Yes Qanon for sure. The influencer market is estimated at $14B. Mostly people pushing products and agendas not because they use them or believe, but because of the money funneled to them behind the scenes. Yes, I realize this went on before the internet but social media changed the game. Until you’ve seen an real influencer contract you wouldn’t believe how it all works in terms of the specific number of posts, tweets, etc., what they have to say and when, maintain certain number of followers, re-posts, generate comments, non-disclosures, etc.
Is there some reason to believe that Telsa might use influencers more extensively than, say Ford or Toyota? In any case, I've watched a ton of car and truck commercials today on today (well, largely skipped). Not one Tesla ad. Maybe auto industry influencers are a big thing? I dunno. What percentage of that 14 billion is for the auto industry? Automakers and suppliers account for about 3% of US GDP. Then divide that number across the various automakers and I doubt Tesla is possibly spending all that much on influencers. Until proven otherwise, I believe that influencer payments in the auto industry is a pittance compared to ad spending.
In any case, Telsa has a rabidly loyal bunch of owners who gladly rep Tesla for free at any given opportunity. I'd imagine that would be the case for many luxury automakers, except Tesla also brings another niche of folks concerned about global climate change and another niche of techies.