OT: Electric vehicles

No one is making you buy an EV, much less worry about finding a street-level charger for your flat in Islington. Why devote so much energy to a technology you don't care for?
and, while you want to dismiss the idea of people wanting a street level charger, it's a very real infrastructure issue. why do you dismiss the needs of others? because it doesn't fit in with your TESLA 4 LIFE! indoctrination?
No one is making you buy an EV, much less worry about finding a street-level charger for your flat in Islington. Why devote so much energy to a technology you don't care for?

Correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't you the one who advocated for near total transition to EVs, outside of a few cro-magnons who hold on to their 10-25 year old ICEs, by 2035? So the ability to find a street level changer in Islington, where ever the hell that is, is something you should consider important.
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I think nuclear will see a pretty big resurgence between now and whenever we figure out something more efficient. But I wouldn't be unhappy to discover I'm wrong about that.
I surely hope not! We still haven't figured out how to dispose of the waste generated over the last 50 years...
The top chart is the current national EV charging coverage. The bottom one is cell phone coverage in 2004. Half of Texas didn't have cell phone coverage 17 years ago. Things change fast when there is a ton of $$$ to be made.


Actually there were seven, 2,4,5,7,9,11 and 13. And that doesn't even count the a couple of UHF channels. Remember them? 😉
Forgot about 5 and 13! The antenna was never good enough to get UHF stations.
The various rocket companies will make a killing delivering it all into outer space. 🙂

I've always said, just launch it into the sun.

Of course, there's still the small matter of what happens if one of the boosters decides to blow up on launch. My recommendation would be to launch from Texas. Florida, maybe.
I've always said, just launch it into the sun.

Of course, there's still the small matter of what happens if one of the boosters decides to blow up on launch. My recommendation would be to launch from Texas. Florida, maybe.

They can borrow Hotblack Desiato’s ship for the sun dive.

Why the NDA? Hmmmm? Something to hide?
The NDA was a dumb idea. That's lawyers for you. It was not enforced and none of the beta testers followed it which is evident by the scores of YouTube videos uploaded since last October. Tesla axed the NDA a while back. Try to keep up and keep digging!!!
I don't think the product is what matters here. It's the type of marketing for the product and the sub-culture that sometimes evolves due to that marketing.

The Dr. Seuss Sneetches story is, in part, an object lesson in the mindlessness of some people in the face of intense marketing that seeks to use those people to leverage peer pressure to build a cultural phenomenon around a product or brand. Apple was, relatively briefly I think, successful at doing that. Tesla is trying to do the same now.

A critical element of the type of marketing I'm talking about is that it not only tries to convince you how good the product is, it seeks to build a sub-culture around the notion that every other competing product is shit. If you don't have a star on your belly, then you suck. But don't worry, the great news is we'll sell you a star for a bunch of money. Then you can be one of the cool kids, too.

Apple fanboys played right into that. As are some Tesla fanboys now.
Tesla doesn't advertise
Correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't you the one who advocated for near total transition to EVs, outside of a few cro-magnons who hold on to their 10-25 year old ICEs, by 2035? So the ability to find a street level changer in Islington, where ever the hell that is, is something you should consider important.

IMO. we cannot transition to 100% ZEV fast enough. They don't have to be all electric. My guess is that will be in about 10 years for new vehicles. as you've stated dozens of time already, there will be huge legacy of ICE vehicles, so you, Uncle Lemonjuiceface and all the other ICE worshipers won't have to worry about on-street charging solutions for some time.
Rockets work via one big long controlled explosion. But yeah. they‘d have to be launched from someplace remote. And from downwind.
That was kind of the point. There is no such thing as a safe place. You can't isolate the spread of the radioactive waste.
IMO. we cannot transition to 100% ZEV fast enough. They don't have to be all electric. My guess is that will be in about 10 years for new vehicles. as you've stated dozens of time already, there will be huge legacy of ICE vehicles, so you, Uncle Lemonjuiceface and all the other ICE worshipers won't have to worry about on-street charging solutions for some time.

Quoting myself - sorry, bad move - but relevant:

"Guys on Twitter" (James is one of them) who follow Tesla exclusively have been much more accurate on deliveries, earnings, and forecasts compared to Wall St. analysists.
Quoting myself - sorry, bad move - but relevant:

That's new car sales. Interesting data point in the article:

"That last point is backed up by data with seven out of every eight cars bought and sold in Norway a used car. The NAFs numbers show that of the 357,176 ownership registration changes so far in 2021, electric vehicles only accounted for 12 %."
You made the claim. Provide evidence of Tesla's "intense marketing". Their advertising budget is $0.
I'm amazed. You're actually serious. LOL.

Okay, let's start with the super-obvious. and Social media.

I'm curious how they budget for their website, since you say they have no marketing entry in their balance sheet.
I'm amazed. You're actually serious. LOL.

Okay, let's start with the super-obvious. and Social media.

I'm curious how they budget for their website, since you say they have no marketing entry in their balance sheet.
Don't forget the ad spot on the Times Square video billboard on the Marriott Marquis.
Don't forget the ad spot on the Times Square video billboard on the Marriott Marquis.
I just think it's mind boggling that any otherwise intelligent person would suggest, despite the obvious evidence to the contrary, that Tesla doesn't market itself. Unbelievable.

And why would the Teslaraita insist Tesla doesn't market itself or it's products? Because Tesla told them so; that's why. Oh, and look! They showed a balance sheet w/a zeroed out entry for marketing. Absolute proof that they couldn't possibly be engaged in marketing activities. 🤣

That's scary cultish brainwashed right there. Denying reality.

I suppose the next argument we hear is that the website, including it's blog and it's "tesla engagement" area, and all its social media accounts, like the official YouTube channel and twitter just for a start, are all just for disseminating "important customer information" only.

They would NEVER use such tools to market their message about their products and company. Nooooo.

Insane. Elon could shoot somebody on 5th avenue and the Teslarati would look around for witnesses to kill.
"Sales. But totally not Marketing. Really. Two different things, Sales and Marketing. Trust us."
Right? I'm sure they will, or would have, tried trotting out that bullshit.

The YouTube videos are sales infrastructure. The blog on their website is dry factual recital of fact. Their "customer engagement platform" is all about teaching customers how to operate their turn signals.
