OT - Grown men waving pom-poms

Kid from Auburn is on my team... We found out it is yet another regional term, they call 'em SHAKERS down south. Still Pom-Poms to me.
Kid from Auburn is on my team... We found out it is yet another regional term, they call 'em SHAKERS down south. Still Pom-Poms to me.

We really shouldn't criticize anything another fan base does....

You know you are from rutgers when :
1. You get yelled at for Standing
2. You cant even do R-U Correctly
3. Band Plays through the offense
4. We cheer first downs like they're td's
5. You get kicked out of the stadium when its half empty, and snowing for taunting the WVU offensive line coach
dude in tiger face paint was embarrassing....

So what's wrong with grown men acting crazy for a few hours. I would be more concerned if they do it at work.
Penn St. has a ton of grown men face painters. How odd.

Pom poms are for chicks.