a tweet or quote from the NYC health commissioner telling New York residents to go to a knicks game, nets game, penn station, religious institution or any other number of places and ignore coronavirus.... you can’t she only promoted the lunar day parade

it is funny now the NYC health commissioner is begging people to stay home and not support any businesses.
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I'm not going to jump on the blame Trump for everything bandwagon (I have my own opinions that I'll keep to myself) but I do think he needs to step back from the podium for 2 reasons. First, let the damn doctors and public health officials do the talking instead of rambling tangentially and sending out wrong messages constantly. Secondly, although Pence is very articulate and calm, he too, is not qualified to speak medically and really is just up there praising the President for this and for that, etc. All I want to hear is medical updates, public health updates and logistics updates.

For one, the doctors are not my president. This is a national crisis, the biggest since WW2. The president needs to be present.

He also needs to be there because the media would be writing articles daily about how he is not there. Now that he is in the briefings they want him gone. Funny how that works...

Lastly the media lie their ass*s off. An article was written yesterday about a guy in Arizona who ingested fish tank cleaner to prevent coronavirus. It had a similar name to chloroquine what president trump has been speaking about and what cuomo has been implementing. Guess what the headline was? “Man dies after taking malaria medication touted by trump as cure for coronavirus”

That being said I would like for him to take a step back during the updates but at end of the day all the questions are directed at trump.
For one, the doctors are not my president. This is a national crisis, the biggest since WW2. The president needs to be present.

He also needs to be there because the media would be writing articles daily about how he is not there. Now that he is in the briefings they want him gone. Funny how that works...

Lastly the media lie their ass*s off. An article was written yesterday about a guy in Arizona who ingested fish tank cleaner to prevent coronavirus. It had a similar name to chloroquine what president trump has been speaking about and what cuomo has been implementing. Guess what the headline was? “Man dies after taking malaria medication touted by trump as cure for coronavirus”

That being said I would like for him to take a step back during the updates but at end of the day all the questions are directed at trump.

I never said Trump shouldn’t be at the briefings, only that any medical or public health questions should be answered by the experts.
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