OT: Mike Rice

“I noticed you didn’t answer my question” lol… yeah because it was irrelevant.

I never said I didn’t hear the N word when I worked with the team. To conflate a Black man using the N word conversationally with a peer to a straight man (also the head coach) calling another man a f** as an insult/to belittle a player is crazy. If you can’t see the difference there then there’s no hope for you.

Based upon your tone/rant above I’m going to assume you won’t be able to see that difference…
You clowned yourself.
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Mike Rice made a mistake and that's why he's blackballed from the college game it seems.
MR hasn't been given another chance because his Rutgers teams weren't winners and College programs give coaches that broke the rules 2nd and third chances if they are proven winners.
If a coach gets in trouble and fired because of it, the ones that aren't proven winners don't get second chances, even if an assistant who acted the same, can find a spot in the game
Jimmy Martelli became the VCU Director of Operations in 2017 and now is an assistant at Penn State .
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Mike Rice made a mistake and that's why he's blackballed from the college game it seems.
MR hasn't been given another chance because his Rutgers teams weren't winners and College programs give coaches that broke the rules 2nd and third chances if they are proven winners.
If a coach gets in trouble and fired because of it, the ones that aren't proven winners don't get second chances, even if an assistant who acted the same, can find a spot in the game
Jimmy Martelli became the VCU Director of Operations in 2017 and now is an assistant at Penn State .
I don’t think Mike Rice needed to be blackballed from the college game to not get hired again. He simply may not have been the best candidate when compared to other coaching candidates. It is generally accepted that the two most important hires an Athletic Director gets to make are men’s basketball and football coaches. I was never an Athletic Director, but think some traits you would look at in a hire would be whether he is a proven winner, how will his hire impact recruiting, how will he relate to players, how will his hire be received by fans, and how will the hire impact the school’s brand,

When Rutgers hired Mike Rice he had taken Robert Morris to back to back NCAAs. The next athletic director will see his 44-51 record at Rutgers and no longer see him as an up and coming coach.

As for recruiting, an athletic director would have to be concerned that if they are fighting to get a recruit with another college, the other college recruiter will use the video to highlight why you wouldn’t want to play for Mike Rice.

Given the video, an athletic director would have to wonder how he would relate to players.

As for how fans would react, I wouldn’t expect other fans and their social media would be substantially different from our fan forum. I doubt his hire would be met with great rejoicing.

As for the college’s brand, what college would want to be linked to that video.

Athletic directors are unlikely to make any hire that puts their careers at risk. Moreover, a position as a college coach is a coveted position that most coaches have to work very hard to achieve. Once they get to be coach they have to work to stay as a coach. Does Mike Rice’s resume support him being made a college coach again? That ultimately is the question an athletic director has to make.
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He so deserves a second chance.
OMG he threw a ball at a player… every H.S. Coach from… forever….
He so deserves a second chance.
OMG he threw a ball at a player… every H.S. Coach from… forever….
I honestly didn’t know coaches throw basketballs at players all the time. Do you have any videos? A video of a coach other than Mike Rice throwing a basketball at a player’s head would be great. You could help make a lawyer very wealthy!
Really? Lol! I know one lawyer who begs to differ.
I am sure you do. Put two lawyers in a room and you’re going to get three legal opinions. It is why you can always rely on legal advice. I knew a lawyer who would probably have agreed with the lawyer you know and even advised Rutgers that they didn’t have grounds to fire Mike Rice. You can find numerous newspaper articles about him. He was Rutgers interim Senior Vice President and General Counsel and was forced to resign as part of the Mike Rice fiasco.
And this lawyer can confirm that lawyer was correct. Rutgers could not fire Rice for cause.
So your advice upon reviewing the video would have been to tell the Athletic Director and Rutgers President not to fire Mike Rice because they couldn’t get out of his contract under the for cause provision. Especially, with hindsight being 20-20, that advice is absurd. Clearly, Rutgers could fire Mike Rice because they did. They had to have a reasonable expectation that the video would come out. Advising Rutgers not to fire Mike Rice did terrible damage to Rutgers and its reputation and as a basketball season ticket holder led to my being subjected to the dreadful Eddie Jordan years for which I can never forgive them.
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So your advice upon reviewing the video would have been to tell the Athletic Director and Rutgers President not to fire Mike Rice because they couldn’t get out of his contract under the for cause provision. Especially, with hindsight being 20-20, that advice is absurd. Clearly, Rutgers could fire Mike Rice because they did. They had to have a reasonable expectation that the video would come out. Advising Rutgers not to fire Mike Rice did terrible damage to Rutgers and its reputation and as a basketball season ticket holder led to my being subjected to the dreadful Eddie Jordan years for which I can never forgive them.
Exactly. I said much the same earlier in this thread and probably every other thread on Rice since the fiasco. Anyone who viewed that video would've concluded this guy is off-the-charts abusive, especially for a person who is in a position of nearly complete control over the lives of these young student-athletes, and that he should be fired immediately. The fact that he wasn't will always be a stain on Pernetti, Barchi and RU.
So your advice upon reviewing the video would have been to tell the Athletic Director and Rutgers President not to fire Mike Rice because they couldn’t get out of his contract under the for cause provision. Especially, with hindsight being 20-20, that advice is absurd. Clearly, Rutgers could fire Mike Rice because they did. They had to have a reasonable expectation that the video would come out. Advising Rutgers not to fire Mike Rice did terrible damage to Rutgers and its reputation and as a basketball season ticket holder led to my being subjected to the dreadful Eddie Jordan years for which I can never forgive them.
No, my legal advice upon reviewing the video would have been that if they chose to fire Rice, they needed to pay the remainder of his contract because the few options available for Rutgers for firing Rice for cause would lose in court and open Rutgers to a series of discovery and depositions that they would want to avoid under almost any circumstances. Whether or not a person is fired is a decision to be made by the AD and the school president, not the school's employment laywer.
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No, my legal advice upon reviewing the video would have been that if they chose to fire Rice, they needed to pay the remainder of his contract because the few options available for Rutgers for firing Rice for cause would lose in court and open Rutgers to a series of discovery and depositions that they would want to avoid under almost any circumstances. Whether or not a person is fired is a decision to be made by the AD and the school president, not the school's employment

No, my legal advice upon reviewing the video would have been that if they chose to fire Rice, they needed to pay the remainder of his contract because the few options available for Rutgers for firing Rice for cause would lose in court and open Rutgers to a series of discovery and depositions that they would want to avoid under almost any circumstances. Whether or not a person is fired is a decision to be made by the AD and the school president, not the school's employment laywer.
You wouldn’t address whether his actions constituted grounds for dismissal under Rutgers employment policies? Seems like the heart of the issue. The money owed under the contract is an issue of course, but it wasn’t the main issue. The organizations where I worked all had policies that would result in the termination of employees whose behavior didn’t come close to what Mike Rice had done. In the organizations that I have worked, it is fairly common for counsel to opine as to what actions would constitute a violation of the policy. The newspaper accounts suggest that Rutgers’ General Counsel opined that Rutgers did not have grounds under its policy to fire Mike Rice and instead approved a suspension. If true, that is the opinion I have an issue with.
You wouldn’t address whether his actions constituted grounds for dismissal under Rutgers employment policies? Seems like the heart of the issue.

Sure I would. They don't.

The money owed under the contract is an issue of course, but it wasn’t the main issue. The organizations where I worked all had policies that would result in the termination of employees whose behavior didn’t come close to what Mike Rice had done.

That's because you don't work in a field where you are encouraged to engage in physical contact with the other employees daily for hours on end ... or where you are required to motivate 19 year olds and teach them to focus, perform, and excel when they are physically and mentally exhausted.

In the organizations that I have worked, it is fairly common for counsel to opine as to what actions would constitute a violation of the policy. The newspaper accounts suggest that Rutgers’ General Counsel opined that Rutgers did not have grounds under its policy to fire Mike Rice and instead approved a suspension.

And he was correct. All Rice would have to do is show that Rutgers tolerated similar language and coaching techniques from other athletics department employees (former and current). And he could ... easily. And he would win. And in return? Rutgers would get to have every email, document, employment file, etc - INCLUDING THE VIDEO - out in the open for the Star Ledger to bitch about for the next 15 years.
Sure I would. They don't.

That's because you don't work in a field where you are encouraged to engage in physical contact with the other employees daily for hours on end ... or where you are required to motivate 19 year olds and teach them to focus, perform, and excel when they are physically and mentally exhausted.

And he was correct. All Rice would have to do is show that Rutgers tolerated similar language and coaching techniques from other athletics department employees (former and current). And he could ... easily. And he would win. And in return? Rutgers would get to have every email, document, employment file, etc - INCLUDING THE VIDEO - out in the open for the Star Ledger to bitch about for the next 15 years.
Mike Rice was fired. The video came out.

I am not a fan of the Star Ledger’s reporting, but I would rather have them bitch for 15 years then keep a coach who would do the things Mike Rice did. My daughter was a Division 1 athlete who had a coach who was fired for abusive behavior. She transferred to another school where I had nothing but positives to say about the coach and her staff. As a parent, I am appalled by people like you who would keep someone employed whose behavior is so abusive because they are worried about bad press.
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Throwing basketballs seems quaint when you see the stuff at MSU, PSU, etc.

A basketball tossed. The horror! The horror!!

In retrospect seems silly.

Lots of people who have done far worse have been given second chances.

He deserves a second chance. He definitely had an edge but I thought a good coach.
Hurley is a screamer too…
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Throwing basketballs seems quaint when you see the stuff at MSU, PSU, etc.

A basketball tossed. The horror! The horror!!

In retrospect seems silly.

Lots of people who have done far worse have been given second chances.

He deserves a second chance. He definitely had an edge but I thought a good coach.
Hurley is a screamer too…
But he won. BIG. 2x.
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Rice wasn't the best HC when it came to how he treated his players.
He also wasn't a winner at Rutgers
Not being a winner makes second chances as a HC fairly impossible to obtain after
being involved in a scandal like he was.
But now with years gone by since that scandal, maybe it would be fair to end the (possible) college game blackball and let him take an assistant position in a college program and earn the right to be a HC again.