I just think it's mind boggling that any otherwise intelligent person would suggest, despite the obvious evidence to the contrary, that Tesla doesn't market itself. Unbelievable.
And why would the Teslaraita insist Tesla doesn't market itself or it's products? Because Tesla told them so; that's why. Oh, and look! They showed a balance sheet w/a zeroed out entry for marketing. Absolute proof that they couldn't possibly be engaged in marketing activities. 🤣
That's scary cultish brainwashed right there. Denying reality.
I suppose the next argument we hear is that the website, including it's blog and it's "tesla engagement" area, and all its social media accounts, like the official YouTube channel and twitter just for a start, are all just for disseminating "important customer information" only.
They would NEVER use such tools to market their message about their products and company. Nooooo.
Insane. Elon could shoot somebody on 5th avenue and the Teslarati would look around for witnesses to kill.