OT: Hobbs in trouble...

try walking in the other guys shoes--and by the way are these supportive comments from trolls??

So I'm a troll because I'm making a logical statement? And what is there to walk in the other guys shoes? You're representing a university. As much as you may have had a bad day, you can't say you're f****** scum in an official capacity like that. Take feelings out of whether this was just a way for a reporter to try and boost their name or obtain clicks on a website, or there's a failure of control, saying that breeds into what the piece is reporting.
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So I'm a troll because I'm making a logical statement? And what is there to walk in the other guys shoes? You're representing a university. As much as you may have had a bad day, you can't say you're f****** scum in an official capacity like that. Take feelings out of whether this was just a way for a reporter to try and boost their name or obtain clicks on a website, or there's a failure of control, saying that breeds into what the piece is reporting.
yup , you are a troll
I thought it said the suit was filed back in July. I assume plaintiff kept it quiet for a period of time to allow for a settlement. It didn’t happen so you go public. Pretty standard stuff here. I’m actually surprised that Hobbs didn’t put this out over the summer (say mid-August) when people pay less attention. It would’ve been the smart play.
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When are we going to stop allowing the anti-Rutgers media to control our athletics department ? Get Rutgers Television and the R Network on every cable outlet in the state. Get our games off of WCTC high school's pathetic station which has a broadcast signal of 12 miles. If we cant get a real station to broadcast and talk about Rutgers, BUY one. Make THE place to go first for Rutgers sports news (check website compared to ours). I am sick of the decades of lies and non-scandals that the anti-Rutgers media makes up or blows way out of proportion. AND make these jerks pay for the buyout of the swim coach where nothing was found after their made up expose of him.
The comments on this board supporting Hobbs for the way he handled himself are shocking. Do you all seriously think any other P5 AD in the Country would be stupid enough to curse out a reporter? You'll change your tune when Hobbs is sent packing, as he should be.
I can guarantee you there is not one other p5 AD that has to deal with the BS our media shovels.
This has been going on for years. Most other p5 media outlets get behind their programs. Not ours. This is NJ where we eat our young!!
This nonsense is getting in the way of the head football coach hire. Someone go tell Hobbs to focus on what's important.
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100 yards in less than 17 seconds is a jog. I didn't realize softball players were so pampered.

LOL - I have no idea what they do now, but in the 1990s, the football team used to run ten 100 yard wind sprints at the end of every practice. And sometimes they were done out of a full offensive formation (with a snap), and if someone jumped (a false start), the number of sprints started over again at zero. There were a couple practices where the team (the full team) ran well over twenty 100 yard wind sprints.
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I used to get 5 miles at 5 in the morning in 35 minutes as punishment. I was shocked the first tome I did it.
Ralph Weekly has had TONS of girls leave the Tennessee Softball program over the years because he works them like dogs. He has been there for 20 years and everyone knows he is a taskmaster,but he continues to get great recruits. The Rutgers Softball program was HORRIBLE before the new coach,partly because of facilities and probably partly because previous coaches treated the program like we were in the MAAC or Patriot League. Well, guess what, we are in the BIG TEN and other schools get kids who want to win.
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Your first sentence is so true. I remember 2 years ago the Florida football HC was in hot water and had to apologize because, while yelling at a player for an unsportsmanlike penalty, he told the player to "Be a man and look me in the eyes."
Yes, that is now considered inappropriate... The media said he challenged the player's manhood. Sad.

Wow... Do I dare say it?

We are doomed.
LOL - I have no idea what they do now, but in the 1990s, the football team used to run ten 100 yard wind sprints at the end of every practice. And sometimes they were done out of a full offensive formation (with a snap), and if someone jumped (a false start), the number of sprints started over again at zero. There were a couple practices where the team (the full team) ran well over twenty 100 yard wind sprints.
I will admit we never finished them right, but I had a coach that made us run 50 50s with 50 second breaks. We would get into the 30s and start screwing around, but every guy finished them even if you walked. We would literally go arm in arm to help guys. If one failed we all failed. I look back on that with nothing but fond memories. Now I could sue and win. Times have changed.
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I’ll see if I can find my calipari story. I dont feel like typing it again, but it is wild stuff.
Some of the responses in this thread are as comical as the abuse allegations...and frankly, part of the problem. I say good for Pat! We need to rally the wagons!!

Now, in no way do I condon verbal or physical abuse - but that line has become excessively blurry. In Randy Pausch's 'Last Lecture', he speaks about a coach who rode him hard throughout the season. And, although Randy was not a fan, he came to realize that the coach only did so because he believed in him. Meaning, silence would have been even worse. Sounds as though the softball team needed some tough love and that's just what they got. Rutgers is an excessively easy target. And, so is the media. They're NOT the enemy of the people. They're the fifth estate. Yes, the article was click bait...for NJ Advance Media. Time to Rally folks.
I’m laughing at this article because that’s not abuse down here. Those coaching tactics are all in SEC Softball. I didn’t know your coach was a former gator. It explains the tactics. I guess you can’t bring that style up north. That’s why we dominate in baseball and softball. The Collins kid transferred to UT and then quit. You know why, because it’s the same shit there.
Huge improvement in the team’s record. A coach who pushes the team and really wants to win. The players must have been living in a country club type atmosphere before.
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For an entire year, I would like to see us take every New Jersey reporter's access away to all Rutgers coaches,players, and practice facilities (sadly we can not bar them from going to games). Maybe make an exception for Todd Hunt . It is 2019 and I do not think doing this will affect attendance for any of our sports one bit. It is wayyy past time Rutgers took control.
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Dontrell, I lived ten minutes from the University of South Carolina campus for two and a half years. I can not even begin to explain the difference in the treatment of the state universities here and in SEC/ACC country. It is beyond pathetic .
Out at scratches from fielding ground balls. If that makes me an asshole, I can live with it.
7 players making the allegations and half the team transferring is a story.

But Hobbs had to curse off a reporter and make it worse.

As I said back when he botched the firing of the swim coach and kept Ash and scheduled BC over UCLA...

He's in way over his head.

It's possible that he's being plotted against but if he's trying to bring in a MAC coach over Schiano to not be outshone I get it.
lots of things here

first of all, todays youth are pussies, including most likely these hoo...tough it out.....

these incidents are now commonplace around the country not just here but we just went through one with swimming and then had them a couple years back with lacrosse coach and then with Tyree.

Hobbs words were in appropriate considering when the last AD opened her mouth more than half the board here blamed her for everything and defended the press, the same press Hobbs is cursing at is the same one that many of you threw rose petals out when they retweeted any Julie people need to be consistent here. I am disappointed in Hobbs for the football disaster but will defend him vociferously on this....f the media. Hobbs cannot shout at them enough for their hit pieces.

once you realize that the nj press and press in general are the enemies you will be okay. Julie was right, the Star Ledger and should go out of business
A fracking men!
iF the comment on the bus is true. That would be the 1 thing I would find fault with. Other than that? No wonder you were losers
Grow up or go home.
Geezus, I can't imagine how old I would have to be to not be able to run 100 yards in 17 seconds.

d1 athletes in college should laugh at such a thing.
This same shit happened to our lax team a few years ago. The team had to wear certain colored helmets after a poor performance and some Mom called and said the kids were being abused. Julie immediately suspended the coach.

Imagine at a real sports school making that call. You'd get laughed at as you were getting hung up on.
LOL - I have no idea what they do now, but in the 1990s, the football team used to run ten 100 yard wind sprints at the end of every practice. And sometimes they were done out of a full offensive formation (with a snap), and if someone jumped (a false start), the number of sprints started over again at zero. There were a couple practices where the team (the full team) ran well over twenty 100 yard wind sprints.
less than a decade ago, my high school football team did "pulse runs" which was 10 300's every monday tues and wed to end practice. culture today is just soft. This girl erin collins who is the star of the story just sounds like sour grapes. She was horrific. She batted .183 on the year and ended the year going 5 for her last 32. Probably had no business being on a d1 roster
A couple weeks ago Pruitt grabbed Guaratano's facemask during the game vs. Bama on live national tv and it barely lasted a couple of hours on twitter. Here a few softball players run some wind sprints and Sarg and some other NJ hacks want to make it sound like the biggest controversy of 2019.
17 second 100 yard dash equates to about a 75 second 400 meters and a 5 minute mile pace ... how much rest in between? ... did they start over and do more?

I remember doing 100 yard wind sprints in HS at the end of triple sessions the first week of practice. No idea on how fast as these were like quick strides.

Doesn’t the men’s football team do more once a year? Thought I read something like 15 of these ...different speeds by position group.
I’m laughing at this article because that’s not abuse down here. Those coaching tactics are all in SEC Softball. I didn’t know your coach was a former gator. It explains the tactics. I guess you can’t bring that style up north. That’s why we dominate in baseball and softball. The Collins kid transferred to UT and then quit. You know why, because it’s the same shit there.
Funny my friends daughter plays for Tennessee. He's a Jersey boy and Rutgers grad who relocated outside of Memphis years ago for you guessed it, FedEx. Any way she was really, really good growing up(all state) and is now a bench player for them. I have no idea about a softball regiment so I gave him a call tonight. I got done explaining everything and I just heard laughter on the other end of the phone. He said, you need to see a Tennessee practice that sounds like a warm up.
17 second 100 yard dash equates to about a 75 second 400 meters and a 5 minute mile pace ... how much rest in between? ... did they start over and do more?

I remember doing 100 yard wind sprints in HS at the end of triple sessions the first week of practice. No idea on how fast as these were like quick strides.

Doesn’t the men’s football team do more once a year? Thought I read something like 15 of these ...different speeds by position group.
dude.... LOL. We also like DL who can run sub 5.5 40 yard dashes which is a 4 minute mile, 60 second 400 meter. Running a sprint for 17 seconds vs sprinting for a mile are kind of a little different.
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