OT: Hobbs in trouble...

maybe it's time for the husband to take a step back

Article does say he left the program after this past spring season due a family decision. So I guess he's not going to be around the team anymore unless he sits in the stands with his kids. I agree that if what's quoted as his remarks regarding menstrual cycles are true, that's quite troubling. The sunburn comment is inappropriate too, but it's just dumb/stupidity more than anything. Even if folks don't burn per se, everyone can be exposed to UV radiation so applying sunblock/sunscreen is protection for all colors of skin.
"four Rutgers players entered the NCAA transfer portal between October 2018 and January 2019, before the season started"
It is weird, but to me this seems like a hit job from the people who want Schiano and are worried that Hobbs will not go in that direction. I mean this happened last spring and now it comes out when Hobbs is about to decide on a football coach that may not be Schiano. I hope people are not that vindictive, but you never know.
As I stated earlier in this thread I would be willing to bet a beer or 2 that these 7 girls either lost their starting jobs or thought They would be earning them based on seniority or something like that I didn’t like the fact that a new boss was in town and was actually working them hard like at a real program!

That wouldn't totally surprise me either. Some of the items in the article don't seem as extreme as being portrayed while some others are concerning.

I guess we'll see how this all falls out. an absolute tool.

"After NJ Advance Media contacted Rutgers Tuesday with questions about the allegations, Hobbs called one of the reporters working on the story and launched into a profanity-laced tirade that ended with him saying “You guys are f------ scum. Why should I help you people?” Hobbs sent the reporter a text message an hour later to “apologize for my words.” He then added, “This narrative around RU being a place where abuse is tolerated is bull----. But it gets clicks.”"
OP change the title to "Sarg Hit Piece" please. Thanks.
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I don't think 17 seconds for 100 yard runs is a jog though, more like 75-80% for a high school or D1 athlete, female. For male, I'm thinking maybe 65%. If healthy/fit/un-injured, I think one can be expected to do up to about 10 of those (with a few seconds between each) without extreme exertion or concern for well-being.
I don't think 17 seconds for 100 yard runs is a jog though, more like 75-80% for a high school or D1 athlete, female. For male, I'm thinking maybe 65%. If healthy/fit/un-injured, I think one can be expected to do up to about 10 of those (with a few seconds between each) without extreme exertion or concern for well-being.

Every team on the freaking planet does wind sprints. Who cares if it’s a “jog” or otherwise to be honest??? Again, as we both have noted, these are division one college athletes. This is absurd.
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even if you dislike hobbs, better pray he and sarah stick around and this goes away--want a real nightmare

Its basically guaranteed to stick around, because Rutgers fans will eat this up, and be clicking the links every two seconds. Rutgers fans love drama, and it makes us our own worst enemy.

It makes me sick to my stomach thinking of the smug smiles from all the writers when they check this website later tonight, and this is on page 5. I would never click that link, but sadly most will.
Oh my God you people with the drama. She took over one of the worst programs in the nation of course girls are going to quit and/or transfer!
Sure, turnover is to be expected, but over half the roster? That's not making some changes, that's a can of gasoline and a match, lol. an absolute tool.

"After NJ Advance Media contacted Rutgers Tuesday with questions about the allegations, Hobbs called one of the reporters working on the story and launched into a profanity-laced tirade that ended with him saying “You guys are f------ scum. Why should I help you people?” Hobbs sent the reporter a text message an hour later to “apologize for my words.” He then added, “This narrative around RU being a place where abuse is tolerated is bull----. But it gets clicks.”"
The media has been dumping on Rutgers for a long time. About time someone showed a little backbone in dealing with these guys.Good for Pat Hobbs.
I can hear the clowns from 101.5 crying already.
Every team on the freaking planet does wind sprints. Who cares if it’s a “jog” or otherwise to be honest??? Again, as we both have noted, these are division one college athletes. This is absurd.

I agree all athletics teams do wind sprints and have done too many to count myself back in HS. I just think it's disingenuous to characterize as a jog when countering the point. Jogging can be slow/medium/fast too, so at the end of the day it's reasonable to disagree. If some think it's a jog, fine. By my def, it's about a three-quarters (+/-) speed sprint but not a full sprint (unless hampered and recovering from leg/knee/foot injury).
By the way what exactly did you mean by “there’s only three left?” That there’s only three girls left on the softball roster of about 30? I find that very hard to believe. I count 19 currently on the roster. Probably doesn’t include this year’s class that just started school in September.
Per the article, only 3 of last year's starters are still on the team. If you look at the 2020 roster now on, only 8 are sophmore- senior, the rest are frosh and 2 grad transfers.
I'm not saying there was abuse going on, but ppl will look at that and think where there's smoke, there's fire...
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Clearly a coordinated effort from the big booster Schiano supporters to get Hobbs outta there and pave the way for King Greg’s return.

Never can trust the fake news media, or as I like to call them, the enemy of the people.
Its funny I thought of that but its probably a little far fetched.
Its basically guaranteed to stick around, because Rutgers fans will eat this up, and be clicking the links every two seconds. Rutgers fans love drama, and it makes us our own worst enemy.

It makes me sick to my stomach thinking of the smug smiles from all the writers when they check this website later tonight, and this is on page 5. I would never click that link, but sadly most will.

I'm with you. Ignoring them is the best way to deal with them. I haven't clicked on a politi article in 5 years. Will do the same with lisper now too.

Never really read him anyway. Doesn't know much about sports.
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The lawyer suing has sued RU before over the women's swimming and diving team, so clearly he view Rutgers as his own personal cash cow.

If he's smart he'll represent Butler on this. We'll end up paying her $3 million to leave.
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"The average under-17 girl can complete a 100-meter sprint in 12.8 to 13.1"

100 yds is almost a second faster so 17 seconds is not exactly hoofing it. I could do six right now (and article leaves out rest time between sprints so I imagine it wasn't short). A D1 outdoor athlete should handle this easy. All this "doubled-over and passed-out" stuff sounds like a kid who has or wants a lawyer. I can see why the team is so lame,
The comments on this board supporting Hobbs for the way he handled himself are shocking. Do you all seriously think any other P5 AD in the Country would be stupid enough to curse out a reporter? You'll change your tune when Hobbs is sent packing, as he should be.
It's actually not all that far-fetched.

There have been whispers of a coordinated effort to get rid of Pat. The details are a little sketchy, but... The overall story makes some sense.
Agreed. And I heard a while back that Schiano and Hobbs despise eachother, so it does make a little bit of sense. But this story doesnt really sound like Hobbs did much wrong other than the text message which I dont consider a big deal, even though its unprofessional.
Pat Hobbs seems to be in the same place Chris Ash was toward the end: Doesn't really want to be here anymore and is frankly kind of surprised he still has a job.
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"During another drill, Butler hit rapid-fire ground balls at a player, striking her with the ball and leaving her scratched from diving, multiple players said."

This was actually one of the complaints. I can't laugh hard enough at how soft these players have become.... that they are complaining and calling it abuse for "receiving a scratch from diving for a ball."

Whoever this player is has no business playing D1 sports.

Go Pat! Give these Star Ledger jerks hell for even printing this garbage.

This is clearly an orchestrated hatchet job, so someone can get a paycheck.
Agreed. And I heard a while back that Schiano and Hobbs despise eachother, so it does make a little bit of sense. But this story doesnt really sound like Hobbs did much wrong other than the text message which I dont consider a big deal, even though its unprofessional.
Why would they despise each other? Have they ever even met? Where do people come up with these things?
Per the article, only 3 of last year's starters are still on the team. If you look at the 2020 roster now on, only 8 are sophmore- senior, the rest are frosh and 2 grad transfers.
I'm not saying there was abuse going on, but ppl will look at that and think where there's smoke, there's fire...
Looking at the 2019 roster, I counted 13 players that were freshmen through juniors. The 2020 roster shows 9.

Freshmen last year: four. Three of them returned. They all started in our B1G tournament game. One was our top pitcher, another was Wingert (star catcher), the other was our starting 2B.

Sophomores last year: five. Only one is back, a pitcher.

Juniors last year: four. Three of them are back. One is a full time starter in the outfield.

We have two grad transfers on the roster, one from Alabama and one from Texas Tech.

Departing starters from last year's tournament team: senior, junior, freshman, sophomore, senior, senior. So we lost three starters that could've returned.

I bet the team continues to improve on the field this year. Some of the off field behavior sounds inappropriate (blood comment and going through phones in particular, if true) but a lot sounds like hard conditioning drills.
I just remembered the RU women's swimming "scandal" that went to media in 2017. The comments in the swimming forums were very supportive of the coach that the RU girls accused of being a bully. RU fired her - and then she won a 725k settlement and an apology from RU.

Rutgers Settles With Martin for $725K, Exonerates Her of Bullying Allegations

"Rutgers athletics director Patrick Hobbs is required to write Martin a letter of recommendation for future employment as part of the settlement terms. The school will have to release a statement publicly clearing Martin of the allegations, and will pay out nearly three-quarters of a million dollars to Martin, who had two-and-a-half years and $227,000 remaining on her contract when she was terminated, per"
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geez some of you are so wrong about hobbs and why it hurts RU tremendously if he left now or worst, was forced out--by the way this guy is an attorney and was the dean of SHU law,which by the way is a good law school and he's an ethics expert--believe me it takes a really big event (or fake news) by a reporter to rattle him that way
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"During another drill, Butler hit rapid-fire ground balls at a player, striking her with the ball and leaving her scratched from diving, multiple players said."

This was actually one of the complaints. I can't laugh hard enough at how soft these players have become.... that they are complaining and calling it abuse for "receiving a scratch from diving for a ball."

Whoever this player is has no business playing D1 sports.

The comments on this board supporting Hobbs for the way he handled himself are shocking. Do you all seriously think any other P5 AD in the Country would be stupid enough to curse out a reporter? You'll change your tune when Hobbs is sent packing, as he should be.

Agreed on the first part of this. Take out the allegations of what the softball coach may or may have not done, there shouldn't have been a reaction like that, especially to someone who's job is always having people on the record.
Agreed on the first part of this. Take out the allegations of what the softball coach may or may have not done, there shouldn't have been a reaction like that, especially to someone who's job is always having people on the record.
try walking in the other guys shoes--and by the way are these supportive comments from trolls??
100 yards in less than 17 seconds is a jog. I didn't realize softball players were so pampered.
That's what I thought. The abuse claims are comical. I got scratches because the coach was hitting ground balls to me too fast? Seriously? 6- 100 yd. sprints each in 17 seconds a junior high school girl could easily complete that daunting feat. Took our cell phones? Well you probably shouldn't have had them out. This is nothing more than the girls were mad the party under the former coach was over and they couldn't hack it with the new coach. Boo Hoo.
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