I blame the driver, not the technology or car. If you rear end someone while in cruise control, it’s your fault.
I blame the driver too. But blame won't bring the motorcyclist back.
And by putting that type of badly conceived tech into cars, manufacturers are basically setting up drivers to fail.
manufacturer: hey driver, here's something that makes the car drive itself
manufacturer: we spent a hundred trillion hours making it perfect for you
manufacturer: why do we keep lowering the price if it's so perfect... uh... altruism
it's not good enough not to fail often so remain alert at all times
driver: cool, and uh, what?
manufacturer: don't sweat it, look at this glossy advertisement instead
driver: oh hey, cool
<time passes>
driver: this car just drives itself, this is great, i'll just stay alert though in case, like all software, it has bugs
<more time passes>
driver: been a while and haven't experienced a problem, must mean it's safe to ignore the warnings
driver: i'm getting a text msg from my GF, the car's fine, let me focus on the text
driver: oh no, she's breaking up with me
motorcyclist: i'm totally innocent in all this
driver: so should i type this or that to my GF to get her back?
motorcyclist: i really wish that guy behind me would slow down for the traffic ahead, as I'm doing
car software: the sun is in my eyes, the latest update tells me keep going to avoid customer complaints
motorcyclist: oh fu...
driver: wtf did I just hit?
cop: you hit a motorcyclist who's dead under your car, are the handcuffs comfy enough?
manufacturer: not my problem and look at those share prices climb
teslerati: the moral of the story is the motorcyclist should've been in a tesla
teslerati: the driver probably was using the car wrong, teslas are infallible, jalopnik sucks