OT: Fear the Walking Dead is back tonight 9pm


All American
Gold Member
Jan 18, 2015
Yes I think it is weak writing and not the bigest fan, but I am compelled to watch and see where the hell this goes.
I will be watching, but really waiting for October 23rd to see who Neegan takes out.
The show is just terrible and in no way approaches the "Walking Dead "
Not being a California guy I find it hard to identify with the "look" of the show... however... I think FEAR has a lot of opportunity to become BETTER than the original.

I don't think the original knew it would be a big hit and they didn't have nice long character arcs in mind.

FTWD might have some more faith in their longevity and might be able to pull something real nice off. I just wish the characters were more likable. Maybe that will be the trick.. taking unlikable characters and making us like them.

I don't know why it is, but Hollywood seems intent on pushing all forms of entertainment on us filled with unlikable characters. Reality shows, scripted dramas.. even "comedies" and big budget movies with no one worth rooting for. I just don't get it. How many levels of gatekeepers must these shows get past where no one says.. "I hate these people".. get me a new cast or new scripts or whatever...
I'm trying to give this show a chance, but it's on thin ice with me. I agree with GoodOlRutgers. I don't feel invested in these characters. I do like Kim Dickens, but you know it's bad when the character I'm most interesting in seeing is a kid who's not on the show anymore... Tobias.
For every good moment there 2-3 wtf moments. The pacing and story is all over the place. Also not sure why they came back from hiatus with an episode only focused on one character. This should have been the biggest episode of the series so far.

I'll keep watching, but all this episode really did was make me want to watch Mr Robot, and look forward to season 7 of twd.
Thought last nights episode was a little better. Jumper zombies.
Why did they wait till then to jump? They heard the piano?